Sumner Evans f2e762680c
media backfill: add ability to automatically request media not on WA server
This adds a new backfill type for media that sends a request to the
phone for every media that is not available on the WA servers. WA
deletes media from their servers after about two weeks, so you have to
ask the phone to re-upload it.

In order to use this, you need to enable
bridge.history_sync.backfill_media and configure the requests that will
be made per portal using (which is similar to
the deferred backfill config).

If you already have backfilled portals, but want to do a one-off media
backfill for all existing portals, you can set
bridge.history_sync.enqueue_backfill_media_next_start to true.
2022-04-19 08:12:51 -06:00

661 lines
24 KiB

// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2021 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
waProto ""
// region User history sync handling
type wrappedInfo struct {
Type database.MessageType
Error database.MessageErrorType
ExpirationStart uint64
ExpiresIn uint32
func (user *User) handleHistorySyncsLoop() {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
reCheckQueue := make(chan bool, 1)
// Start the backfill queue.
user.BackfillQueue = &BackfillQueue{
BackfillQuery: user.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery,
ImmediateBackfillRequests: make(chan *database.Backfill, 1),
DeferredBackfillRequests: make(chan *database.Backfill, 1),
ReCheckQueue: make(chan bool, 1),
log: user.log.Sub("BackfillQueue"),
reCheckQueue = user.BackfillQueue.ReCheckQueue
// Immediate backfills can be done in parallel
for i := 0; i < user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Immediate.WorkerCount; i++ {
go user.handleBackfillRequestsLoop(user.BackfillQueue.ImmediateBackfillRequests)
// Deferred backfills should be handled synchronously so as not to
// overload the homeserver. Users can configure their backfill stages
// to be more or less aggressive with backfilling at this stage.
go user.handleBackfillRequestsLoop(user.BackfillQueue.DeferredBackfillRequests)
go user.BackfillQueue.RunLoops(user)
// Always save the history syncs for the user. If they want to enable
// backfilling in the future, we will have it in the database.
for evt := range user.historySyncs {
user.handleHistorySync(reCheckQueue, evt.Data)
func (user *User) handleBackfillRequestsLoop(backfillRequests chan *database.Backfill) {
for req := range backfillRequests {
user.log.Debugfln("Handling backfill request %#v", req)
conv := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.GetConversation(user.MXID, req.Portal)
if conv == nil {
user.log.Debugfln("Could not find history sync conversation data for %s", req.Portal.String())
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(conv.PortalKey.JID)
if req.BackfillType == database.BackfillMedia {
startTime := time.Unix(0, 0)
if req.TimeStart != nil {
startTime = *req.TimeStart
endTime := time.Now()
if req.TimeEnd != nil {
endTime = *req.TimeEnd
user.log.Debugfln("Backfilling media from %v to %v for %s", startTime, endTime, portal.Key.String())
// Go through all of the messages in the given time range,
// requesting any media that errored.
requested := 0
for _, msg := range user.bridge.DB.Message.GetMessagesBetween(portal.Key, startTime, endTime) {
if requested > 0 && requested%req.MaxBatchEvents == 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(req.BatchDelay) * time.Second)
if msg.Error == database.MsgErrMediaNotFound {
portal.requestMediaRetry(user, msg.MXID)
requested += 1
} else {
// Update the client store with basic chat settings.
