Fork 0

58 lines
2.1 KiB

//! A treevent is an event which is propagated through the tree.
//! To fire a treevent, the treevent function is called on the respective widget.
//! This function may call a treevent's dispatch function (which must be present in all treevents!)
//! and handle a treevent accordingly. It may also choose not to call dispatch on the treevent, or
//! to conditionally dispatch it.
//! Treevents should be fired via the `fire` function. This ensures preFire and postFire callbacks
//! are executed, if present in the Treevent.
//! Treevents may have a `ptrfire` declaration of type bool. If this is set to true,
//! they will be fired as a pointer instead of by themselves. This is useful if treevents have
//! mutable state.
const std = @import("std");
const Widget = @import("widget.zig").Widget;
test {
_ = Click;
_ = Draw;
_ = FocusNext;
_ = KeyInput;
_ = LayoutPosition;
_ = LayoutSize;
_ = Link;
_ = MouseMove;
pub const Click = @import("treevents/Click.zig");
pub const Draw = @import("treevents/Draw.zig");
pub const FocusNext = @import("treevents/FocusNext.zig");
pub const KeyInput = @import("treevents/KeyInput.zig");
pub const LayoutPosition = @import("treevents/LayoutPosition.zig");
pub const LayoutSize = @import("treevents/LayoutSize.zig");
pub const Link = @import("treevents/Link.zig");
pub const MouseMove = @import("treevents/MouseMove.zig");
/// Fires a treevent on the given widget tree.
/// This may call preFire and postFire handlers in the treevent.
pub fn fire(widget: *Widget, tv: anytype) !void {
const Tv = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(tv))) {
.Pointer => |p| p.child,
else => @TypeOf(tv),
const ptrfire = @hasDecl(Tv, "ptrfire") and Tv.ptrfire;
var tvv = tv;
// If the treevent wants to be fired by-pointer, and we've not been passed one, take one.
const tvp = if (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(tv)) != .Pointer and ptrfire) &tvv else tvv;
if (@hasDecl(Tv, "preFire")) {
try tvp.preFire(widget);
try widget.treevent(tvp);
if (@hasDecl(Tv, "postFire")) {
try tvp.postFire(widget);