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//! The painter is a statspatch-based type which represents Zenolith's primary backend-agnostic
//! graphics abstraction. It is designed with minimalism in mind and is not supposed to provide
//! a feature-complete and flexible API, rather being designed to contain universal primitives
//! for drawing a basic GUI. For more complicated uses, backends should offer their own facilities.
//! Due to the nature of the painter as a statspatch type, it can be downcast, offering
//! access to implementation-specific APIs to widgets.
//! This type intentionally doesn't work like textures do in the sense that implementations must be
//! explicitly declared, as users should be given the option of using their own custom painters,
//! for example for performing graphical modifications on subtrees.
const std = @import("std");
const statspatch = @import("statspatch");
const zenolith = @import("main.zig");
const Chunk = @import("text/Chunk.zig");
const Color = @import("Color.zig");
const Position = @import("layout/Position.zig");
const Rectangle = @import("layout/Rectangle.zig");
const Size = @import("layout/Size.zig");
const Span = @import("text/Span.zig");
const Texture = @import("texture.zig").Texture;
fn Prototype(comptime Self: type) type {
std.debug.assert(Self == Painter);
return struct {
/// Draws a rectangle in the given color.
/// The coordinates are absolute and not relative to a widget.
/// Thus, widgets must account for their own position.
pub fn rect(
self: *Self,
rectangle: Rectangle,
color: Color,
) !void {
try statspatch.implcall(
.{ rectangle, color },
/// Draws an outlined rectangle.
/// line_width specifies the width of the outline. stroke_color can be used to optionall
/// fill the rectangle in a given color.
/// Caller asserts that
/// rectangle.size.width >= 2 * line_width and rectangle.size.height >= 2 * line_width
pub fn strokeRect(
self: *Self,
rectangle: Rectangle,
line_width: u31,
stroke_color: Color,
fill_color: ?Color,
) !void {
std.debug.assert(rectangle.size.width >= 2 * line_width and
rectangle.size.height >= 2 * line_width);
if (statspatch.implcallOptional(
.{ rectangle, line_width, stroke_color, fill_color },
)) |ret| try ret else {
// TODO: draw as 2 rects if fill_color is set
const ud_size = Size{
.width = rectangle.size.width,
.height = line_width,
const lr_size = Size{
.width = line_width,
.height = rectangle.size.height,
// top
try self.rect(.{
.pos = rectangle.pos,
.size = ud_size,
}, stroke_color);
// left
try self.rect(.{
.pos = rectangle.pos,
.size = lr_size,
}, stroke_color);
// bottom
try self.rect(.{
.pos = .{
.x = rectangle.pos.x,
.y = rectangle.pos.y + rectangle.size.height - line_width,
.size = ud_size,
}, stroke_color);
// right
try self.rect(.{
.pos = .{
.x = rectangle.pos.x + rectangle.size.width - line_width,
.y = rectangle.pos.y,
.size = lr_size,
}, stroke_color);
// fill
if (fill_color) |fc| {
if (rectangle.area() > 0) {
try self.rect(.{
.pos = rectangle.pos.add(Position.two(line_width)),
.size = rectangle.size.sub(Size.two(line_width * 2)),
}, fc);
/// Copies the region of texture identified by src to the screen at dest. If the dimensions
/// of the two rectangles differ, the painter should stretch the texture accordingly.
/// The caller asserts that the texture is one that has been obtained on the same platform
/// that this painter is rendering on.
/// The coordinates are absolute and not relative to a widget.
/// Thus, widgets must account for their own position.
pub fn texturedRect(
self: *Self,
src: Rectangle,
dest: Rectangle,
texture: *Texture,
) !void {
return statspatch.implcall(
.{ src, dest, texture },
/// Draw the given span of text at the given position, where the position is the start
/// of the span baseline. To work with the top-left corner of the span, you should
/// use origin_off or layoutPosition() accordingly.
/// The caller asserts that the font of the span is from the same platform as this painter.
pub fn span(self: *Self, pos: Position, text_span: Span) !void {
if (zenolith.debug_render) {
for (text_span.glyphs.items) |glyph| {
// Size of the glyph suitable for rendering the debug overlay with.
const glyphsize_debug = Size{
.width = @max(2, glyph.glyph.size.width),
.height = @max(2, glyph.glyph.size.height),
// Position with bearing removed
try self.strokeRect(
.pos = pos.add(glyph.position).sub(glyph.glyph.bearing),
.size = glyphsize_debug,
// Position without bearing
try self.strokeRect(
.pos = pos.add(glyph.position),
.size = glyphsize_debug,
// Baseline
try self.rect(
.pos = pos,
.size = .{ .width = text_span.baseline_width, .height = 2 },
return statspatch.implcall(self, .ptr, "span", anyerror!void, .{ pos, text_span });
/// Draw the given chunk of text at the given position.
/// The caller asserts that the font of the spans of this chunk is from the same platform as this painter.
pub fn chunk(self: *Self, pos: Position, text_chunk: Chunk) !void {
if (zenolith.debug_render) {
for (text_chunk.spans.items) |sspan| {
const rendersize = sspan.span.renderSize();
// Size of spans suitable for debug rendering.
const spansize_debug = Size{
.width = @max(4, rendersize.width),
.height = @max(4, rendersize.height),
try self.strokeRect(
.{ .pos = pos.add(sspan.position), .size = spansize_debug },
if (statspatch.implcallOptional(
.{ pos, text_chunk },
)) |ret| try ret else {
for (text_chunk.spans.items) |ss| {
try self.span(pos.add(ss.position), ss.span);
pub const Painter = statspatch.StatspatchType(Prototype, void, &zenolith.painter_impls);