forked from MirrorHub/mautrix-whatsapp
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// mautrix-whatsapp - A Matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge.
// Copyright (C) 2022 Tulir Asokan
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
package main
import (
waProto ""
waLog ""
type User struct {
Client *whatsmeow.Client
Session *store.Device
bridge *WABridge
zlog zerolog.Logger
// Deprecated
log maulogger.Logger
Admin bool
Whitelisted bool
RelayWhitelisted bool
PermissionLevel bridgeconfig.PermissionLevel
mgmtCreateLock sync.Mutex
spaceCreateLock sync.Mutex
connLock sync.Mutex
historySyncs chan *events.HistorySync
lastPresence types.Presence
historySyncLoopsStarted bool
enqueueBackfillsTimer *time.Timer
spaceMembershipChecked bool
lastPhoneOfflineWarning time.Time
groupListCache []*types.GroupInfo
groupListCacheLock sync.Mutex
groupListCacheTime time.Time
BackfillQueue *BackfillQueue
BridgeState *bridge.BridgeStateQueue
resyncQueue map[types.JID]resyncQueueItem
resyncQueueLock sync.Mutex
nextResync time.Time
createKeyDedup string
skipGroupCreateDelay types.JID
groupJoinLock sync.Mutex
type resyncQueueItem struct {
portal *Portal
puppet *Puppet
func (br *WABridge) getUserByMXID(userID id.UserID, onlyIfExists bool) *User {
_, isPuppet := br.ParsePuppetMXID(userID)
if isPuppet || userID == br.Bot.UserID {
return nil
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := br.usersByMXID[userID]
if !ok {
userIDPtr := &userID
if onlyIfExists {
userIDPtr = nil
return br.loadDBUser(br.DB.User.GetByMXID(userID), userIDPtr)
return user
func (br *WABridge) GetUserByMXID(userID id.UserID) *User {
return br.getUserByMXID(userID, false)
func (br *WABridge) GetIUser(userID id.UserID, create bool) bridge.User {
u := br.getUserByMXID(userID, !create)
if u == nil {
return nil
return u
func (user *User) GetPermissionLevel() bridgeconfig.PermissionLevel {
return user.PermissionLevel
func (user *User) GetManagementRoomID() id.RoomID {
return user.ManagementRoom
func (user *User) GetMXID() id.UserID {
return user.MXID
func (user *User) GetCommandState() map[string]interface{} {
return nil
func (br *WABridge) GetUserByMXIDIfExists(userID id.UserID) *User {
return br.getUserByMXID(userID, true)
func (br *WABridge) GetUserByJID(jid types.JID) *User {
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
user, ok := br.usersByUsername[jid.User]
if !ok {
return br.loadDBUser(br.DB.User.GetByUsername(jid.User), nil)
return user
func (user *User) addToJIDMap() {
user.bridge.usersByUsername[user.JID.User] = user
func (user *User) removeFromJIDMap(state status.BridgeState) {
jidUser, ok := user.bridge.usersByUsername[user.JID.User]
if ok && user == jidUser {
delete(user.bridge.usersByUsername, user.JID.User)
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackLoginState(user.JID, false)
func (br *WABridge) GetAllUsers() []*User {
defer br.usersLock.Unlock()
dbUsers := br.DB.User.GetAll()
output := make([]*User, len(dbUsers))
for index, dbUser := range dbUsers {
user, ok := br.usersByMXID[dbUser.MXID]
if !ok {
user = br.loadDBUser(dbUser, nil)
output[index] = user
return output
func (br *WABridge) loadDBUser(dbUser *database.User, mxid *id.UserID) *User {
if dbUser == nil {
if mxid == nil {
return nil
dbUser = br.DB.User.New()
dbUser.MXID = *mxid
user := br.NewUser(dbUser)
br.usersByMXID[user.MXID] = user
if !user.JID.IsEmpty() {
var err error
user.Session, err = br.WAContainer.GetDevice(user.JID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorfln("Failed to load user's whatsapp session: %v", err)
} else if user.Session == nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Didn't find session data for %s, treating user as logged out", user.JID)
user.JID = types.EmptyJID
} else {
user.Session.Log = &waLogger{user.log.Sub("Session")}
br.usersByUsername[user.JID.User] = user
if len(user.ManagementRoom) > 0 {
br.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
return user
func (br *WABridge) NewUser(dbUser *database.User) *User {
user := &User{
User: dbUser,
bridge: br,
zlog: br.ZLog.With().Str("user_id", dbUser.MXID.String()).Logger(),
historySyncs: make(chan *events.HistorySync, 32),
lastPresence: types.PresenceUnavailable,
resyncQueue: make(map[types.JID]resyncQueueItem),
user.log = maulogadapt.ZeroAsMau(&user.zlog)
user.PermissionLevel = user.bridge.Config.Bridge.Permissions.Get(user.MXID)
user.RelayWhitelisted = user.PermissionLevel >= bridgeconfig.PermissionLevelRelay
user.Whitelisted = user.PermissionLevel >= bridgeconfig.PermissionLevelUser
user.Admin = user.PermissionLevel >= bridgeconfig.PermissionLevelAdmin
user.BridgeState = br.NewBridgeStateQueue(user)
user.enqueueBackfillsTimer = time.NewTimer(5 * time.Second)
go user.puppetResyncLoop()
return user
const resyncMinInterval = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
const resyncLoopInterval = 4 * time.Hour
func (user *User) puppetResyncLoop() {
user.nextResync = time.Now().Add(resyncLoopInterval).Add(-time.Duration(rand.Intn(3600)) * time.Second)
for {
user.nextResync = time.Now().Add(resyncLoopInterval)
func (user *User) EnqueuePuppetResync(puppet *Puppet) {