if conv.MuteEndTime.After(time.Now()) {
user.Client.Store.ChatSettings.PutMutedUntil(conv.PortalKey.JID, conv.MuteEndTime)
if conv.Archived {
user.Client.Store.ChatSettings.PutArchived(conv.PortalKey.JID, true)
if conv.Pinned > 0 {
user.Client.Store.ChatSettings.PutPinned(conv.PortalKey.JID, true)
if conv.EphemeralExpiration != nil && portal.ExpirationTime != *conv.EphemeralExpiration {
portal.ExpirationTime = *conv.EphemeralExpiration
user.createOrUpdatePortalAndBackfillWithLock(req, conv, portal)
func (user *User) createOrUpdatePortalAndBackfillWithLock(req *database.Backfill, conv *database.HistorySyncConversation, portal *Portal) {
defer portal.backfillLock.Unlock()
if !user.shouldCreatePortalForHistorySync(conv, portal) {
allMsgs := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.GetMessagesBetween(user.MXID, conv.ConversationID, req.TimeStart, req.TimeEnd, req.MaxTotalEvents)
if len(allMsgs) == 0 {
user.log.Debugfln("Not backfilling %s: no bridgeable messages found", portal.Key.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
user.log.Debugln("Creating portal for", portal.Key.JID, "as part of history sync handling")
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user, nil, true, false)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorfln("Failed to create room for %s during backfill: %v", portal.Key.JID, err)
user.log.Debugfln("Backfilling %d messages in %s, %d messages at a time", len(allMsgs), portal.Key.JID, req.MaxBatchEvents)
toBackfill := allMsgs[0:]
var insertionEventIds []id.EventID
for len(toBackfill) > 0 {
var msgs []*waProto.WebMessageInfo
if len(toBackfill) <= req.MaxBatchEvents {
msgs = toBackfill
toBackfill = nil
} else {
msgs = toBackfill[:req.MaxBatchEvents]
toBackfill = toBackfill[req.MaxBatchEvents:]
if len(msgs) > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(req.BatchDelay) * time.Second)
user.log.Debugfln("Backfilling %d messages in %s (queue ID: %d)", len(msgs), portal.Key.JID, req.QueueID)
insertionEventIds = append(insertionEventIds, portal.backfill(user, msgs)...)
user.log.Debugfln("Finished backfilling %d messages in %s (queue ID: %d)", len(allMsgs), portal.Key.JID, req.QueueID)
if len(insertionEventIds) > 0 {
time.Unix(int64(allMsgs[0].GetMessageTimestamp()), 0),
user.log.Debugfln("Deleting %d history sync messages after backfilling", len(allMsgs))
err := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.DeleteMessages(user.MXID, conv.ConversationID, allMsgs)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to delete %d history sync messages after backfilling: %v", len(allMsgs), err)
if !conv.MarkedAsUnread && conv.UnreadCount == 0 {
func (user *User) shouldCreatePortalForHistorySync(conv *database.HistorySyncConversation, portal *Portal) bool {
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
user.log.Debugfln("Portal for %s already exists, ensuring user is invited", portal.Key.JID)
// Portal exists, let backfill continue
return true
} else if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.CreatePortals {
user.log.Debugfln("Not creating portal for %s: creating rooms from history sync is disabled", portal.Key.JID)
} else {
// Portal doesn't exist, but should be created
return true
// Portal shouldn't be created, reason logged above
return false
func (user *User) handleHistorySync(reCheckQueue chan bool, evt *waProto.HistorySync) {
if evt == nil || evt.SyncType == nil || evt.GetSyncType() == waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_STATUS_V3 || evt.GetSyncType() == waProto.HistorySync_PUSH_NAME {
description := fmt.Sprintf("type %s, %d conversations, chunk order %d, progress: %d", evt.GetSyncType(), len(evt.GetConversations()), evt.GetChunkOrder(), evt.GetProgress())
user.log.Infoln("Storing history sync with", description)
for _, conv := range evt.GetConversations() {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(conv.GetId())
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to parse chat JID '%s' in history sync: %v", conv.GetId(), err)
} else if jid.Server == types.BroadcastServer {
user.log.Debugfln("Skipping broadcast list %s in history sync", jid)
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(jid)
historySyncConversation := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.NewConversationWithValues(
for _, msg := range conv.GetMessages() {
// Don't store messages that will just be skipped.
wmi := msg.GetMessage()
msgType := getMessageType(wmi.GetMessage())
if msgType == "unknown" || msgType == "ignore" || msgType == "unknown_protocol" {
// Don't store unsupported messages.
if !containsSupportedMessage(msg.GetMessage().GetMessage()) {
message, err := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.NewMessageWithValues(user.MXID, conv.GetId(), msg.Message.GetKey().GetId(), msg)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to save message %s in %s. Error: %+v", msg.Message.Key.Id, conv.GetId(), err)
// If this was the initial bootstrap, enqueue immediate backfills for the
// most recent portals. If it's the last history sync event, start
// backfilling the rest of the history of the portals.
