2021-03-30 23:21:33 +02:00

40 lines
1.5 KiB

import "dart:io";
import "package:nyxx/nyxx.dart";
// Main function
void main() {
// Create new bot instance
final bot = Nyxx("<TOKEN>", GatewayIntents.none);
// Listen to ready event. Invoked when bot started listening to events.
bot.onReady.listen((ReadyEvent e) {
// Listen to all incoming messages via Dart Stream
bot.onMessageReceived.listen((MessageReceivedEvent e) {
// When receive specific message send new file to channel
if (e.message.content == "!give-me-file") {
// Files argument needs to be list of AttachmentBuilder object with
// path to file that you want to send. You can also use other
// AttachmentBuilder constructors to send File object or raw bytes
e.message.channel.getFromCache()?.sendMessage(files: [AttachmentBuilder.path("kitten.jpeg")]);
// Check if message content equals "!givemeembed"
if (e.message.content == "!givemeembed") {
// Files can be used within embeds as custom images
final attachment = AttachmentBuilder.file(File("kitten.jpeg"));
// use attachUrl getter from AttachmentBuildrer class to get reference to uploaded file
final embed = EmbedBuilder()
..title = "Example Title"
..thumbnailUrl = attachment.attachUrl;
// Send everything we created before to channel where message was received.
e.message.channel.getFromCache()?.sendMessage(files: [attachment], embed: embed, content: "HEJKA!");