if puppet.LastSync.Add(resyncMinInterval).After(time.Now()) {
if _, exists := user.resyncQueue[puppet.JID]; !exists {
user.resyncQueue[puppet.JID] = resyncQueueItem{puppet: puppet}
user.log.Debugfln("Enqueued resync for %s (next sync in %s)", puppet.JID, user.nextResync.Sub(time.Now()))
func (user *User) EnqueuePortalResync(portal *Portal) {
if !portal.IsGroupChat() || portal.LastSync.Add(resyncMinInterval).After(time.Now()) {
if _, exists := user.resyncQueue[portal.Key.JID]; !exists {
user.resyncQueue[portal.Key.JID] = resyncQueueItem{portal: portal}
user.log.Debugfln("Enqueued resync for %s (next sync in %s)", portal.Key.JID, user.nextResync.Sub(time.Now()))
func (user *User) doPuppetResync() {
if !user.IsLoggedIn() {
if len(user.resyncQueue) == 0 {
queue := user.resyncQueue
user.resyncQueue = make(map[types.JID]resyncQueueItem)
var puppetJIDs []types.JID
var puppets []*Puppet
var portals []*Portal
for jid, item := range queue {
var lastSync time.Time
if item.puppet != nil {
lastSync = item.puppet.LastSync
} else if item.portal != nil {
lastSync = item.portal.LastSync
if lastSync.Add(resyncMinInterval).After(time.Now()) {
user.log.Debugfln("Not resyncing %s, last sync was %s ago", jid, time.Now().Sub(lastSync))
if item.puppet != nil {
puppets = append(puppets, item.puppet)
puppetJIDs = append(puppetJIDs, jid)
} else if item.portal != nil {
portals = append(portals, item.portal)
for _, portal := range portals {
groupInfo, err := user.Client.GetGroupInfo(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to get group info for %s to do background sync: %v", portal.Key.JID, err)
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Doing background sync for %s", portal.Key.JID)
portal.UpdateMatrixRoom(user, groupInfo)
if len(puppetJIDs) == 0 {
user.log.Debugfln("Doing background sync for users: %+v", puppetJIDs)
infos, err := user.Client.GetUserInfo(puppetJIDs)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorfln("Error getting user info for background sync: %v", err)
for _, puppet := range puppets {
info, ok := infos[puppet.JID]
if !ok {
user.log.Warnfln("Didn't get info for %s in background sync", puppet.JID)
var contactPtr *types.ContactInfo
contact, err := user.Session.Contacts.GetContact(puppet.JID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to get contact info for %s in background sync: %v", puppet.JID, err)
} else if contact.Found {
contactPtr = &contact
puppet.Sync(user, contactPtr, info.PictureID != "" && info.PictureID != puppet.Avatar, true)
func (user *User) ensureInvited(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, roomID id.RoomID, isDirect bool) (ok bool) {
extraContent := make(map[string]interface{})
if isDirect {
extraContent["is_direct"] = true
customPuppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
extraContent["fi.mau.will_auto_accept"] = true
_, err := intent.InviteUser(roomID, &mautrix.ReqInviteUser{UserID: user.MXID}, extraContent)
var httpErr mautrix.HTTPError
if err != nil && errors.As(err, &httpErr) && httpErr.RespError != nil && strings.Contains(httpErr.RespError.Err, "is already in the room") {
user.bridge.StateStore.SetMembership(roomID, user.MXID, event.MembershipJoin)
ok = true
} else if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to invite user to %s: %v", roomID, err)
} else {
ok = true
if customPuppet != nil && customPuppet.CustomIntent() != nil {
err = customPuppet.CustomIntent().EnsureJoined(roomID, appservice.EnsureJoinedParams{IgnoreCache: true})
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to auto-join %s: %v", roomID, err)
ok = false
} else {
ok = true
func (user *User) GetSpaceRoom() id.RoomID {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.PersonalFilteringSpaces {
return ""
if len(user.SpaceRoom) == 0 {
defer user.spaceCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(user.SpaceRoom) > 0 {
return user.SpaceRoom
resp, err := user.bridge.Bot.CreateRoom(&mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Visibility: "private",
Name: "WhatsApp",
Topic: "Your WhatsApp bridged chats",
InitialState: []*event.Event{{
Type: event.StateRoomAvatar,
Content: event.Content{
Parsed: &event.RoomAvatarEventContent{
URL: user.bridge.Config.AppService.Bot.ParsedAvatar,
CreationContent: map[string]interface{}{
"type": event.RoomTypeSpace,
PowerLevelOverride: &event.PowerLevelsEventContent{
Users: map[id.UserID]int{
user.bridge.Bot.UserID: 9001,
user.MXID: 50,
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to auto-create space room:", err)
} else {
user.SpaceRoom = resp.RoomID
user.ensureInvited(user.bridge.Bot, user.SpaceRoom, false)
} else if !user.spaceMembershipChecked && !user.bridge.StateStore.IsInRoom(user.SpaceRoom, user.MXID) {
user.ensureInvited(user.bridge.Bot, user.SpaceRoom, false)
user.spaceMembershipChecked = true
return user.SpaceRoom
func (user *User) GetManagementRoom() id.RoomID {
if len(user.ManagementRoom) == 0 {
defer user.mgmtCreateLock.Unlock()
if len(user.ManagementRoom) > 0 {
return user.ManagementRoom
creationContent := make(map[string]interface{})
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.FederateRooms {
creationContent["m.federate"] = false