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
if evt.GetSyncType() != waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP && evt.GetProgress() < 98 {
nMostRecent := user.bridge.DB.HistorySyncQuery.GetNMostRecentConversations(user.MXID, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.MaxInitialConversations)
var priorityCounter int
for _, conv := range nMostRecent {
jid, err := types.ParseJID(conv.ConversationID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to parse chat JID '%s' in history sync: %v", conv.ConversationID, err)
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(jid)
switch evt.GetSyncType() {
case waProto.HistorySync_INITIAL_BOOTSTRAP:
// Enqueue immediate backfills for the most recent messages first.
user.EnqueueImmedateBackfill(portal, &priorityCounter)
case waProto.HistorySync_FULL, waProto.HistorySync_RECENT:
// Enqueue deferred backfills as configured.
user.EnqueueDeferredBackfills(portal, &priorityCounter)
user.EnqueueMediaBackfills(portal, &priorityCounter)
// Tell the queue to check for new backfill requests.
reCheckQueue <- true
func getConversationTimestamp(conv *waProto.Conversation) uint64 {
convTs := conv.GetConversationTimestamp()
if convTs == 0 && len(conv.GetMessages()) > 0 {
convTs = conv.Messages[0].GetMessage().GetMessageTimestamp()
return convTs
func (user *User) EnqueueImmedateBackfill(portal *Portal, priorityCounter *int) {
maxMessages := user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Immediate.MaxEvents
initialBackfill := user.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.NewWithValues(user.MXID, database.BackfillImmediate, *priorityCounter, &portal.Key, nil, nil, maxMessages, maxMessages, 0)
func (user *User) EnqueueDeferredBackfills(portal *Portal, priorityCounter *int) {
for _, backfillStage := range user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Deferred {
var startDate *time.Time = nil
if backfillStage.StartDaysAgo > 0 {
startDaysAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -backfillStage.StartDaysAgo)
startDate = &startDaysAgo
backfillMessages := user.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.NewWithValues(
user.MXID, database.BackfillDeferred, *priorityCounter, &portal.Key, startDate, nil, backfillStage.MaxBatchEvents, -1, backfillStage.BatchDelay)
func (user *User) EnqueueMediaBackfills(portal *Portal, priorityCounter *int) {
for _, backfillStage := range user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Media {
var startDate *time.Time = nil
if backfillStage.StartDaysAgo > 0 {
startDaysAgo := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -backfillStage.StartDaysAgo)
startDate = &startDaysAgo
backfill := user.bridge.DB.BackfillQuery.NewWithValues(
user.MXID, database.BackfillMedia, *priorityCounter, &portal.Key, startDate, nil, backfillStage.MaxBatchEvents, -1, backfillStage.BatchDelay)
// endregion
// region Portal backfilling
var (
PortalCreationDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.portal_created", Class: event.MessageEventType}
PreBackfillDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.pre_backfill", Class: event.MessageEventType}
BackfillEndDummyEvent = event.Type{Type: "fi.mau.dummy.backfill_end", Class: event.MessageEventType}
HistorySyncMarker = event.Type{Type: "org.matrix.msc2716.marker", Class: event.MessageEventType}
func (portal *Portal) backfill(source *User, messages []*waProto.WebMessageInfo) []id.EventID {
var historyBatch, newBatch mautrix.ReqBatchSend
var historyBatchInfos, newBatchInfos []*wrappedInfo
firstMsgTimestamp := time.Unix(int64(messages[len(messages)-1].GetMessageTimestamp()), 0)
