
458 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-02-01 01:14:21 +01:00
package com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.entity;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
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import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.BiPredicate;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
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import com.simibubi.create.Create;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.DimensionPalette;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.GraphLocation;
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import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackEdge;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackGraph;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackNode;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.trains.TrackNodeLocation;
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import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
import net.minecraft.nbt.Tag;
import net.minecraft.util.Mth;
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public class TravellingPoint {
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public TrackNode node1, node2;
public TrackEdge edge;
public double position;
public boolean blocked;
public boolean upsideDown;
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public static enum SteerDirection {
NONE(0), LEFT(-1), RIGHT(1);
float targetDot;
private SteerDirection(float targetDot) {
this.targetDot = targetDot;
public static interface ITrackSelector
extends BiFunction<TrackGraph, Pair<Boolean, List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>>>, Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> {
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public static interface IEdgePointListener extends BiPredicate<Double, Pair<TrackEdgePoint, Couple<TrackNode>>> {
public static interface ITurnListener extends BiConsumer<Double, TrackEdge> {
public static interface IPortalListener extends Predicate<Couple<TrackNodeLocation>> {
public TravellingPoint() {}
public TravellingPoint(TrackNode node1, TrackNode node2, TrackEdge edge, double position, boolean upsideDown) {
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this.node1 = node1;
this.node2 = node2;
this.edge = edge;
this.position = position;
this.upsideDown = upsideDown;
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public IEdgePointListener ignoreEdgePoints() {
return (d, c) -> false;
public ITurnListener ignoreTurns() {
return (d, c) -> {
public IPortalListener ignorePortals() {
return $ -> false;
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public ITrackSelector random() {
return (graph, pair) -> pair.getSecond()
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public ITrackSelector follow(TravellingPoint other) {
return follow(other, null);
public ITrackSelector follow(TravellingPoint other, @Nullable Consumer<Boolean> success) {
return (graph, pair) -> {
List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> validTargets = pair.getSecond();
boolean forward = pair.getFirst();
TrackNode target = forward ? other.node1 : other.node2;
TrackNode secondary = forward ? other.node2 : other.node1;
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for (Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry : validTargets)
if (entry.getKey() == target || entry.getKey() == secondary) {
if (success != null)
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return entry;
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Vector<List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>>> frontiers = new Vector<>(validTargets.size());
Vector<Set<TrackEdge>> visiteds = new Vector<>(validTargets.size());
for (int j = 0; j < validTargets.size(); j++) {
ArrayList<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> e = new ArrayList<>();
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry = validTargets.get(j);
HashSet<TrackEdge> e2 = new HashSet<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < validTargets.size(); j++) {
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry = validTargets.get(j);
List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> frontier = frontiers.get(j);
if (frontier.isEmpty())
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> currentEntry = frontier.remove(0);
for (Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> nextEntry : graph.getConnectionsFrom(currentEntry.getKey())
.entrySet()) {
TrackEdge nextEdge = nextEntry.getValue();
if (!visiteds.get(j)
if (!currentEntry.getValue()
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TrackNode nextNode = nextEntry.getKey();
if (nextNode == target) {
if (success != null)
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return entry;
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if (success != null)
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return validTargets.get(0);
public ITrackSelector steer(SteerDirection direction, Vec3 upNormal) {
return (graph, pair) -> {
List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> validTargets = pair.getSecond();
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double closest = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> best = null;
for (Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry : validTargets) {
Vec3 trajectory = edge.getDirection(false);
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Vec3 entryTrajectory = entry.getValue()
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Vec3 normal = trajectory.cross(upNormal);
double dot =;
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double diff = Math.abs(direction.targetDot - dot);
if (diff > closest)
closest = diff;
best = entry;
if (best == null) {
Create.LOGGER.warn("Couldn't find steer target, choosing first");
return validTargets.get(0);
return best;
public double travel(TrackGraph graph, double distance, ITrackSelector trackSelector) {
return travel(graph, distance, trackSelector, ignoreEdgePoints());
public double travel(TrackGraph graph, double distance, ITrackSelector trackSelector,
IEdgePointListener signalListener) {
return travel(graph, distance, trackSelector, signalListener, ignoreTurns());
public double travel(TrackGraph graph, double distance, ITrackSelector trackSelector,
IEdgePointListener signalListener, ITurnListener turnListener) {
return travel(graph, distance, trackSelector, signalListener, turnListener, ignorePortals());
public double travel(TrackGraph graph, double distance, ITrackSelector trackSelector,
IEdgePointListener signalListener, ITurnListener turnListener, IPortalListener portalListener) {
blocked = false;
if (edge == null)
return 0;
double edgeLength = edge.getLength();
if (Mth.equal(distance, 0))
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return 0;