resp, err := user.bridge.Bot.CreateRoom(&mautrix.ReqCreateRoom{
Topic: "WhatsApp bridge notices",
IsDirect: true,
CreationContent: creationContent,
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to auto-create management room:", err)
} else {
return user.ManagementRoom
func (user *User) SetManagementRoom(roomID id.RoomID) {
existingUser, ok := user.bridge.managementRooms[roomID]
if ok {
existingUser.ManagementRoom = ""
user.ManagementRoom = roomID
user.bridge.managementRooms[user.ManagementRoom] = user
type waLogger struct{ l maulogger.Logger }
func (w *waLogger) Debugf(msg string, args ...interface{}) { w.l.Debugfln(msg, args...) }
func (w *waLogger) Infof(msg string, args ...interface{}) { w.l.Infofln(msg, args...) }
func (w *waLogger) Warnf(msg string, args ...interface{}) { w.l.Warnfln(msg, args...) }
func (w *waLogger) Errorf(msg string, args ...interface{}) { w.l.Errorfln(msg, args...) }
func (w *waLogger) Sub(module string) waLog.Logger { return &waLogger{l: w.l.Sub(module)} }
var ErrAlreadyLoggedIn = errors.New("already logged in")
func (user *User) obfuscateJID(jid types.JID) string {
// Turn the first 4 bytes of HMAC-SHA256(hs_token, phone) into a number and replace the middle of the actual phone with that deterministic random number.
randomNumber := binary.BigEndian.Uint32(hmac.New(sha256.New, []byte(user.bridge.Config.AppService.HSToken)).Sum([]byte(jid.User))[:4])
return fmt.Sprintf("+%s-%d-%s:%d", jid.User[:1], randomNumber, jid.User[len(jid.User)-2:], jid.Device)
func (user *User) createClient(sess *store.Device) {
user.Client = whatsmeow.NewClient(sess, &waLogger{user.log.Sub("Client")})
user.Client.AutomaticMessageRerequestFromPhone = true
user.Client.GetMessageForRetry = func(requester, to types.JID, id types.MessageID) *waProto.Message {
Segment.Track(user.MXID, "WhatsApp incoming retry (message not found)", map[string]interface{}{
"requester": user.obfuscateJID(requester),
"messageID": id,
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackRetryReceipt(0, false)
return nil
user.Client.PreRetryCallback = func(receipt *events.Receipt, messageID types.MessageID, retryCount int, msg *waProto.Message) bool {
Segment.Track(user.MXID, "WhatsApp incoming retry (accepted)", map[string]interface{}{
"requester": user.obfuscateJID(receipt.Sender),
"messageID": messageID,
"retryCount": retryCount,
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackRetryReceipt(retryCount, true)
return true
func (user *User) Login(ctx context.Context) (<-chan whatsmeow.QRChannelItem, error) {
defer user.connLock.Unlock()
if user.Session != nil {
return nil, ErrAlreadyLoggedIn
} else if user.Client != nil {
newSession := user.bridge.WAContainer.NewDevice()
newSession.Log = &waLogger{user.log.Sub("Session")}
qrChan, err := user.Client.GetQRChannel(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get QR channel: %w", err)
err = user.Client.Connect()
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to WhatsApp: %w", err)
return qrChan, nil
func (user *User) Connect() bool {
defer user.connLock.Unlock()
if user.Client != nil {
return user.Client.IsConnected()
} else if user.Session == nil {
return false
user.log.Debugln("Connecting to WhatsApp")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnecting, Error: WAConnecting})
err := user.Client.Connect()
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Error connecting to WhatsApp:", err)
StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError,
Error: WAConnectionFailed,
Info: map[string]interface{}{
"go_error": err.Error(),
return false
return true
func (user *User) unlockedDeleteConnection() {
if user.Client == nil {
user.Client = nil
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
func (user *User) DeleteConnection() {
defer user.connLock.Unlock()
func (user *User) HasSession() bool {
return user.Session != nil
func (user *User) DeleteSession() {
if user.Session != nil {
err := user.Session.Delete()
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to delete session:", err)
user.Session = nil
if !user.JID.IsEmpty() {
user.JID = types.EmptyJID
// Delete all of the backfill and history sync data.
func (user *User) IsConnected() bool {
return user.Client != nil && user.Client.IsConnected()
func (user *User) IsLoggedIn() bool {
return user.IsConnected() && user.Client.IsLoggedIn()
func (user *User) sendMarkdownBridgeAlert(formatString string, args ...interface{}) {
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.DisableBridgeAlerts {
notice := fmt.Sprintf(formatString, args...)
content := format.RenderMarkdown(notice, true, false)
_, err := user.bridge.Bot.SendMessageEvent(user.GetManagementRoom(), event.EventMessage, content)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnf("Failed to send bridge alert \"%s\": %v", notice, err)
const callEventMaxAge = 15 * time.Minute
func (user *User) handleCallStart(sender types.JID, id, callType string, ts time.Time) {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.CallStartNotices || ts.Add(callEventMaxAge).Before(time.Now()) {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(sender)
text := "Incoming call. Use the WhatsApp app to answer."