historyBatch.StateEventsAtStart = make([]*event.Event, 0)
newBatch.StateEventsAtStart = make([]*event.Event, 0)
addedMembers := make(map[id.UserID]*event.MemberEventContent)
addMember := func(puppet *Puppet) {
if _, alreadyAdded := addedMembers[puppet.MXID]; alreadyAdded {
mxid := puppet.MXID.String()
content := event.MemberEventContent{
Membership: event.MembershipJoin,
Displayname: puppet.Displayname,
AvatarURL: puppet.AvatarURL.CUString(),
inviteContent := content
inviteContent.Membership = event.MembershipInvite
historyBatch.StateEventsAtStart = append(historyBatch.StateEventsAtStart, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateMember,
Sender: portal.MainIntent().UserID,
StateKey: &mxid,
Timestamp: firstMsgTimestamp.UnixMilli(),
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &inviteContent},
}, &event.Event{
Type: event.StateMember,
Sender: puppet.MXID,
StateKey: &mxid,
Timestamp: firstMsgTimestamp.UnixMilli(),
Content: event.Content{Parsed: &content},
addedMembers[puppet.MXID] = &content
firstMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetFirstInChat(portal.Key)
lastMessage := portal.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
var historyMaxTs, newMinTs time.Time
if portal.FirstEventID != "" || portal.NextBatchID != "" {
historyBatch.PrevEventID = portal.FirstEventID
historyBatch.BatchID = portal.NextBatchID
if firstMessage == nil && lastMessage == nil {
historyMaxTs = time.Now()
} else {
historyMaxTs = firstMessage.Timestamp
if lastMessage != nil {
newBatch.PrevEventID = lastMessage.MXID
newMinTs = lastMessage.Timestamp
portal.log.Infofln("Processing history sync with %d messages", len(messages))
// The messages are ordered newest to oldest, so iterate them in reverse order.
for i := len(messages) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
webMsg := messages[i]
msgType := getMessageType(webMsg.GetMessage())
if msgType == "unknown" || msgType == "ignore" || msgType == "unknown_protocol" {
if msgType != "ignore" {
portal.log.Debugfln("Skipping message %s with unknown type in backfill", webMsg.GetKey().GetId())
info := portal.parseWebMessageInfo(source, webMsg)
if info == nil {
var batch *mautrix.ReqBatchSend
var infos *[]*wrappedInfo
if !historyMaxTs.IsZero() && info.Timestamp.Before(historyMaxTs) {
batch, infos = &historyBatch, &historyBatchInfos
} else if !newMinTs.IsZero() && info.Timestamp.After(newMinTs) {
batch, infos = &newBatch, &newBatchInfos
} else {
if webMsg.GetPushName() != "" && webMsg.GetPushName() != "-" {
existingContact, _ := source.Client.Store.Contacts.GetContact(info.Sender)
if !existingContact.Found || existingContact.PushName == "" {
changed, _, err := source.Client.Store.Contacts.PutPushName(info.Sender, webMsg.GetPushName())
if err != nil {
source.log.Errorfln("Failed to save push name of %s from historical message in device store: %v", info.Sender, err)
} else if changed {
source.log.Debugfln("Got push name %s for %s from historical message", webMsg.GetPushName(), info.Sender)
puppet := portal.getMessagePuppet(source, info)
intent := puppet.IntentFor(portal)
if intent.IsCustomPuppet && !portal.bridge.Config.CanDoublePuppetBackfill(puppet.CustomMXID) {
intent = puppet.DefaultIntent()
converted := portal.convertMessage(intent, source, info, webMsg.GetMessage())
if converted == nil {
portal.log.Debugfln("Skipping unsupported message %s in backfill", info.ID)
if !intent.IsCustomPuppet && !portal.bridge.StateStore.IsInRoom(portal.MXID, puppet.MXID) {
// TODO this won't work for history
if len(converted.ReplyTo) > 0 {
portal.SetReply(converted.Content, converted.ReplyTo)
