
706 lines
21 KiB

// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2019 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
log ""
waProto ""
type User struct {
Conn *whatsappExt.ExtendedConn
bridge *Bridge
log log.Logger
Admin bool
Whitelisted bool
Connected bool
ConnectionErrors int
CommunityID string
cleanDisconnection bool
messages chan PortalMessage
syncLock sync.Mutex
func (bridge *Bridge) GetUserByMXID(userID types.MatrixUserID) *User {
_, isPuppet := bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID)
if isPuppet || userID == bridge.Bot.UserID {
return nil
defer bridge.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := bridge.usersByMXID[userID]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBUser(bridge.DB.User.GetByMXID(userID), &userID)
return user
func (bridge *Bridge) GetUserByJID(userID types.WhatsAppID) *User {
defer bridge.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := bridge.usersByJID[userID]
if !ok {
return bridge.loadDBUser(bridge.DB.User.GetByJID(userID), nil)
return user
func (bridge *Bridge) GetAllUsers() []*User {
defer bridge.usersLock.Unlock()
dbUsers := bridge.DB.User.GetAll()
output := make([]*User, len(dbUsers))
for index, dbUser := range dbUsers {
user, ok := bridge.usersByMXID[dbUser.MXID]
if !ok {
user = bridge.loadDBUser(dbUser, nil)
output[index] = user
return output
func (bridge *Bridge) loadDBUser(dbUser *database.User, mxid *types.MatrixUserID) *User {
if dbUser == nil {
if mxid == nil {
return nil
dbUser = bridge.DB.User.New()
dbUser.MXID = *mxid
user := bridge.NewUser(dbUser)
bridge.usersByMXID[user.MXID] = user
if len(user.JID) > 0 {
bridge.usersByJID[user.JID] = user
if len(user.ManagementRoom) > 0 {
bridge.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
return user
func (user *User) GetPortals() []*Portal {
keys := user.User.GetPortalKeys()
portals := make([]*Portal, len(keys))
defer user.bridge.portalsLock.Unlock()
for i, key := range keys {
portal, ok := user.bridge.portalsByJID[key]
if !ok {
portal = user.bridge.loadDBPortal(user.bridge.DB.Portal.GetByJID(key), &key)
portals[i] = portal
return portals
func (bridge *Bridge) NewUser(dbUser *database.User) *User {
user := &User{
User: dbUser,
bridge: bridge,
log: bridge.Log.Sub("User").Sub(string(dbUser.MXID)),
messages: make(chan PortalMessage, 256),
user.Whitelisted = user.bridge.Config.Bridge.Permissions.IsWhitelisted(user.MXID)
user.Admin = user.bridge.Config.Bridge.Permissions.IsAdmin(user.MXID)
go user.handleMessageLoop()
return user
func (user *User) SetManagementRoom(roomID types.MatrixRoomID) {
existingUser, ok := user.bridge.managementRooms[roomID]
if ok {
existingUser.ManagementRoom = ""
user.ManagementRoom = roomID
user.bridge.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
func (user *User) SetSession(session *whatsapp.Session) {
user.Session = session
if session == nil {
user.LastConnection = 0
func (user *User) Connect(evenIfNoSession bool) bool {
if user.Conn != nil {
return true
} else if !evenIfNoSession && user.Session == nil {
return false
user.log.Debugln("Connecting to WhatsApp")
timeout := time.Duration(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ConnectionTimeout)
if timeout == 0 {
timeout = 20
conn, err := whatsapp.NewConn(timeout * time.Second)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to connect to WhatsApp:", err)
msg := format.RenderMarkdown("\u26a0 Failed to connect to WhatsApp server. " +
"This indicates a network problem on the bridge server. See bridge logs for more info.")
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, msg)
return false
user.Conn = whatsappExt.ExtendConn(conn)
_ = user.Conn.SetClientName("Mautrix-WhatsApp bridge", "mx-wa")
user.log.Debugln("WhatsApp connection successful")
return user.RestoreSession()
func (user *User) RestoreSession() bool {
if user.Session != nil {
sess, err := user.Conn.RestoreWithSession(*user.Session)
if err == whatsapp.ErrAlreadyLoggedIn {
return true
} else if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to restore session:", err)
msg := format.RenderMarkdown("\u26a0 Failed to connect to WhatsApp. Make sure WhatsApp " +
"on your phone is reachable and use `reconnect` to try connecting again.")
