Fork 0
LordMZTE 4fbfdb11f3
fix: WidgetIter will also return first widget
Also includes some miscelaneous cleanups in WidgetIter.
2024-01-09 19:26:31 +01:00

40 lines
1.2 KiB

//! This is a iterator to iterate over the widget tree using a depth-first search algorithm.
const std = @import("std");
const Widget = @import("widget.zig").Widget;
/// The widget the iterator is currently on.
/// This is usually the widget just returned by the next function,
/// although this field should also be used for initializing the iterator,
/// in which case it is returned from next once.
w: *Widget,
/// Only true when the iterator is first initialized to return self.w instead of the next widget.
first: bool = true,
const WidgetIter = @This();
/// Returns the next widget in the tree.
pub fn next(self: *WidgetIter) ?*Widget {
if (self.first) {
self.first = false;
return self.w;
var last: ?*Widget = null;
while (true) {
const children = self.w.children();
const slice = if (last) |l|
children[std.mem.indexOfScalar(*Widget, children, l).? + 1 ..]
if (slice.len == 0) {
last = self.w;
self.w = self.w.data.parent orelse return null;
} else {
self.w = slice[0];
return slice[0];