if callType != "" {
text = fmt.Sprintf("Incoming %s call. Use the WhatsApp app to answer.", callType)
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{
fake: &fakeMessage{
Sender: sender,
Text: text,
ID: id,
Time: ts,
Important: true,
source: user,
const PhoneDisconnectWarningTime = 12 * 24 * time.Hour // 12 days
const PhoneDisconnectPingTime = 10 * 24 * time.Hour
const PhoneMinPingInterval = 24 * time.Hour
func (user *User) sendHackyPhonePing() {
user.PhoneLastPinged = time.Now()
msgID := user.Client.GenerateMessageID()
keyIDs := make([]*waProto.AppStateSyncKeyId, 0, 1)
lastKeyID, err := user.GetLastAppStateKeyID()
if lastKeyID != nil {
keyIDs = append(keyIDs, &waProto.AppStateSyncKeyId{
KeyId: lastKeyID,
} else {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to get last app state key ID to send hacky phone ping: %v - sending empty request", err)
resp, err := user.Client.SendMessage(context.Background(), user.JID.ToNonAD(), &waProto.Message{
ProtocolMessage: &waProto.ProtocolMessage{
Type: waProto.ProtocolMessage_APP_STATE_SYNC_KEY_REQUEST.Enum(),
AppStateSyncKeyRequest: &waProto.AppStateSyncKeyRequest{
KeyIds: keyIDs,
}, whatsmeow.SendRequestExtra{Peer: true, ID: msgID})
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to send hacky phone ping: %v", err)
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Sent hacky phone ping %s/%s because phone has been offline for >10 days", msgID, resp.Timestamp.Unix())
user.PhoneLastPinged = resp.Timestamp
func (user *User) PhoneRecentlySeen(doPing bool) bool {
if doPing && !user.PhoneLastSeen.IsZero() && user.PhoneLastSeen.Add(PhoneDisconnectPingTime).Before(time.Now()) && user.PhoneLastPinged.Add(PhoneMinPingInterval).Before(time.Now()) {
// Over 10 days since the phone was seen and over a day since the last somewhat hacky ping, send a new ping.
go user.sendHackyPhonePing()
return user.PhoneLastSeen.IsZero() || user.PhoneLastSeen.Add(PhoneDisconnectWarningTime).After(time.Now())
// phoneSeen records a timestamp when the user's main device was seen online.
// The stored timestamp can later be used to warn the user if the main device is offline for too long.
func (user *User) phoneSeen(ts time.Time) {
if user.PhoneLastSeen.Add(1 * time.Hour).After(ts) {
// The last seen timestamp isn't going to be perfectly accurate in any case,
// so don't spam the database with an update every time there's an event.
} else if !user.PhoneRecentlySeen(false) {
if user.BridgeState.GetPrev().Error == WAPhoneOffline && user.IsConnected() {
user.log.Debugfln("Saw phone after current bridge state said it has been offline, switching state back to connected")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnected})
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Saw phone after current bridge state said it has been offline, not sending new bridge state (prev: %s, connected: %t)", user.BridgeState.GetPrev().Error, user.IsConnected())
user.PhoneLastSeen = ts
go user.Update()
func formatDisconnectTime(dur time.Duration) string {
days := int(math.Floor(dur.Hours() / 24))
hours := int(dur.Hours()) % 24
if hours == 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days", days)
} else if hours == 1 {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days and 1 hour", days)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d days and %d hours", days, hours)
func (user *User) sendPhoneOfflineWarning() {
if user.lastPhoneOfflineWarning.Add(12 * time.Hour).After(time.Now()) {
// Don't spam the warning too much
user.lastPhoneOfflineWarning = time.Now()
timeSinceSeen := time.Now().Sub(user.PhoneLastSeen)
user.sendMarkdownBridgeAlert("Your phone hasn't been seen in %s. The server will force the bridge to log out if the phone is not active at least every 2 weeks.", formatDisconnectTime(timeSinceSeen))
func (user *User) HandleEvent(event interface{}) {
switch v := event.(type) {
case *events.LoggedOut:
go user.handleLoggedOut(v.OnConnect, v.Reason)
case *events.Connected:
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, true)
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackLoginState(user.JID, true)
if len(user.Client.Store.PushName) > 0 {
go func() {
err := user.Client.SendPresence(user.lastPresence)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to send initial presence:", err)
go user.tryAutomaticDoublePuppeting()
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill && !user.historySyncLoopsStarted {
go user.handleHistorySyncsLoop()
user.historySyncLoopsStarted = true
case *events.OfflineSyncPreview:
user.log.Infofln("Server says it's going to send %d messages and %d receipts that were missed during downtime", v.Messages, v.Receipts)
StateEvent: status.StateBackfilling,
Message: fmt.Sprintf("backfilling %d messages and %d receipts", v.Messages, v.Receipts),
case *events.OfflineSyncCompleted:
if !user.PhoneRecentlySeen(true) {
user.log.Infofln("Offline sync completed, but phone last seen date is still %s - sending phone offline bridge status", user.PhoneLastSeen)
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect, Error: WAPhoneOffline})
} else {
if user.BridgeState.GetPrev().StateEvent == status.StateBackfilling {
user.log.Infoln("Offline sync completed")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnected})
case *events.AppStateSyncComplete:
if len(user.Client.Store.PushName) > 0 && v.Name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalBlock {
err := user.Client.SendPresence(user.lastPresence)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to send presence after app state sync:", err)
} else if v.Name == appstate.WAPatchCriticalUnblockLow {
go func() {
err := user.ResyncContacts(false)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to resync puppets: %v", err)
case *events.PushNameSetting:
// Send presence available when connecting and when the pushname is changed.