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, msg)
return false
user.Connected = true
user.ConnectionErrors = 0
user.log.Debugln("Session restored successfully")
return true
func (user *User) IsLoggedIn() bool {
return user.Session != nil || user.Conn != nil
func (user *User) loginQrChannel(ce *CommandEvent, qrChan <-chan string, eventIDChan chan<- string) {
var qrEventID string
for code := range qrChan {
fmt.Println("qrChan:", code)
if code == "stop" {
qrCode, err := qrcode.Encode(code, qrcode.Low, 256)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to encode QR code:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to encode QR code: %v", err)
bot := user.bridge.AS.BotClient()
resp, err := bot.UploadBytes(qrCode, "image/png")
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to upload QR code:", err)
ce.Reply("Failed to upload QR code: %v", err)
if qrEventID == "" {
sendResp, err := bot.SendImage(ce.RoomID, code, resp.ContentURI)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to send QR code to user:", err)
qrEventID = sendResp.EventID
eventIDChan <- qrEventID
} else {
_, err = bot.SendMessageEvent(ce.RoomID, mautrix.EventMessage, &mautrix.Content{
MsgType: mautrix.MsgImage,
Body: code,
URL: resp.ContentURI,
NewContent: &mautrix.Content{
MsgType: mautrix.MsgImage,
Body: code,
URL: resp.ContentURI,
RelatesTo: &mautrix.RelatesTo{
Type: mautrix.RelReplace,
EventID: qrEventID,
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to send edited QR code to user:", err)
func (user *User) Login(ce *CommandEvent) {
qrChan := make(chan string, 3)
eventIDChan := make(chan string, 1)
go user.loginQrChannel(ce, qrChan, eventIDChan)
session, err := user.Conn.LoginWithRetry(qrChan, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.LoginQRRegenCount)
qrChan <- "stop"
if err != nil {
var eventID string
select {
case eventID = <-eventIDChan:
reply := mautrix.Content{
MsgType: mautrix.MsgText,
if err == whatsapp.ErrAlreadyLoggedIn {
reply.Body = "You're already logged in"
} else if err == whatsapp.ErrLoginInProgress {
reply.Body = "You have a login in progress already."
} else if err == whatsapp.ErrLoginTimedOut {
reply.Body = "QR code scan timed out. Please try again."
} else {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to log in:", err)
reply.Body = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown error while logging in: %v", err)
msg := reply
if eventID != "" {
msg.NewContent = &reply
msg.RelatesTo = &mautrix.RelatesTo{
Type: mautrix.RelReplace,
EventID: eventID,
_, _ = ce.Bot.SendMessageEvent(ce.RoomID, mautrix.EventMessage, &msg)
user.Connected = true
user.ConnectionErrors = 0
user.JID = strings.Replace(user.Conn.Info.Wid, whatsappExt.OldUserSuffix, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix, 1)
ce.Reply("Successfully logged in, synchronizing chats...")
type Chat struct {
Portal *Portal
LastMessageTime uint64
Contact whatsapp.Contact
type ChatList []Chat
func (cl ChatList) Len() int {
return len(cl)
func (cl ChatList) Less(i, j int) bool {
return cl[i].LastMessageTime > cl[j].LastMessageTime
func (cl ChatList) Swap(i, j int) {
cl[i], cl[j] = cl[j], cl[i]
func (user *User) PostLogin() {
user.log.Debugln("Locking processing of incoming messages and starting post-login sync")
go user.intPostLogin()
func (user *User) intPostLogin() {
dur := time.Duration(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ContactWaitDelay) * time.Second
user.log.Debugfln("Waiting %s for contacts to arrive", dur)
// Hacky way to wait for chats and contacts to arrive automatically
user.log.Debugfln("Waited %s, have %d chats and %d contacts", dur, len(user.Conn.Store.Chats), len(user.Conn.Store.Contacts))
go user.syncPuppets()
user.log.Debugln("Post-login sync complete, unlocking processing of incoming messages")
func (user *User) syncPortals(createAll bool) {
user.log.Infoln("Reading chat list")
chats := make(ChatList, 0, len(user.Conn.Store.Chats))
existingKeys := user.GetInCommunityMap()
portalKeys := make([]database.PortalKeyWithMeta, 0, len(user.Conn.Store.Chats))
for _, chat := range user.Conn.Store.Chats {
ts, err := strconv.ParseUint(chat.LastMessageTime, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Non-integer last message time in %s: %s", chat.Jid, chat.LastMessageTime)
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(chat.Jid)
chats = append(chats, Chat{
Portal: portal,
Contact: user.Conn.Store.Contacts[chat.Jid],
LastMessageTime: ts,
var inCommunity, ok bool
if inCommunity, ok = existingKeys[portal.Key]; !ok || !inCommunity {
inCommunity = user.addPortalToCommunity(portal)
portalKeys = append(portalKeys, database.PortalKeyWithMeta{PortalKey: portal.Key, InCommunity: inCommunity})
user.log.Infoln("Read chat list, updating user-portal mapping")
err := user.SetPortalKeys(portalKeys)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to update user-portal mapping:", err)
limit := user.bridge.Config.Bridge.InitialChatSync
if limit < 0 {
limit = len(chats)
now := uint64(time.Now().Unix())
user.log.Infoln("Syncing portals")
for i, chat := range chats {