err := portal.appendBatchEvents(converted, info, webMsg.GetEphemeralStartTimestamp(), &batch.Events, infos)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorfln("Error handling message %s during backfill: %v", info.ID, err)
if (len(historyBatch.Events) > 0 && len(historyBatch.BatchID) == 0) || len(newBatch.Events) > 0 {
portal.log.Debugln("Sending a dummy event to avoid forward extremity errors with backfill")
_, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, PreBackfillDummyEvent, struct{}{})
if err != nil {
portal.log.Warnln("Error sending pre-backfill dummy event:", err)
var insertionEventIds []id.EventID
if len(historyBatch.Events) > 0 && len(historyBatch.PrevEventID) > 0 {
portal.log.Infofln("Sending %d historical messages...", len(historyBatch.Events))
historyResp, err := portal.MainIntent().BatchSend(portal.MXID, &historyBatch)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending batch of historical messages:", err)
} else {
insertionEventIds = append(insertionEventIds, historyResp.BaseInsertionEventID)
portal.finishBatch(historyResp.EventIDs, historyBatchInfos)
portal.NextBatchID = historyResp.NextBatchID
if len(newBatch.Events) > 0 && len(newBatch.PrevEventID) > 0 {
portal.log.Infofln("Sending %d new messages...", len(newBatch.Events))
newResp, err := portal.MainIntent().BatchSend(portal.MXID, &newBatch)
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending batch of new messages:", err)
} else {
insertionEventIds = append(insertionEventIds, newResp.BaseInsertionEventID)
portal.finishBatch(newResp.EventIDs, newBatchInfos)
return insertionEventIds
func (portal *Portal) parseWebMessageInfo(source *User, webMsg *waProto.WebMessageInfo) *types.MessageInfo {
info := types.MessageInfo{
MessageSource: types.MessageSource{
Chat: portal.Key.JID,
IsFromMe: webMsg.GetKey().GetFromMe(),
IsGroup: portal.Key.JID.Server == types.GroupServer,
ID: webMsg.GetKey().GetId(),
PushName: webMsg.GetPushName(),
Timestamp: time.Unix(int64(webMsg.GetMessageTimestamp()), 0),
var err error
if info.IsFromMe {
info.Sender = source.JID.ToNonAD()
} else if portal.IsPrivateChat() {
info.Sender = portal.Key.JID
} else if webMsg.GetParticipant() != "" {
info.Sender, err = types.ParseJID(webMsg.GetParticipant())
} else if webMsg.GetKey().GetParticipant() != "" {
info.Sender, err = types.ParseJID(webMsg.GetKey().GetParticipant())
if info.Sender.IsEmpty() {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to get sender of message %s (parse error: %v)", info.ID, err)
return nil
return &info
func (portal *Portal) appendBatchEvents(converted *ConvertedMessage, info *types.MessageInfo, expirationStart uint64, eventsArray *[]*event.Event, infoArray *[]*wrappedInfo) error {
mainEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Content, converted.Extra)
if err != nil {
return err
if converted.Caption != nil {
captionEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, converted.Caption, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, mainEvt, captionEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, &wrappedInfo{info, database.MsgNormal, converted.Error, expirationStart, converted.ExpiresIn}, nil)
} else {
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, mainEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, &wrappedInfo{info, database.MsgNormal, converted.Error, expirationStart, converted.ExpiresIn})
if converted.MultiEvent != nil {
for _, subEvtContent := range converted.MultiEvent {
subEvt, err := portal.wrapBatchEvent(info, converted.Intent, converted.Type, subEvtContent, nil)
if err != nil {
return err
*eventsArray = append(*eventsArray, subEvt)
*infoArray = append(*infoArray, nil)
return nil
const backfillIDField = "fi.mau.whatsapp.backfill_msg_id"
