Szymon Uglis c71d310d6e
Changelog, license update, Implement stage channels, implements new permissions
Remove unnecessary stuff from tests and analyzer options, remove travis config file
2021-04-07 22:54:14 +02:00

135 lines
5.1 KiB

part of nyxx;
/// Represents channel within [Guild]. Shares logic for both [TextGuildChannel] and [VoiceGuildChannel].
abstract class GuildChannel extends IChannel {
/// The channel"s name.
late final String name;
/// Relative position of channel in context of channel list
late final int position;
/// Id of [Guild] that the channel is in.
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, Guild> guild;
/// Id of parent channel
late final Cacheable<Snowflake, GuildChannel>? parentChannel;
/// Indicates if channel is nsfw
late final bool isNsfw;
/// Permission override for channel
late final List<PermissionsOverrides> permissionOverrides;
GuildChannel._new(INyxx client, Map<String, dynamic> raw, [Snowflake? guildId]) : super._new(client, raw) {
this.name = raw["name"] as String;
this.position = raw["position"] as int;
if (raw["guild_id"] != null) {
this.guild = _GuildCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["guild_id"]));
} else if (guildId != null) {
this.guild = _GuildCacheable(client, guildId);
} else {
throw Exception("Cannot initialize instance of GuildChannelNex due missing `guild_id` in json payload and/or missing optional guildId parameter. Report this issue to developer");
if (raw["parent_id"] != null) {
this.parentChannel = _ChannelCacheable(client, Snowflake(raw["parent_id"]));
} else {
this.parentChannel = null;
this.isNsfw = raw["nsfw"] as bool? ?? false;
this.permissionOverrides = [
if (raw["permission_overwrites"] != null)
for (var obj in raw["permission_overwrites"])
PermissionsOverrides._new(obj as Map<String, dynamic>)
/// Returns effective permissions for [member] to this channel including channel overrides.
Future<Permissions> effectivePermissions(Member member) async {
if (member.guild != this.guild) {
return Permissions.empty();
final owner = await member.guild.getOrDownload();
if (owner == member) {
return Permissions.fromInt(PermissionsConstants.allPermissions);
var rawMemberPerms = (await member.effectivePermissions).raw;
if (PermissionsUtils.isApplied(rawMemberPerms, PermissionsConstants.administrator)) {
return Permissions.fromInt(PermissionsConstants.allPermissions);
final overrides = PermissionsUtils.getOverrides(member, this);
rawMemberPerms = PermissionsUtils.apply(rawMemberPerms, overrides.first, overrides.last);
return PermissionsUtils.isApplied(rawMemberPerms, PermissionsConstants.viewChannel)
? Permissions.fromInt(rawMemberPerms)
: Permissions.empty();
/// Returns effective permissions for [role] to this channel including channel overrides.
Future<Permissions> effectivePermissionForRole(Role role) async {
if (role.guild != this.guild) {
return Permissions.empty();
final guildInstance = await this.guild.getOrDownload();
var permissions = role.permissions.raw | guildInstance.everyoneRole.permissions.raw;
// TODO: NNBD: try-catch in where
try {
final overEveryone = this.permissionOverrides.firstWhere((f) => f.id == guildInstance.everyoneRole.id);
permissions &= ~overEveryone.deny;
permissions |= overEveryone.allow;
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses, empty_catches
} on Exception {}
try {
final overRole = this.permissionOverrides.firstWhere((f) => f.id == role.id);
permissions &= ~overRole.deny;
permissions |= overRole.allow;
// ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses, empty_catches
} on Exception {}
return Permissions.fromInt(permissions);
/// Fetches and returns all channel"s [Invite]s
/// ```
/// var invites = await chan.getChannelInvites();
/// ```
Stream<InviteWithMeta> fetchChannelInvites() =>
/// Allows to set or edit permissions for channel. [id] can be either User or Role
/// Throws if [id] isn't [User] or [Role]
Future<void> editChannelPermissions(PermissionsBuilder perms, SnowflakeEntity entity, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.editChannelPermissions(this.id, perms, entity, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Allows to edit or set channel permission overrides.
Future<void> editChannelPermissionOverrides(PermissionOverrideBuilder permissionBuilder, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.editChannelPermissionOverrides(this.id, permissionBuilder, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Deletes permission overwrite for given User or Role [entity]
/// Throws if [entity] isn't [User] or [Role]
Future<void> deleteChannelPermission(SnowflakeEntity entity, {String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.deleteChannelPermission(this.id, entity, auditReason: auditReason);
/// Creates new [Invite] for [Channel] and returns it"s instance
/// ```
/// var invite = await channel.createInvite(maxUses: 2137);
/// ```
Future<Invite> createInvite({int? maxAge, int? maxUses, bool? temporary, bool? unique, String? auditReason}) =>
client._httpEndpoints.createInvite(this.id, maxAge: maxAge, maxUses: maxUses, temporary: temporary, unique: unique, auditReason: auditReason);