if chat.LastMessageTime+user.bridge.Config.Bridge.SyncChatMaxAge < now {
create := (chat.LastMessageTime >= user.LastConnection && user.LastConnection > 0) || i < limit
if len(chat.Portal.MXID) > 0 || create || createAll {
chat.Portal.Sync(user, chat.Contact)
err := chat.Portal.BackfillHistory(user, chat.LastMessageTime)
if err != nil {
chat.Portal.log.Errorln("Error backfilling history:", err)
user.log.Infoln("Finished syncing portals")
func (user *User) syncPuppets() {
user.log.Infoln("Syncing puppet info from contacts")
for jid, contact := range user.Conn.Store.Contacts {
if strings.HasSuffix(jid, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(contact.Jid)
puppet.Sync(user, contact)
user.log.Infoln("Finished syncing puppet info from contacts")
func (user *User) updateLastConnectionIfNecessary() {
if user.LastConnection+60 < uint64(time.Now().Unix()) {
func (user *User) HandleError(err error) {
if errors.Cause(err) != whatsapp.ErrInvalidWsData {
user.log.Errorln("WhatsApp error:", err)
if closed, ok := err.(*whatsapp.ErrConnectionClosed); ok {
user.Connected = false
if closed.Code == 1000 && user.cleanDisconnection {
user.cleanDisconnection = false
user.log.Infoln("Clean disconnection by server")
go user.tryReconnect(fmt.Sprintf("Your WhatsApp connection was closed with websocket status code %d", closed.Code))
} else if failed, ok := err.(*whatsapp.ErrConnectionFailed); ok {
user.Connected = false
go user.tryReconnect(fmt.Sprintf("Your WhatsApp connection failed: %v", failed.Err))
// Otherwise unknown error, probably mostly harmless
func (user *User) tryReconnect(msg string) {
if user.ConnectionErrors > user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MaxConnectionAttempts {
content := format.RenderMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("%s. Use the `reconnect` command to reconnect.", msg))
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, content)
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ReportConnectionRetry {
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendNotice(user.ManagementRoom, fmt.Sprintf("%s. Reconnecting...", msg))
// Don't want the same error to be repeated
msg = ""
var tries uint
var exponentialBackoff bool
baseDelay := time.Duration(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ConnectionRetryDelay)
if baseDelay < 0 {
exponentialBackoff = true
baseDelay = -baseDelay + 1
delay := baseDelay
for user.ConnectionErrors <= user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MaxConnectionAttempts {
err := user.Conn.Restore()
if err == nil {
user.ConnectionErrors = 0
user.Connected = true
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendNotice(user.ManagementRoom, "Reconnected successfully")
user.log.Errorln("Error while trying to reconnect after disconnection:", err)
if user.ConnectionErrors <= user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MaxConnectionAttempts {
if exponentialBackoff {
delay = (1 << tries) + baseDelay
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ReportConnectionRetry {
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendNotice(user.ManagementRoom,
fmt.Sprintf("Reconnection attempt failed: %v. Retrying in %d seconds...", err, delay))
time.Sleep(delay * time.Second)
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ReportConnectionRetry {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%d reconnection attempts failed. Use the `reconnect` command to try to reconnect manually.", tries)
} else {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 %sAdditionally, %d reconnection attempts failed. "+
"Use the `reconnect` command to try to reconnect.", msg, tries)
content := format.RenderMarkdown(msg)
_, _ = user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, content)
func (user *User) ShouldCallSynchronously() bool {
return true
func (user *User) HandleJSONParseError(err error) {
user.log.Errorln("WhatsApp JSON parse error:", err)
func (user *User) PortalKey(jid types.WhatsAppID) database.PortalKey {
return database.NewPortalKey(jid, user.JID)
func (user *User) GetPortalByJID(jid types.WhatsAppID) *Portal {
return user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(user.PortalKey(jid))
func (user *User) handleMessageLoop() {
for msg := range user.messages {
user.GetPortalByJID( <- msg
func (user *User) putMessage(message PortalMessage) {
select {
case user.messages <- message:
user.log.Warnln("Buffer is full, dropping message in",
func (user *User) HandleTextMessage(message whatsapp.TextMessage) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.Info.RemoteJid, user, message, message.Info.Timestamp})
func (user *User) HandleImageMessage(message whatsapp.ImageMessage) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.Info.RemoteJid, user, message, message.Info.Timestamp})
func (user *User) HandleVideoMessage(message whatsapp.VideoMessage) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.Info.RemoteJid, user, message, message.Info.Timestamp})
func (user *User) HandleAudioMessage(message whatsapp.AudioMessage) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.Info.RemoteJid, user, message, message.Info.Timestamp})
