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2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
package ley.modding.dartcraft.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
public class FortunesUtil {
private static Random rand;
private static List<String> fortunes = new ArrayList<String>();
public static void addFortune(String fortune) {
if (fortunes != null && fortune != null)
public static void load() {
rand = new Random(System.nanoTime());
public static String getFortune() {
if (fortunes == null || fortunes.size() < 1)
return "";
int index = rand.nextInt(fortunes.size());
if (index >= fortunes.size())
return "";
return fortunes.get(index);
private static void loadFortunes() {
addFortune("You aren't supposed to eat me.");
addFortune("Beauty is in the eye of the tiger.");
addFortune("Which came first, the chicken or the chunk?");
addFortune("Whatever happened to Doritos 3D?");
addFortune("Diabetes, anyone?");
addFortune("That wasn't a cookie!");
addFortune("If a tree falls down in the woods, you have a special mod installed."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("The cake is a lie of omission.");
"A wise man once said, \"Yes honey, it does make you look fat.\" He never said that again."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Don't stare directly at the pixels.");
addFortune("I know where you live.");
addFortune("Your lucky numbers are 0, -7, and 437922904678137496.708162");
addFortune("There is never enough redstone.");
addFortune("What you seek is surrounded by blocks.");
addFortune("Today is Tuesday, or is it Friday - I can never tell.");
"In the event of a creeper explosion, your keyboard can double as a broken keyboard."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("I didn't do it.");
addFortune("You are 5.6 grams heavier than you were 10 seconds ago.");
addFortune("I dropped my cookie.");
addFortune("...Saltpeter? Really?");
addFortune("We're no strangers to love. You know the rules and so do I.");
addFortune("Eat another cookie.");
"fontRenderer.drawString(\"Totally Real Accidental Glitch\", posX, posY, 0xFFFFFF);"
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("I CAN believe it's not butter.");
addFortune("Beware enderman with a short fuse...");
addFortune("Remember to repair your tools.");
addFortune("Every rose has its bounding box.");
addFortune("Get out of my chest!");
addFortune("Please recycle.");
addFortune("Great, now you've spoiled your dinner!");
addFortune("Welcome to Hoarders: Minecraft edition!");
addFortune("Not all Blocks are created equal.");
addFortune("Don't touch that!");
addFortune("Always name your machinations.");
"Look in your inventory, now back to me - this fortune is now diamonds!"
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Who put that there?");
"Winners never cheat and cheaters never win, unless the winners cheated, in which case the cheaters won."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Hi Bob! What, they can't all be zingers.");
"Have you ever thought to yourself, \"My, that's an awfully large open grave!\""
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Could you pick up my dry-cleaning?");
"Never shower in a thunderstorm. It's less efficient than bathing indoors and you'll freak out your neighbors."
"It is said that everyone experiences hardships, but God must REALLY hate YOU."
"If you play a country song backwards, you waste about 4 minutes of your life listening to garbled nonsense."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("No, you can't make that jump.");
"I know they're furry and cuddly, but trust me, they're evil incarnate."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Do you Dew?");
addFortune("I see the land, but where exactly are the tracts?");
addFortune("Creepers were originally from Dr. Who.");
addFortune("Don't bogart my nasal spray!");
addFortune("You'll live.");
addFortune("Don't make me come back there!");
"I've burned everything that reminds me of you in a ritualistic bonfire."
"We will be an unstoppable force; to our enemies we bring only death, to our allies we always bring cake."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Heavy is the head that eats the crayons.");
addFortune("Beware skinwalkers.");
addFortune("Don't fear the creeper.");
addFortune("Goodness and love will always win!");
addFortune("I told you not to eat that!");
addFortune("Beware anyone without an eye-patch!");
addFortune("Don't kill all the animals!");
addFortune("It's a wonder you get anything done!");
addFortune("You will find happiness with a new love: Minecraft's latest patch.");
addFortune("Seriously, who is in charge of the song/cowbell ratio?");
addFortune("It's not a bug, it's a \"feature.\"");
addFortune("Do you really need this many cookies?");
addFortune("I wanted to be a newspaper.");
addFortune("Thank you! It was really dark in there!");
addFortune("Thank you for not eating me.");
addFortune("Burn the door!");
addFortune("That's the biggest flapjack I've ever seen!");
addFortune("Please be kind, de-rind");
addFortune("It's a secret to everybody.");
addFortune("I AM ERROR.");
addFortune("If all else fails use fire.");
addFortune("Dig it! Dig it! Dig to the center of the earth!");
