Fork 0
2024-01-13 19:15:36 +01:00

98 lines
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//! A structure containing all theme-related values of zenolith's builtin widgets.
//! This allows for convenient handling of themes for default widgets.
const std = @import("std");
const AttreebuteMap = @import("attreebute.zig").AttreebuteMap;
const BoxStyle = @import("attreebutes/BoxStyle.zig");
const ButtonStyle = @import("attreebutes/ButtonStyle.zig");
const Color = @import("Color.zig");
const LabelStyle = @import("attreebutes/LabelStyle.zig");
pub const catppuccin_latte = Theme{
.box = .{ .background = .{ .fill = Color.fromInt(0xeff1f5ff) } },
.button = .{
.background = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xe64553ff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0xccd0daff),
.width = 4,
} },
.background_hovered = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xe64553ff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0xbcc0ccff),
.width = 2,
} },
.padding = 4,
.font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0x4c4f69ff) },
.label = .{ .font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0x4c4f69ff) } },
pub const catppuccin_frappe = Theme{
.box = .{ .background = .{ .fill = Color.fromInt(0x303446ff) } },
.button = .{
.background = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xea999cff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x414559ff),
.width = 4,
} },
.background_hovered = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xea999cff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x51576dff),
.width = 2,
} },
.padding = 4,
.font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xc6d0f5ff) },
.label = .{ .font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xc6d0f5ff) } },
pub const catppuccin_macchiato = Theme{
.box = .{ .background = .{ .fill = Color.fromInt(0x24273aff) } },
.button = .{
.background = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xee99a0ff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x363a4fff),
.width = 4,
} },
.background_hovered = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xee99a0ff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x494d64ff),
.width = 2,
} },
.padding = 4,
.font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xcad3f5ff) },
.label = .{ .font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xcad3f5ff) } },
pub const catppuccin_mocha = Theme{
.box = .{ .background = .{ .fill = Color.fromInt(0x1e1e2eff) } },
.button = .{
.background = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xeba0acff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x313244ff),
.width = 4,
} },
.background_hovered = .{ .stroked = .{
.stroke = Color.fromInt(0xeba0acff),
.fill = Color.fromInt(0x45475aff),
.width = 2,
} },
.padding = 4,
.font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xcdd6f4ff) },
.label = .{ .font_style = .{ .color = Color.fromInt(0xcdd6f4ff) } },
box: BoxStyle,
button: ButtonStyle,
label: LabelStyle,
const Theme = @This();
pub fn apply(self: Theme, alloc: std.mem.Allocator, map: *AttreebuteMap) !void {
(try map.mod(alloc, BoxStyle)).* = self.box;
(try map.mod(alloc, ButtonStyle)).* = self.button;
(try map.mod(alloc, LabelStyle)).* = self.label;