const std = @import("std"); const zenolith = @import("zenolith"); const ffi = @import("ffi.zig"); const c = ffi.c; const util = @import("util.zig"); const log = std.log.scoped(.zenolith_sdl2); const Sdl2Font = @import("Sdl2Font.zig"); const Sdl2Painter = @import("Sdl2Painter.zig"); const Sdl2Texture = @import("Sdl2Texture.zig"); // These decls are public so that zenolith includes them in it's statspatch types. pub const Font = Sdl2Font; pub const Texture = Sdl2Texture; alloc: std.mem.Allocator, window: *c.SDL_Window, renderer: *c.SDL_Renderer, freetype: c.FT_Library, mouse_pos: ?zenolith.layout.Position, initial_run: bool, const Sdl2Platform = @This(); pub const InitOptions = struct { alloc: std.mem.Allocator, /// The title of the window the platform will create. window_title: [*:0]const u8 = "Zenolith SDL2", /// An optional initial window position. window_position: ?[2]c_int = null, /// Initial window size window_size: [2]c_int = .{ 800, 600 }, }; pub const InitializeError = error{ /// An error has occured trying to initialize the SDL2 library. InitializeSDL2, /// An error has occured trying to initialize the freetype2 library. InitializeFreetype, /// SDL2 failed to create a window. CreateWindow, /// SDL2 failed to create a renderer. CreateRenderer, }; /// Create a new SDL2 Platform. Initializes the SDL2 and FreeType libraries and creates a /// window. Do not create multiple Sdl2Platforms at once! // TODO: Window API pub fn init(options: InitOptions) InitializeError!Sdl2Platform { if (c.SDL_Init(c.SDL_INIT_VIDEO) != 0) return error.InitializeSDL2; errdefer c.SDL_Quit(); const window_pos = options.window_position orelse [1]c_int{c.SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED} ** 2; const window = c.SDL_CreateWindow( options.window_title, window_pos[0], window_pos[1], options.window_size[0], options.window_size[1], c.SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | c.SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, // TODO: add API to change this ) orelse return error.CreateWindow; errdefer c.SDL_DestroyWindow(window); const renderer = c.SDL_CreateRenderer( window, -1, c.SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED, ) orelse return error.CreateRenderer; errdefer c.SDL_DestroyRenderer(renderer); var freetype: c.FT_Library = undefined; if (c.FT_Init_FreeType(&freetype) != 0) return error.InitializeFreetype; errdefer _ = c.FT_Done_FreeType(freetype); return .{ .alloc = options.alloc, .window = window, .renderer = renderer, .freetype = freetype, .mouse_pos = null, .initial_run = true, }; } /// Runs the event loop until the application exists. pub fn run( self: *Sdl2Platform, root: *zenolith.widget.Widget, ) anyerror!void { // Initial layout pass before we get a resize event. if (self.initial_run) { try self.relayoutRoot(root); self.initial_run = false; } var last_time = std.time.nanoTimestamp(); while (true) { c.SDL_PumpEvents(); // Wait until events are available. if (c.SDL_WaitEvent(null) != 1) return error.GetEvents; // Get all pending events. var ev_buf: [64]c.SDL_Event = undefined; const peep_ret = c.SDL_PeepEvents( &ev_buf, ev_buf.len, c.SDL_GETEVENT, c.SDL_FIRSTEVENT, c.SDL_LASTEVENT, ); if (peep_ret < 0) return error.GetEvents; const events = ev_buf[0..@intCast(peep_ret)]; // This code is responsible for building one KeyInput event out of consecutive // SDL_KEYUP, SDL_KEYDOWN and SDL_TEXTINPUT events. var text_input_buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; var text_input_fbs =; var cur_key_event = zenolith.treevent.KeyInput{ .action = .press, .key = null, }; for (events) |ev| { switch (ev.type) { // quit event - exit c.SDL_QUIT => return, c.SDL_WINDOWEVENT => switch (ev.window.event) { // window resized - redo tree layout c.SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED => { const size = zenolith.layout.Size{ .width = @intCast(ev.window.data1), .height = @intCast(ev.window.data2), }; try, zenolith.treevent.LayoutSize{ .final = true, .constraints = .{ .min =, .max = size, }, }); try, zenolith.treevent.LayoutPosition{ .position =, }); }, else => {}, }, c.SDL_MOUSEMOTION => { const mouse_pos = zenolith.layout.Position{ .x = @intCast(ev.motion.x), .y = @intCast(ev.motion.y), }; self.mouse_pos = mouse_pos; try, zenolith.treevent.MouseMove{ .pos = mouse_pos, .dx = ev.motion.xrel, .dy = ev.motion.yrel, }); }, c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN, c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP => { const button: ?zenolith.treevent.Click.MouseButton = switch (ev.button.button) { c.SDL_BUTTON_LEFT => .left, c.SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE => .middle, c.SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT => .right, else => null, }; const actions: []const zenolith.treevent.Click.Action = switch (ev.type) { c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN => &.{ .down, .click }, c.SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP => &.{.up}, else => unreachable, }; if (button) |but| { for (actions) |act| { try, zenolith.treevent.Click{ .pos = .