// This makes sure that outgoing messages always have the right pushname.
err := user.Client.SendPresence(user.lastPresence)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to send presence after push name update:", err)
_, _, err = user.Client.Store.Contacts.PutPushName(user.JID.ToNonAD(), v.Action.GetName())
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to update push name in store:", err)
go user.syncPuppet(user.JID.ToNonAD(), "push name setting")
case *events.PairSuccess:
user.PhoneLastSeen = time.Now()
user.Session = user.Client.Store
user.JID = v.ID
case *events.StreamError:
var message string
if v.Code != "" {
message = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown stream error with code %s", v.Code)
} else if children := v.Raw.GetChildren(); len(children) > 0 {
message = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown stream error (contains %s node)", children[0].Tag)
} else {
message = "Unknown stream error"
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Message: message})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
case *events.StreamReplaced:
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.CrashOnStreamReplaced {
user.log.Infofln("Stopping bridge due to StreamReplaced event")
} else {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Message: "Stream replaced"})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
user.sendMarkdownBridgeAlert("The bridge was started in another location. Use `reconnect` to reconnect this one.")
case *events.ConnectFailure:
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Message: fmt.Sprintf("Unknown connection failure: %s (%s)", v.Reason, v.Message)})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionFailure(fmt.Sprintf("status-%d", v.Reason))
case *events.ClientOutdated:
user.log.Errorfln("Got a client outdated connect failure. The bridge is likely out of date, please update immediately.")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateUnknownError, Message: "Connect failure: 405 client outdated"})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
case *events.TemporaryBan:
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Message: v.String()})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
case *events.Disconnected:
// Don't send the normal transient disconnect state if we're already in a different transient disconnect state.
// TODO remove this if/when the phone offline state is moved to a sub-state of CONNECTED
if user.BridgeState.GetPrev().Error != WAPhoneOffline && user.PhoneRecentlySeen(false) {
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect, Error: WADisconnected})
user.bridge.Metrics.TrackConnectionState(user.JID, false)
case *events.Contact:
go user.syncPuppet(v.JID, "contact event")
case *events.PushName:
go user.syncPuppet(v.JID, "push name event")
case *events.BusinessName:
go user.syncPuppet(v.JID, "business name event")
case *events.GroupInfo:
user.groupListCache = nil
go user.handleGroupUpdate(v)
case *events.JoinedGroup:
user.groupListCache = nil
go user.handleGroupCreate(v)
case *events.Picture:
go user.handlePictureUpdate(v)
case *events.Receipt:
if v.IsFromMe && v.Sender.Device == 0 {
go user.handleReceipt(v)
case *events.ChatPresence:
go user.handleChatPresence(v)
case *events.Message:
portal := user.GetPortalByMessageSource(v.Info.MessageSource)
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{evt: v, source: user}
case *events.MediaRetry:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.ChatID)
portal.mediaRetries <- PortalMediaRetry{evt: v, source: user}
case *events.CallOffer:
user.handleCallStart(v.CallCreator, v.CallID, "", v.Timestamp)
case *events.CallOfferNotice:
user.handleCallStart(v.CallCreator, v.CallID, v.Type, v.Timestamp)
case *events.IdentityChange:
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(v.JID)
if puppet == nil {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 && user.bridge.Config.Bridge.IdentityChangeNotices {
text := fmt.Sprintf("Your security code with %s changed.", puppet.Displayname)
if v.Implicit {
text = fmt.Sprintf("Your security code with %s (device #%d) changed.", puppet.Displayname, v.JID.Device)
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{
fake: &fakeMessage{
Sender: v.JID,
Text: text,
ID: strconv.FormatInt(v.Timestamp.Unix(), 10),
Time: v.Timestamp,
Important: false,
source: user,
case *events.CallTerminate, *events.CallRelayLatency, *events.CallAccept, *events.UnknownCallEvent:
// ignore
case *events.UndecryptableMessage:
portal := user.GetPortalByMessageSource(v.Info.MessageSource)
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{undecryptable: v, source: user}
case *events.HistorySync:
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.HistorySync.Backfill {
user.historySyncs <- v
case *events.Mute:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID)
if portal != nil {
var mutedUntil time.Time
if v.Action.GetMuted() {
mutedUntil = time.Unix(v.Action.GetMuteEndTimestamp(), 0)
go user.updateChatMute(nil, portal, mutedUntil)
case *events.Archive:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID)
if portal != nil {
go user.updateChatTag(nil, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ArchiveTag, v.Action.GetArchived())
case *events.Pin:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID)
if portal != nil {
go user.updateChatTag(nil, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.PinnedTag, v.Action.GetPinned())
case *events.AppState:
// Ignore
case *events.KeepAliveTimeout:
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateTransientDisconnect, Error: WAKeepaliveTimeout})
case *events.KeepAliveRestored:
user.log.Infof("Keepalive restored after timeouts, sending connected event")
user.BridgeState.Send(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateConnected})
case *events.MarkChatAsRead:
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.SyncManualMarkedUnread {
user.markUnread(user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID), !v.Action.GetRead())
case *events.DeleteForMe:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.ChatJID)
if portal != nil {
portal.deleteForMe(user, v)
case *events.DeleteChat:
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(v.JID)
if portal != nil {
user.log.Debugfln("Unknown type of event in HandleEvent: %T", v)
func (user *User) updateChatMute(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, portal *Portal, mutedUntil time.Time) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 || !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MuteBridging {
