2022-06-22 15:00:15 +02:00

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* Represents a HTTP request method.
typedef enum http_method_enum {
} http_method;
* Represents a HTTP header. Contains the header field key, the value and a pointer
* to the next header to form a linked list.
* All pointers of this struct must point to allocated memory or 0.
typedef struct http_header_struct {
char * key;
char * value;
struct http_header_struct * next;
} http_header;
* Represents a HTTP request. Contains the request method, the HTTP path, a linked list
* of headers, the query string (optional, without leading '?'), the request body (optional)
* and the content length of the body (0 if there is no body).
* All pointers of this struct must point to allocated memory or 0.
typedef struct http_request_struct {
http_method method;
char * path;
http_header * headers;
char * query;
size_t content_length;
char * body;
} http_request;
* Represents a HTTP response. Contains the HTTP status code, the status message,
* a linked list of headers, the response body (optional) and the content length
* of the body (0 if there is no body).
* All pointers of this struct must point to allocated memory or 0.
typedef struct http_response_struct {
int status_code;
char * status_message;
http_header * headers;
size_t content_length;
char * body;
} http_response;
* Function pointer type for the HTTP request handler function.
typedef void (*http_request_handler) (http_request * req, http_response * res_out);
* Used to start the HTTP server.
* @param port the port on which the server should listen
* @param handler a function pointer to the request handler function
* @return a negative integer, if the server exited with an error
int start_http_server(int port, http_request_handler handler);
* Helper function to add a header to a HTTP response.
* @param self a pointer to the response struct
* @param key the header field key
* @param value the header value
* @return 0 if the header was set, a negative value if the header was not valid
int add_header(http_response * self, char * key, char * value);
* Helper function to set the content length and to allocate the memory
* for the body of a response struct
* @param self a pointer to the response struct
* @param length the content length
void set_content_length(http_response * self, size_t length);
* Helper function to set the response status of a response struct
* @param self a pointer to the response struct
* @param code the status code
* @param message the status message
void set_status(http_response * self, int code, char * message);
* Helper function to get a header value from a HTTP.
* Returned value is allocated memory and needs to be freed, if not null.
* @param self a pointer to the request struct
* @param key the header field key
* @return the value of the header or null, if the header does not exist in the request
char * get_header(http_request * self, char * key);
* Helper function to get a query value from a HTTP request.
* Returned value is allocated memory and needs to be freed, if not null.
* @param self a pointer to the request struct
* @param key the query key
* @return the value of the query or null, if the query key does not exist in the request
char * get_query_value(http_request * self, char * key);
* Helper function to check if a header is valid.
* @param key the header field key
* @param value the header value
* @return true if the header is valid, otherwise false
int is_valid_header(const char * key, const char * value);
#define SOCKET_ERROR -1;
#define BIND_ERROR -2;
#define LISTEN_ERROR -3;