{ .x = @intCast(ev.button.x), .y = @intCast(ev.button.y), }, .button = but, .action = act, }); } } }, c.SDL_MOUSEWHEEL => if (self.mouse_pos) |mp| { const btn: zenolith.treevent.Click.MouseButton = if (ev.wheel.y > 0) .scroll_up else if (ev.wheel.y < 0) .scroll_down else if (ev.wheel.x > 0) .scroll_right else if (ev.wheel.x < 0) .scroll_left else unreachable; try, zenolith.treevent.Click{ .pos = mp, .button = btn, .action = .click, }); }, c.SDL_KEYDOWN, c.SDL_KEYUP => { const m = ev.key.keysym.mod; const mods = zenolith.key.Modifiers{ .shift = m & c.KMOD_SHIFT != 0, .ctrl = m & c.KMOD_CTRL != 0, .alt = m & c.KMOD_ALT != 0, .meta = m & c.KMOD_GUI != 0, .mode = m & c.KMOD_MODE != 0, }; const key = util.convertKey(ev.key.keysym.sym); const phys = util.convertScancode(ev.key.keysym.scancode); switch (ev.type) { c.SDL_KEYDOWN => { // We know there's a text input or key press event that hasn't been fired yet, // separate from this one if there's either a key set or text written to the input buffer. if (cur_key_event.key != null or text_input_fbs.pos != 0) { cur_key_event.text = text_input_fbs.getWritten(); try, cur_key_event); text_input_fbs.reset(); } if (ev.key.repeat == 0) { try, zenolith.treevent.KeyInput{ .action = .down, .key = key, .physical = phys, .modifiers = mods, }); } cur_key_event = .{ .action = .press, .key = key, .physical = phys, .modifiers = mods, .repeat = ev.key.repeat != 0, }; }, c.SDL_KEYUP => { try, zenolith.treevent.KeyInput{ .action = .up, .key = key, .physical = phys, .modifiers = mods, }); }, else => unreachable, } }, c.SDL_TEXTINPUT => { try text_input_fbs.writer().writeAll(std.mem.sliceTo(&ev.text.text, 0)); }, else => {}, } } // Fire the text input treevent when applicable if (cur_key_event.key != null or text_input_fbs.pos != 0) { cur_key_event.text = text_input_fbs.getWritten(); try, cur_key_event); } // do render pass after events // TODO: lazify if (c.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(self.renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0xff) != 0) return error.Render; if (c.SDL_RenderClear(self.renderer) != 0) return error.Render; var painter = zenolith.painter.Painter.create( Sdl2Painter{ .renderer = self.renderer }, zenolith.painter.PainterData.init(, ); defer; const current_time = std.time.nanoTimestamp(); try, zenolith.treevent.Draw{ .painter = &painter, .dt = @intCast(current_time - last_time), }); last_time = current_time; c.SDL_RenderPresent(self.renderer); } } /// Quits a running application by submitting a quit event to the event queue, /// making the application exit after all queued events were processed. pub fn quit(self: *Sdl2Platform) !void { _ = self; // Pretend this isn't global state. var ev = c.SDL_Event{ .quit = .{ .type = c.SDL_QUIT } }; if (c.SDL_PushEvent(&ev) < 0) return error.PushEvent; } pub fn deinit(self: Sdl2Platform) void { _ = c.FT_Done_FreeType(self.freetype); c.SDL_DestroyRenderer(self.renderer); c.SDL_DestroyWindow(self.window); c.SDL_Quit(); } pub const CreateFontOptions = struct { /// Source data to open the font from. source: union(enum) { /// Read the font at a given file path. path: [*:0]const u8, /// Use the data of the slice as font. Useful with @embedFile. /// The data must remain alive until .deinit() is called on the returned font! data: []const u8, }, /// This is FreeType's infamous face_index parameter. You should either consider reading the /// short novel of historical design mistakes that is it's documentation here: /// /// ...or leave it as 0. face_index: c_long = 0, /// Size of the font atlas texture. Increase this if you needs to render lots of glyphs. /// The bin packing algorithm performs best with tall rather than wide atlases. atlas_size: zenolith.layout.Size = .{ .width = 512, .height = 1024 }, }; pub const CreateFontError = ffi.FreeTypeError || error{ CreateTexture, SetBlendMode }; pub fn createFont(self: Sdl2Platform, opts: CreateFontOptions) CreateFontError!Sdl2Font { var face: c.FT_Face = undefined; switch (opts.source) { .path => |p| try ffi.handleFTError(c.FT_New_Face( self.freetype, p, opts.face_index, &face, )), .data => |d| try ffi.handleFTError(c.FT_New_Memory_Face( self.freetype, d.ptr, @intCast(d.len), opts.face_index, &face, )), } errdefer _ = c.FT_Done_Face(face); const atlas = try self.createTexture(.{ .size = opts.atlas_size, .pixel_format = .RGBA8888, .pixel_access = .static, }); try atlas.setBlendMode(.blend); return .{ .face = face, .atlas = atlas, .renderer = self.renderer, .glyphs = std.AutoArrayHashMap(Sdl2Font.GlyphProperties, Sdl2Font.AtlasGlyph).init(self.alloc), .pixel_buf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.alloc), }; } pub fn relayoutRoot(self: *Sdl2Platform, root: *zenolith.widget.Widget) !void { var width: c_int = 0; var height: c_int = 0; c.SDL_GetWindowSize(self.window, &width, &height); try, zenolith.treevent.LayoutSize{ .final = true, .constraints = .{ .min = .{ .width = 0, .height = 0 }, .max = .{ .width = @intCast(width), .height = @intCast(height) }, }, }); try, zenolith.treevent.LayoutPosition{ .position = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0 }, }); } const CreateTextureOptions = struct { size: zenolith.layout.Size, pixel_format: Sdl2Texture.PixelFormat, pixel_access: Sdl2Texture.PixelAccess = .static, }; pub fn createTexture(self: Sdl2Platform, options: CreateTextureOptions) !Texture { const texture = c.SDL_CreateTexture( self.renderer, @intFromEnum(options.pixel_format), @intFromEnum(options.pixel_access), options.size.width, options.size.height, ) orelse return error.CreateTexture; return Texture{ .tex = texture, }; }