func (user *User) HandleDocumentMessage(message whatsapp.DocumentMessage) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.Info.RemoteJid, user, message, message.Info.Timestamp})
func (user *User) HandleMessageRevoke(message whatsappExt.MessageRevocation) {
user.putMessage(PortalMessage{message.RemoteJid, user, message, 0})
type FakeMessage struct {
Text string
ID string
func (user *User) HandleCallInfo(info whatsappExt.CallInfo) {
if info.Data != nil {
data := FakeMessage{
ID: info.ID,
switch info.Type {
case whatsappExt.CallOffer:
data.Text = "Incoming call"
case whatsappExt.CallOfferVideo:
data.Text = "Incoming video call"
case whatsappExt.CallTerminate:
data.Text = "Call ended"
data.ID += "E"
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(info.From)
if portal != nil {
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{info.From, user, data, 0}
func (user *User) HandlePresence(info whatsappExt.Presence) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(info.SenderJID)
switch info.Status {
case whatsapp.PresenceUnavailable:
_ = puppet.DefaultIntent().SetPresence("offline")
case whatsapp.PresenceAvailable:
if len(puppet.typingIn) > 0 && puppet.typingAt+15 > time.Now().Unix() {
portal := user.bridge.GetPortalByMXID(puppet.typingIn)
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(puppet.typingIn, false, 0)
puppet.typingIn = ""
puppet.typingAt = 0
} else {
_ = puppet.DefaultIntent().SetPresence("online")
case whatsapp.PresenceComposing:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(info.JID)
if len(puppet.typingIn) > 0 && puppet.typingAt+15 > time.Now().Unix() {
if puppet.typingIn == portal.MXID {
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(puppet.typingIn, false, 0)
puppet.typingIn = portal.MXID
puppet.typingAt = time.Now().Unix()
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(portal.MXID, true, 15*1000)
func (user *User) HandleMsgInfo(info whatsappExt.MsgInfo) {
if (info.Command == whatsappExt.MsgInfoCommandAck || info.Command == whatsappExt.MsgInfoCommandAcks) && info.Acknowledgement == whatsappExt.AckMessageRead {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(info.ToJID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
go func() {
intent := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(info.SenderJID).IntentFor(portal)
for _, id := range info.IDs {
msg := user.bridge.DB.Message.GetByJID(portal.Key, id)
if msg == nil {
err := intent.MarkRead(portal.MXID, msg.MXID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to mark message %s as read by %s: %v", msg.MXID, info.SenderJID, err)
func (user *User) HandleCommand(cmd whatsappExt.Command) {
switch cmd.Type {
case whatsappExt.CommandPicture:
if strings.HasSuffix(cmd.JID, whatsappExt.NewUserSuffix) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(cmd.JID)
go puppet.UpdateAvatar(user, cmd.ProfilePicInfo)
} else {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(cmd.JID)
go portal.UpdateAvatar(user, cmd.ProfilePicInfo)
case whatsappExt.CommandDisconnect:
var msg string
if cmd.Kind == "replaced" {
msg = "\u26a0 Your WhatsApp connection was closed by the server because you opened another WhatsApp Web client.\n\n" +
"Use the `reconnect` command to disconnect the other client and resume bridging."
} else {
user.log.Warnln("Unknown kind of disconnect:", string(cmd.Raw))
msg = fmt.Sprintf("\u26a0 Your WhatsApp connection was closed by the server (reason code: %s).\n\n"+
"Use the `reconnect` command to reconnect.", cmd.Kind)
user.cleanDisconnection = true
go user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.ManagementRoom, mautrix.EventMessage, format.RenderMarkdown(msg))
func (user *User) HandleChatUpdate(cmd whatsappExt.ChatUpdate) {
if cmd.Command != whatsappExt.ChatUpdateCommandAction {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(cmd.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
switch cmd.Data.Action {
case whatsappExt.ChatActionNameChange:
go portal.UpdateName(cmd.Data.NameChange.Name, cmd.Data.SenderJID)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionAddTopic:
go portal.UpdateTopic(cmd.Data.AddTopic.Topic, cmd.Data.SenderJID)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionRemoveTopic:
go portal.UpdateTopic("", cmd.Data.SenderJID)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionPromote:
go portal.ChangeAdminStatus(cmd.Data.PermissionChange.JIDs, true)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionDemote:
go portal.ChangeAdminStatus(cmd.Data.PermissionChange.JIDs, false)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionAnnounce:
go portal.RestrictMessageSending(cmd.Data.Announce)
case whatsappExt.ChatActionRestrict:
go portal.RestrictMetadataChanges(cmd.Data.Restrict)
func (user *User) HandleJsonMessage(message string) {
var msg json.RawMessage
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(message), &msg)
if err != nil {
user.log.Debugln("JSON message:", message)
func (user *User) HandleRawMessage(message *waProto.WebMessageInfo) {