Query Account

This API returns information about a specific user account.

The api is::

    GET /_matrix/client/r0/admin/whois/<user_id>

including an ``access_token`` of a server admin.

It returns a JSON body like the following:

.. code:: json

        "user_id": "<user_id>",
        "devices": {
            "": {
                "sessions": [
                        "connections": [
                                "ip": "",
                                "last_seen": 1417222374433,
                                "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 ..."
                                "ip": "",
                                "last_seen": 1417222374500,
                                "user_agent": "Dalvik/2.1.0 ..."

``last_seen`` is measured in milliseconds since the Unix epoch.

Deactivate Account

This API deactivates an account. It removes active access tokens, resets the
password, and deletes third-party IDs (to prevent the user requesting a
password reset).

The api is::

    POST /_matrix/client/r0/admin/deactivate/<user_id>

including an ``access_token`` of a server admin, and an empty request body.

Reset password

Changes the password of another user.

The api is::

    POST /_matrix/client/r0/admin/reset_password/<user_id>

with a body of:

.. code:: json

       "new_password": "<secret>"

including an ``access_token`` of a server admin.