double prevPos = position;
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double traveled = distance;
double currentT = edgeLength == 0 ? 0 : position / edgeLength;
double incrementT = edge.incrementT(currentT, distance);
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position = incrementT * edgeLength;
// FIXME: using incrementT like this becomes inaccurate at medium-long distances
// travelling points would travel only 50m instead of 100m due to the low
// incrementT at their starting position (e.g. bezier turn)
// In an ideal scenario the amount added to position would iterate the traversed
// edges for context first
// A workaround was added in TrackEdge::incrementT
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List<Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge>> validTargets = new ArrayList<>();
boolean forward = distance > 0;
double collectedDistance = forward ? -prevPos : -edgeLength + prevPos;
Double blockedLocation =
edgeTraversedFrom(graph, forward, signalListener, turnListener, prevPos, collectedDistance);
if (blockedLocation != null) {
position = blockedLocation.doubleValue();
traveled = position - prevPos;
return traveled;
if (forward) {
// Moving forward
while (position > edgeLength) {
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for (Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry : graph.getConnectionsFrom(node2)
.entrySet()) {
TrackNode newNode = entry.getKey();
if (newNode == node1)
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TrackEdge newEdge = entry.getValue();
if (!edge.canTravelTo(newEdge))
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if (validTargets.isEmpty()) {
traveled -= position - edgeLength;
position = edgeLength;
blocked = true;
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry = validTargets.size() == 1 ? validTargets.get(0)
: trackSelector.apply(graph, Pair.of(true, validTargets));
if (entry.getValue()
.getLength() == 0 && portalListener.test(
Couple.create(node2.getLocation(), entry.getKey()
.getLocation()))) {
traveled -= position - edgeLength;
position = edgeLength;
blocked = true;
node1 = node2;
node2 = entry.getKey();
edge = entry.getValue();
position -= edgeLength;
collectedDistance += edgeLength;
if (edge.isTurn())
turnListener.accept(collectedDistance, edge);
blockedLocation = edgeTraversedFrom(graph, forward, signalListener, turnListener, 0, collectedDistance);
if (blockedLocation != null) {
traveled -= position;
position = blockedLocation.doubleValue();
traveled += position;
prevPos = 0;
edgeLength = edge.getLength();
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} else {
// Moving backwards
while (position < 0) {
for (Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry : graph.getConnectionsFrom(node1)
.entrySet()) {
TrackNode newNode = entry.getKey();
if (newNode == node2)
if (!graph.getConnectionsFrom(newNode)
if (validTargets.isEmpty()) {
traveled -= position;
position = 0;
blocked = true;
Entry<TrackNode, TrackEdge> entry = validTargets.size() == 1 ? validTargets.get(0)
: trackSelector.apply(graph, Pair.of(false, validTargets));
if (entry.getValue()
.getLength() == 0 && portalListener.test(
.getLocation(), node1.getLocation()))) {
traveled -= position;
position = 0;
blocked = true;
node2 = node1;
node1 = entry.getKey();
edge = graph.getConnectionsFrom(node1)
collectedDistance += edgeLength;
edgeLength = edge.getLength();
position += edgeLength;
blockedLocation =
edgeTraversedFrom(graph, forward, signalListener, turnListener, edgeLength, collectedDistance);
if (blockedLocation != null) {
traveled -= position;
position = blockedLocation.doubleValue();
traveled += position;
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return traveled;
private Double edgeTraversedFrom(TrackGraph graph, boolean forward, IEdgePointListener edgePointListener,
ITurnListener turnListener, double prevPos, double totalDistance) {
if (edge.isTurn())
turnListener.accept(Math.max(0, totalDistance), edge);
double from = forward ? prevPos : position;
double to = forward ? position : prevPos;
EdgeData edgeData = edge.getEdgeData();
List<TrackEdgePoint> edgePoints = edgeData.getPoints();
double length = edge.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < edgePoints.size(); i++) {
int index = forward ? i : edgePoints.size() - i - 1;
TrackEdgePoint nextBoundary = edgePoints.get(index);
double locationOn = nextBoundary.getLocationOn(edge);
double distance = forward ? locationOn : length - locationOn;
if (forward ? (locationOn < from || locationOn >= to) : (locationOn <= from || locationOn > to))
Couple<TrackNode> nodes = Couple.create(node1, node2);
if (edgePointListener.test(totalDistance + distance, Pair.of(nextBoundary, forward ? nodes : nodes.swap())))
return locationOn;
return null;
public void reverse(TrackGraph graph) {
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TrackNode n = node1;
node1 = node2;
node2 = n;
position = edge.getLength() - position;
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edge = graph.getConnectionsFrom(node1)
public Vec3 getPosition() {
return getPosition(false);
public Vec3 getPosition(boolean flipped) {
return getPositionWithOffset(0, flipped);
public Vec3 getPositionWithOffset(double offset) {
return getPositionWithOffset(offset, false);
public Vec3 getPositionWithOffset(double offset, boolean flipUpsideDown) {
double t = (position + offset) / edge.getLength();
return edge.getPosition(t)
.add(edge.getNormal(node1, node2, t)
.scale(upsideDown^flipUpsideDown ? -1 : 1));
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public void migrateTo(List<GraphLocation> locations) {
GraphLocation location = locations.remove(0);
TrackGraph graph = location.graph;
node1 = graph.locateNode(location.edge.getFirst());
node2 = graph.locateNode(location.edge.getSecond());
position = location.position;
edge = graph.getConnectionsFrom(node1)
public CompoundTag write(DimensionPalette dimensions) {
CompoundTag tag = new CompoundTag();
Couple<TrackNode> nodes = Couple.create(node1, node2);
if (nodes.either(Objects::isNull))
return tag;
.serializeEach(loc -> loc.write(dimensions)));
tag.putDouble("Position", position);
tag.putBoolean("UpsideDown", upsideDown);
return tag;
public static TravellingPoint read(CompoundTag tag, TrackGraph graph, DimensionPalette dimensions) {
if (graph == null)
return new TravellingPoint(null, null, null, 0, false);
Couple<TrackNode> locs = tag.contains("Nodes")
? Couple.deserializeEach(tag.getList("Nodes", Tag.TAG_COMPOUND), c ->, dimensions))
: Couple.create(null, null);
if (locs.either(Objects::isNull))
return new TravellingPoint(null, null, null, 0, false);
double position = tag.getDouble("Position");
return new TravellingPoint(locs.getFirst(), locs.getSecond(), graph.getConnectionsFrom(locs.getFirst())
.get(locs.getSecond()), position, tag.getBoolean("UpsideDown"));
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