Fork 0

66 lines
2.1 KiB

//! A simple text label displaying given text. Font style is controlled via attreebutes.
const std = @import("std");
const font = @import("../text/font.zig");
const treev = @import("../treevent.zig");
const layout = @import("../layout.zig");
const Color = @import("../Color.zig");
const CurrentFont = @import("../attreebutes/CurrentFont.zig");
const LabelStyle = @import("../attreebutes/LabelStyle.zig");
const Span = @import("../text/Span.zig");
const Widget = @import("../widget.zig").Widget;
/// The text the Label is to be initialized with.
/// This will not change if the text is updated afterwards.
/// The reason this exists is that the widget is not linked into a tree and
/// thus has no font yet when being constructed.
initial_text: []const u8,
/// This is the inner span. Initialized upon the widget being linked.
span: ?Span,
const Label = @This();
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, text: []const u8) !*Widget {
const self = Label{
.initial_text = text,
.span = null,
return try Widget.init(alloc, self);
pub fn deinit(self: *Label, selfw: *Widget) void {
_ = selfw;
if (self.span) |s| s.deinit();
pub fn treevent(self: *Label, selfw: *Widget, tv: anytype) !void {
switch (@TypeOf(tv)) {
treev.Link => {
try tv.dispatch(selfw);
const curfont = selfw.getAttreebute(CurrentFont) orelse
@panic("Labels require the CurrentFont attreebute!");
self.span = try Span.init(selfw.data.allocator, .{
.font = curfont.font,
.text = self.initial_text,
treev.LayoutSize => {
selfw.data.size = tv.constraints.clamp(self.span.?.layoutSize());
treev.Draw => {
const style = selfw.getAttreebute(LabelStyle) orelse
@panic("The Button widget must have the ButtonStyle attreebute set!");
self.span.?.style = style.font_style;
try tv.painter.span(selfw.data.position.add(self.span.?.layoutOffset()), self.span.?);
else => try tv.dispatch(selfw),