} else if intent == nil {
doublePuppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if doublePuppet == nil || doublePuppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
intent = doublePuppet.CustomIntent()
var err error
if mutedUntil.IsZero() && mutedUntil.Before(time.Now()) {
user.log.Debugfln("Portal %s is muted until %s, unmuting...", portal.MXID, mutedUntil)
err = intent.DeletePushRule("global", pushrules.RoomRule, string(portal.MXID))
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Portal %s is muted until %s, muting...", portal.MXID, mutedUntil)
err = intent.PutPushRule("global", pushrules.RoomRule, string(portal.MXID), &mautrix.ReqPutPushRule{
Actions: []pushrules.PushActionType{pushrules.ActionDontNotify},
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to update push rule for %s through double puppet: %v", portal.MXID, err)
type CustomTagData struct {
Order json.Number `json:"order"`
DoublePuppet string `json:"fi.mau.double_puppet_source"`
type CustomTagEventContent struct {
Tags map[string]CustomTagData `json:"tags"`
func (user *User) updateChatTag(intent *appservice.IntentAPI, portal *Portal, tag string, active bool) {
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 || len(tag) == 0 {
} else if intent == nil {
doublePuppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if doublePuppet == nil || doublePuppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
intent = doublePuppet.CustomIntent()
var existingTags CustomTagEventContent
err := intent.GetTagsWithCustomData(portal.MXID, &existingTags)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, mautrix.MNotFound) {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to get tags of %s: %v", portal.MXID, err)
currentTag, ok := existingTags.Tags[tag]
if active && !ok {
user.log.Debugln("Adding tag", tag, "to", portal.MXID)
data := CustomTagData{Order: "0.5", DoublePuppet: user.bridge.Name}
err = intent.AddTagWithCustomData(portal.MXID, tag, &data)
} else if !active && ok && currentTag.DoublePuppet == user.bridge.Name {
user.log.Debugln("Removing tag", tag, "from", portal.MXID)
err = intent.RemoveTag(portal.MXID, tag)
} else {
err = nil
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to update tag %s for %s through double puppet: %v", tag, portal.MXID, err)
type CustomReadReceipt struct {
Timestamp int64 `json:"ts,omitempty"`
DoublePuppetSource string `json:"fi.mau.double_puppet_source,omitempty"`
type CustomReadMarkers struct {
ReadExtra CustomReadReceipt `json:""`
FullyReadExtra CustomReadReceipt `json:"com.beeper.fully_read.extra"`
func (user *User) syncChatDoublePuppetDetails(portal *Portal, justCreated bool) {
doublePuppet := portal.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if doublePuppet == nil {
if doublePuppet == nil || doublePuppet.CustomIntent() == nil || len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if justCreated || !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.TagOnlyOnCreate {
chat, err := user.Client.Store.ChatSettings.GetChatSettings(portal.Key.JID)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to get settings of %s: %v", portal.Key.JID, err)
intent := doublePuppet.CustomIntent()
if portal.Key.JID == types.StatusBroadcastJID && justCreated {
if user.bridge.Config.Bridge.MuteStatusBroadcast {
user.updateChatMute(intent, portal, time.Now().Add(365*24*time.Hour))
if len(user.bridge.Config.Bridge.StatusBroadcastTag) > 0 {
user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.StatusBroadcastTag, true)
} else if !chat.Found {
user.updateChatMute(intent, portal, chat.MutedUntil)
user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.ArchiveTag, chat.Archived)
user.updateChatTag(intent, portal, user.bridge.Config.Bridge.PinnedTag, chat.Pinned)
func (user *User) getDirectChats() map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID {
res := make(map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID)
privateChats := user.bridge.DB.Portal.FindPrivateChats(user.JID.ToNonAD())
for _, portal := range privateChats {
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
res[user.bridge.FormatPuppetMXID(portal.Key.JID)] = []id.RoomID{portal.MXID}
return res
func (user *User) UpdateDirectChats(chats map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID) {
if !user.bridge.Config.Bridge.SyncDirectChatList {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if puppet == nil || puppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
intent := puppet.CustomIntent()
method := http.MethodPatch
if chats == nil {
chats = user.getDirectChats()
method = http.MethodPut
user.log.Debugln("Updating list on homeserver")
var err error
if user.bridge.Config.Homeserver.Software == bridgeconfig.SoftwareAsmux {
urlPath := intent.BuildClientURL("unstable", "com.beeper.asmux", "dms")
_, err = intent.MakeFullRequest(mautrix.FullRequest{
Method: method,
URL: urlPath,
Headers: http.Header{"X-Asmux-Auth": {user.bridge.AS.Registration.AppToken}},
RequestJSON: chats,
} else {
existingChats := make(map[id.UserID][]id.RoomID)
err = intent.GetAccountData(event.AccountDataDirectChats.Type, &existingChats)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to get list to update it:", err)
for userID, rooms := range existingChats {
if _, ok := user.bridge.ParsePuppetMXID(userID); !ok {
// This is not a ghost user, include it in the new list
chats[userID] = rooms
} else if _, ok := chats[userID]; !ok && method == http.MethodPatch {
// This is a ghost user, but we're not replacing the whole list, so include it too
chats[userID] = rooms
err = intent.SetAccountData(event.AccountDataDirectChats.Type, &chats)
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnln("Failed to update list:", err)
func (user *User) handleLoggedOut(onConnect bool, reason events.ConnectFailureReason) {
errorCode := WAUnknownLogout
if reason == events.ConnectFailureLoggedOut {
errorCode = WALoggedOut
} else if reason == events.ConnectFailureMainDeviceGone {
errorCode = WAMainDeviceGone
user.removeFromJIDMap(status.BridgeState{StateEvent: status.StateBadCredentials, Error: errorCode})
user.Session = nil
user.JID = types.EmptyJID
if onConnect {
user.sendMarkdownBridgeAlert("Connecting to WhatsApp failed as the device was unlinked (error %s). Please link the bridge to your phone again.", reason)
} else {
user.sendMarkdownBridgeAlert("You were logged out from another device. Please link the bridge to your phone again.")
