Fork 0

160 lines
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//! A chunk is a collection of multiple spans, laid out in a multi-line fashion.
//! It may do wrapping on span boundaries depending on the wrap_mode.
//! You may access the spans field to modify children, but layout must be called again afterwards.
const std = @import("std");
const zenolith = @import("../main.zig");
const Position = @import("../layout/Position.zig");
const Size = @import("../layout/Size.zig");
const Span = @import("Span.zig");
spans: std.ArrayList(Subspan),
/// The size of the chunk calculated from font info.
/// This is not necessarily the size of chunk as rendered.
size: Size,
const Chunk = @This();
/// How to wrap a subspan in this chunk.
pub const WrapMode = enum {
/// Wrap this span to the next line if it won't fit on the current line.
/// Always wrap this span to the next line.
/// Never wrap the span.
/// A subspan of a chunk. This contains the span as well as it's position within the chunk and
/// the wrap mode.
pub const Subspan = struct {
/// Underlying span
span: Span,
/// How to wrap *this* subspan, not the next one.
wrap_mode: WrapMode = .auto,
/// Relative to the chunk.
position: Position = Position.zero,
/// Creates a new, empty chunk. Caller must call deinit when done.
/// You should add spans by accessing the spans field.
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator) Chunk {
return .{
.spans = std.ArrayList(Subspan).init(alloc),
.size = Size.zero,
pub fn deinit(self: Chunk) void {
for (self.spans.items) |ss| {
pub const LayoutOptions = struct {
/// This controls the width after which the chunk should wrap spans.
/// Note that this does not guarantee that chunk's width will be within wrap_width,
/// as spans may have their wrap_mode set to .never or not fit within the wrap_width.
/// 0 means no wrapping.
wrap_width: u31 = 0,
/// Also layout spans first.
layout_spans: bool = false,
/// Perform layout on this chunk's spans.
pub fn layout(self: *Chunk, opts: LayoutOptions) void {
if (self.spans.items.len == 0) {
self.size = Size.zero;
if (opts.layout_spans) {
for (self.spans.items) |*ss| {
self.size = Size.zero;
// The cursor points to X coordinate of the current glyph and the Y coordinate of the
// PREVIOUS baseline (or 0).
var cursor = Position{
// Handle glyphs with negative x-bearing at the beginning of new lines.
.x = -self.spans.items[0].span.origin_off.x,
// We move down all spans by the line height after each line.
.y = 0,
// The index of the first span of the current line.
var line_start_idx: usize = 0;
for (self.spans.items, 0..) |*span, i| {
const should_wrap = switch (span.wrap_mode) {
.never => false,
.always => true,
.auto => auto: {
if (opts.wrap_width == 0) break :auto false;
// The distance to the next point where a wrap might occur from the end of this span's baseline.
// For spans with wrap_mode != .never, this is the distance to the end of this span,
// otherwise it is either the distance to the next span to satisfy this criterium
// or the length of all remaining spans after this one.
var width: i32 = 0;
for (self.spans.items[i..]) |lspan| {
width += lspan.span.baseline_width;
if (lspan.wrap_mode != .never) break;
break :auto cursor.x + width > opts.wrap_width;
if (should_wrap) {
cursor.y += self.offsetLineByHeight(line_start_idx, i).y_offset;
line_start_idx = i;
if (cursor.x > self.size.width) self.size.width = @intCast(cursor.x);
cursor.x = -span.span.origin_off.x;
span.position = .{
.x = cursor.x,
.y = cursor.y,
cursor.x += span.span.baseline_width;
const last_metrics = self.offsetLineByHeight(line_start_idx, self.spans.items.len);
cursor.y += last_metrics.y_offset;
self.size.height = @intCast(cursor.y + last_metrics.bottom_padding);
if (cursor.x > self.size.width) self.size.width = @intCast(cursor.x);
/// Offsets all chunks in the given range downwards by their line y_offset and returns that line's
/// height metrics..
fn offsetLineByHeight(self: *const Chunk, start_idx: usize, end_idx: usize) zenolith.text.HeightMetrics {
var max = zenolith.text.HeightMetrics{
.y_offset = 0,
.bottom_padding = 0,
for (self.spans.items[start_idx..end_idx]) |span| {
const metrics = span.span.font.heightMetrics(span.span.style.size);
max = .{
.y_offset = @max(max.y_offset, metrics.y_offset),
.bottom_padding = @max(max.bottom_padding, metrics.bottom_padding),
for (self.spans.items[start_idx..end_idx]) |*span| {
span.position.y += max.y_offset;
return max;