addFortune("No! Not into the pit! It BURNS!");
addFortune("Dawn of the First Day, 72 hours remain.");
addFortune("Don't stare directly at the potato.");
addFortune("The chicken is a double-agent.");
addFortune("Good lord!");
addFortune("What's all this junk?");
addFortune("Creepers blow chunks.");
addFortune("Equivalence is a lie.");
addFortune("Body by Sycamore.");
addFortune("I hear 'Innards of the Machine' is on tour.");
addFortune("Do something else.");
addFortune("The capital of The Ukraine is Kiev.");
addFortune("Point that somewhere else!");
addFortune("Forking is strictly prohibited.");
addFortune("Void where prohibited.");
addFortune("This parrot is no more!");
addFortune("He's dead, Jim.");
addFortune("Leave me alone for a bit, okay?");
addFortune("Don't you dare shift-click me!");
addFortune("Me again.");
addFortune("My summer home is a no-bake.");
addFortune("We can still be friends.");
addFortune("The night is young, but you are not.");
addFortune("Keyboard cat has carpal tunnel.");
addFortune("Pull lever, get key.");
addFortune("Boats n' Hoes");
addFortune("Never eat an entire chocolate bunny in one sitting.");
addFortune("Push that button and die.");
addFortune("That cookie was mostly spackle.");
addFortune("Slime Chunkery.");
addFortune("I hate Thaumic Slimes.");
addFortune("Inertia is a property of mallard.");
addFortune("I prefer cake.");
addFortune("If you can read this, you're literate.");
addFortune("Don't touch the sides!");
addFortune("Crunchitize me Cap'n!");
addFortune("Please head in an orderly fashion to the disintegration chamber.");
addFortune("It's the deer's ears.");
addFortune("Happy anniversary, Carol!");
addFortune("Never startle a ninja.");
addFortune("If the shoe fits, you probably own it.");
addFortune("Cattle reproduce by budding.");
addFortune("Has anyone seen my Fedora?");
addFortune("I beg to defer.");
addFortune("Everybody loops.");
"Why is Count Chocula seasonal? Pedophilic vampires are always in style!"
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Eekum Bokum.");
addFortune("Churba wurt!");
addFortune("Darwa jit!");
addFortune("Success is often preceded by failure, then followed again by failure."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Man with Steve skin receive no cake.");
addFortune("It's all Melnics to me!");
addFortune("\"Steve\" means \"lazy\" in Swedish.");
addFortune("This is the word of Notch.");
addFortune("Don't attack the cute little endermen - you'll be sorry.");
addFortune("I miss my sanity, but then again I never used it.");
addFortune("So this is where germs are born!");
addFortune("I hate mondays.");
addFortune("My old nemesis: gravity.");
addFortune("I'm upgrade fodder!");
addFortune("You can do anything at Zombo.com.");
addFortune("Remember to feed the cattle.");
"TROGDOR was a man. I mean, he was a dragon-man... Maybe he was just a dragon."
"Charles in charge of our clicks left and right. Charles in charge of every block in sight."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Charles was never really in charge.");
addFortune("Remember to use every part of the chicken.");
addFortune("I'm not responsible for this.");
addFortune("Every 10 minutes another crappy fortune is written.");
addFortune("How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Chuck Norris?");
addFortune("Roundhouse-kick for the win!");
addFortune("DO NOT feed the beast! (After midnight)");
addFortune("Please stop doing that.");
addFortune("I'm not a vending machine!");
addFortune("Try Ubuntu.");
addFortune("If you program for more than 20 hours straight, do not blink.");
addFortune("Ceiling cat is watching you procrastinate.");
addFortune("Get your hand off my thigh! You can have the leg.");
addFortune("Protective eyewear is a must!");
addFortune("It's all in the wristwatch.");
addFortune("Endermen in the UCB!");
addFortune("Endermen can move TNT. I'm serious.");
addFortune("Aww, you got blood all over my new sword!");
addFortune("The human pancreas can take only so many twinkies.");
addFortune("Humus is something you eat when you want your innards to cry.");
addFortune("By Mennen");
addFortune("Put me back in!");
addFortune("...I got nothin'.");
addFortune("We're out of milk.");
addFortune("Always edit-out the derps.");
addFortune("I want a lawyer.");
addFortune("Bring me a shrubbery!");
addFortune("It's bigger on the inside.");
addFortune("That's what she said.");
"Have you heard the one about the Rabbi and the Priest? Oh I forgot, you're deaf."
"There are worse appendages to get caught sticking inside the cookie jar."
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("Ever have the feeling you're being watched? That's me!");
addFortune("He who handles his NullPointerExceptions is a wise man indeed.");
addFortune("Taking candy from a baby often prevents choking.");
addFortune("Texting while driving is a potent form of natural-selection.");
addFortune("The secret to a good marriage is matching tattoos.");
"A sucker is born every minute, however an idiot is born every two seconds."
addFortune("Error in Thread Main: ExceptionNotCaughtException: DartCraft.java:32"
2021-04-17 16:07:41 +02:00
addFortune("I'll tear YOUR stub!");
addFortune("Daydreaming is free, cookies are not.");
addFortune("The run is dead.");