func (user *User) GetPortalByMessageSource(ms types.MessageSource) *Portal {
jid := ms.Chat
if ms.IsIncomingBroadcast() {
if ms.IsFromMe {
jid = ms.BroadcastListOwner.ToNonAD()
} else {
jid = ms.Sender.ToNonAD()
if jid.IsEmpty() {
return nil
return user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.NewPortalKey(jid, user.JID))
func (user *User) GetPortalByJID(jid types.JID) *Portal {
return user.bridge.GetPortalByJID(database.NewPortalKey(jid, user.JID))
func (user *User) syncPuppet(jid types.JID, reason string) {
user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid).SyncContact(user, false, false, reason)
func (user *User) ResyncContacts(forceAvatarSync bool) error {
contacts, err := user.Client.Store.Contacts.GetAllContacts()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get cached contacts: %w", err)
user.log.Infofln("Resyncing displaynames with %d contacts", len(contacts))
for jid, contact := range contacts {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
if puppet != nil {
puppet.Sync(user, &contact, forceAvatarSync, true)
} else {
user.log.Warnfln("Got a nil puppet for %s while syncing contacts", jid)
return nil
func (user *User) ResyncGroups(createPortals bool) error {
groups, err := user.Client.GetJoinedGroups()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get group list from server: %w", err)
user.groupListCache = groups
user.groupListCacheTime = time.Now()
for _, group := range groups {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(group.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if createPortals {
err = portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user, group, true, true)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create room for %s: %w", group.JID, err)
} else {
portal.UpdateMatrixRoom(user, group)
return nil
const WATypingTimeout = 15 * time.Second
func (user *User) handleChatPresence(presence *events.ChatPresence) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(presence.Sender)
if puppet == nil {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(presence.Chat)
if puppet == nil || portal == nil || len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if presence.State == types.ChatPresenceComposing {
if puppet.typingIn != "" && puppet.typingAt.Add(WATypingTimeout).Before(time.Now()) {
if puppet.typingIn == portal.MXID {
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(puppet.typingIn, false, 0)
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(portal.MXID, true, WATypingTimeout)
puppet.typingIn = portal.MXID
puppet.typingAt = time.Now()
} else {
_, _ = puppet.IntentFor(portal).UserTyping(portal.MXID, false, 0)
puppet.typingIn = ""
func (user *User) handleReceipt(receipt *events.Receipt) {
if receipt.Type != events.ReceiptTypeRead && receipt.Type != events.ReceiptTypeReadSelf {
portal := user.GetPortalByMessageSource(receipt.MessageSource)
if portal == nil || len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
portal.messages <- PortalMessage{receipt: receipt, source: user}
func (user *User) makeReadMarkerContent(eventID id.EventID, doublePuppet bool) CustomReadMarkers {
var extra CustomReadReceipt
if doublePuppet {
extra.DoublePuppetSource = user.bridge.Name
return CustomReadMarkers{
ReqSetReadMarkers: mautrix.ReqSetReadMarkers{
Read: eventID,
FullyRead: eventID,
ReadExtra: extra,
FullyReadExtra: extra,
func (user *User) markSelfReadFull(portal *Portal) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if puppet == nil || puppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
lastMessage := user.bridge.DB.Message.GetLastInChat(portal.Key)
if lastMessage == nil {
user.SetLastReadTS(portal.Key, lastMessage.Timestamp)
err := puppet.CustomIntent().SetReadMarkers(portal.MXID, user.makeReadMarkerContent(lastMessage.MXID, true))
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to mark %s (last message) in %s as read: %v", lastMessage.MXID, portal.MXID, err)
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Marked %s (last message) in %s as read", lastMessage.MXID, portal.MXID)
func (user *User) markUnread(portal *Portal, unread bool) {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByCustomMXID(user.MXID)
if puppet == nil || puppet.CustomIntent() == nil {
err := puppet.CustomIntent().SetRoomAccountData(portal.MXID, "m.marked_unread",
map[string]bool{"unread": unread})
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to mark %s as unread via m.marked_unread: %v", portal.MXID, err)
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Marked %s as unread via m.marked_unread: %v", portal.MXID, err)
err = puppet.CustomIntent().SetRoomAccountData(portal.MXID, "com.famedly.marked_unread",
map[string]bool{"unread": unread})
if err != nil {
user.log.Warnfln("Failed to mark %s as unread via com.famedly.marked_unread: %v", portal.MXID, err)
} else {
user.log.Debugfln("Marked %s as unread via com.famedly.marked_unread: %v", portal.MXID, err)
func (user *User) handleGroupCreate(evt *events.JoinedGroup) {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(evt.JID)
if evt.CreateKey == "" && len(portal.MXID) == 0 && portal.Key.JID != user.skipGroupCreateDelay {
user.log.Debugfln("Delaying handling group create with empty key to avoid race conditions")
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
if len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
if user.createKeyDedup != "" && evt.CreateKey == user.createKeyDedup {
user.log.Debugfln("Ignoring group create event with key %s", evt.CreateKey)
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user, &evt.GroupInfo, true, true)
if err != nil {
user.log.Errorln("Failed to create Matrix room after join notification: %v", err)
} else {
portal.UpdateMatrixRoom(user, &evt.GroupInfo)
func (user *User) handleGroupUpdate(evt *events.GroupInfo) {
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(evt.JID)
with := user.zlog.With().