func (portal *Portal) wrapBatchEvent(info *types.MessageInfo, intent *appservice.IntentAPI, eventType event.Type, content *event.MessageEventContent, extraContent map[string]interface{}) (*event.Event, error) {
if extraContent == nil {
extraContent = map[string]interface{}{}
extraContent[backfillIDField] = info.ID
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
extraContent[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
wrappedContent := event.Content{
Parsed: content,
Raw: extraContent,
newEventType, err := portal.encrypt(&wrappedContent, eventType)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if newEventType == event.EventEncrypted {
// Clear other custom keys if the event was encrypted, but keep the double puppet identifier
wrappedContent.Raw = map[string]interface{}{backfillIDField: info.ID}
if intent.IsCustomPuppet {
wrappedContent.Raw[doublePuppetKey] = doublePuppetValue
return &event.Event{
Sender: intent.UserID,
Type: newEventType,
Timestamp: info.Timestamp.UnixMilli(),
Content: wrappedContent,
}, nil
func (portal *Portal) finishBatch(eventIDs []id.EventID, infos []*wrappedInfo) {
if len(eventIDs) != len(infos) {
portal.log.Errorfln("Length of event IDs (%d) and message infos (%d) doesn't match! Using slow path for mapping event IDs", len(eventIDs), len(infos))
infoMap := make(map[types.MessageID]*wrappedInfo, len(infos))
for _, info := range infos {
infoMap[info.ID] = info
for _, eventID := range eventIDs {
if evt, err := portal.MainIntent().GetEvent(portal.MXID, eventID); err != nil {
portal.log.Warnfln("Failed to get event %s to register it in the database: %v", eventID, err)
} else if msgID, ok := evt.Content.Raw[backfillIDField].(string); !ok {
portal.log.Warnfln("Event %s doesn't include the WhatsApp message ID", eventID)
} else if info, ok := infoMap[types.MessageID(msgID)]; !ok {
portal.log.Warnfln("Didn't find info of message %s (event %s) to register it in the database", msgID, eventID)
} else {
portal.finishBatchEvt(info, eventID)
} else {
for i := 0; i < len(infos); i++ {
portal.finishBatchEvt(infos[i], eventIDs[i])
portal.log.Infofln("Successfully sent %d events", len(eventIDs))
func (portal *Portal) finishBatchEvt(info *wrappedInfo, eventID id.EventID) {
if info == nil {
portal.markHandled(nil, info.MessageInfo, eventID, true, false, info.Type, info.Error)
if info.ExpiresIn > 0 {
if info.ExpirationStart > 0 {
remainingSeconds := time.Unix(int64(info.ExpirationStart), 0).Add(time.Duration(info.ExpiresIn) * time.Second).Sub(time.Now()).Seconds()
portal.log.Debugfln("Disappearing history sync message: expires in %d, started at %d, remaining %d", info.ExpiresIn, info.ExpirationStart, int(remainingSeconds))
portal.MarkDisappearing(eventID, uint32(remainingSeconds), true)
} else {
portal.log.Debugfln("Disappearing history sync message: expires in %d (not started)", info.ExpiresIn)
portal.MarkDisappearing(eventID, info.ExpiresIn, false)
func (portal *Portal) sendPostBackfillDummy(lastTimestamp time.Time, insertionEventId id.EventID) {
// TODO remove after clients stop using this
_, _ = portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, BackfillEndDummyEvent, struct{}{})
resp, err := portal.MainIntent().SendMessageEvent(portal.MXID, HistorySyncMarker, map[string]interface{}{
"org.matrix.msc2716.marker.insertion": insertionEventId,
//"m.marker.insertion": insertionEventId,
if err != nil {
portal.log.Errorln("Error sending post-backfill dummy event:", err)
msg := portal.bridge.DB.Message.New()
msg.Chat = portal.Key
msg.MXID = resp.EventID
msg.JID = types.MessageID(resp.EventID)
msg.Timestamp = lastTimestamp.Add(1 * time.Second)
msg.Sent = true
// endregion