Str("chat_jid", evt.JID.String()).
Interface("group_event", evt)
if portal != nil {
with = with.Str("portal_mxid", portal.MXID.String())
log := with.Logger()
if portal == nil || len(portal.MXID) == 0 {
log.Debug().Msg("Ignoring group info update in chat with no portal")
if evt.Sender != nil && evt.Sender.Server == types.HiddenUserServer {
log.Debug().Str("sender", evt.Sender.String()).Msg("Ignoring group info update from @lid user")
switch {
case evt.Announce != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group announcement mode (message send permission) changed")
case evt.Locked != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group locked mode (metadata change permission) changed")
case evt.Name != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group name changed")
portal.UpdateName(evt.Name.Name, evt.Name.NameSetBy, true)
case evt.Topic != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group topic changed")
portal.UpdateTopic(evt.Topic.Topic, evt.Topic.TopicSetBy, true)
case evt.Leave != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Someone left the group")
if evt.Sender != nil && !evt.Sender.IsEmpty() {
portal.HandleWhatsAppKick(user, *evt.Sender, evt.Leave)
case evt.Join != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Someone joined the group")
portal.HandleWhatsAppInvite(user, evt.Sender, evt.Join)
case evt.Promote != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Someone was promoted to admin")
portal.ChangeAdminStatus(evt.Promote, true)
case evt.Demote != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Someone was demoted from admin")
portal.ChangeAdminStatus(evt.Demote, false)
case evt.Ephemeral != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group ephemeral mode (disappearing message timer) changed")
portal.UpdateGroupDisappearingMessages(evt.Sender, evt.Timestamp, evt.Ephemeral.DisappearingTimer)
case evt.Link != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group parent changed")
if evt.Link.Type == types.GroupLinkChangeTypeParent {
portal.UpdateParentGroup(user, evt.Link.Group.JID, true)
case evt.Unlink != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group parent removed")
if evt.Unlink.Type == types.GroupLinkChangeTypeParent && portal.ParentGroup == evt.Unlink.Group.JID {
portal.UpdateParentGroup(user, types.EmptyJID, true)
case evt.Delete != nil:
log.Debug().Msg("Group deleted")
log.Warn().Msg("Unhandled group info update")
func (user *User) handlePictureUpdate(evt *events.Picture) {
if evt.JID.Server == types.DefaultUserServer {
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(evt.JID)
user.log.Debugfln("Received picture update for puppet %s (current: %s, new: %s)", evt.JID, puppet.Avatar, evt.PictureID)
if puppet.Avatar != evt.PictureID {
puppet.Sync(user, nil, true, false)
} else if portal := user.GetPortalByJID(evt.JID); portal != nil {
user.log.Debugfln("Received picture update for portal %s (current: %s, new: %s)", evt.JID, portal.Avatar, evt.PictureID)
if portal.Avatar != evt.PictureID {
portal.UpdateAvatar(user, evt.Author, true)
func (user *User) StartPM(jid types.JID, reason string) (*Portal, *Puppet, bool, error) {
user.log.Debugln("Starting PM with", jid, "from", reason)
puppet := user.bridge.GetPuppetByJID(jid)
puppet.SyncContact(user, true, false, reason)
portal := user.GetPortalByJID(puppet.JID)
if len(portal.MXID) > 0 {
ok := portal.ensureUserInvited(user)
if !ok {
portal.log.Warnfln("ensureUserInvited(%s) returned false, creating new portal", user.MXID)
portal.MXID = ""
} else {
return portal, puppet, false, nil
err := portal.CreateMatrixRoom(user, nil, false, true)
return portal, puppet, true, err
const groupListCacheMaxAge = 24 * time.Hour
func (user *User) getCachedGroupList() ([]*types.GroupInfo, error) {
defer user.groupListCacheLock.Unlock()
if user.groupListCache != nil && user.groupListCacheTime.Add(groupListCacheMaxAge).After(time.Now()) {
return user.groupListCache, nil
var err error
user.groupListCache, err = user.Client.GetJoinedGroups()
user.groupListCacheTime = time.Now()
return user.groupListCache, err