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package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.DDProperties;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.LinkData;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.Point3D;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.dimHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.yCoordHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.BlockRotator;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.CompoundFilter;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.InvalidSchematicException;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.ReplacementFilter;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.Schematic;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking.MobMonolith;
public class DungeonSchematic extends Schematic {
private static final short MAX_VANILLA_BLOCK_ID = 158;
private static final short STANDARD_FABRIC_OF_REALITY_ID = 1973;
private static final short STANDARD_ETERNAL_FABRIC_ID = 220;
private static final short STANDARD_WARP_DOOR_ID = 1975;
private static final short STANDARD_DIMENSIONAL_DOOR_ID = 1970;
private static final short MONOLITH_SPAWN_MARKER_ID = (short) Block.endPortalFrame.blockID;
private static final short EXIT_DOOR_MARKER_ID = (short) Block.sandStone.blockID;
private int orientation;
private Point3D entranceDoorLocation;
private ArrayList<Point3D> exitDoorLocations;
private ArrayList<Point3D> dimensionalDoorLocations;
private ArrayList<Point3D> monolithSpawnLocations;
private static final short[] MOD_BLOCK_FILTER_EXCEPTIONS = new short[] {
private DungeonSchematic(Schematic source)
public int getOrientation()
return orientation;
public Point3D getEntranceDoorLocation()
return entranceDoorLocation.clone();
private DungeonSchematic()
//Used to create a dummy instance for readFromResource()
super((short) 0, (short) 0, (short) 0, null, null, null);
public static DungeonSchematic readFromFile(String schematicPath) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidSchematicException
return readFromFile(new File(schematicPath));
public static DungeonSchematic readFromFile(File schematicFile) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidSchematicException
return readFromStream(new FileInputStream(schematicFile));
public static DungeonSchematic readFromResource(String resourcePath) throws InvalidSchematicException
//We need an instance of a class in the mod to retrieve a resource
DungeonSchematic empty = new DungeonSchematic();
InputStream schematicStream = empty.getClass().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath);
return readFromStream(schematicStream);
public static DungeonSchematic readFromStream(InputStream schematicStream) throws InvalidSchematicException
return new DungeonSchematic(Schematic.readFromStream(schematicStream));
public void applyImportFilters(DDProperties properties)
//Search for special blocks (warp doors, dim doors, and end portal frames that mark Monolith spawn points)
SpecialBlockFinder finder = new SpecialBlockFinder(STANDARD_WARP_DOOR_ID, STANDARD_DIMENSIONAL_DOOR_ID,
//Flip the entrance's orientation to get the dungeon's orientation
orientation = BlockRotator.transformMetadata(finder.getEntranceOrientation(), 2, Block.doorWood.blockID);
entranceDoorLocation = finder.getEntranceDoorLocation();
exitDoorLocations = finder.getExitDoorLocations();
dimensionalDoorLocations = finder.getDimensionalDoorLocations();
monolithSpawnLocations = finder.getMonolithSpawnLocations();
//Filter out mod blocks except some of our own
CompoundFilter standardizer = new CompoundFilter();
standardizer.addFilter(new ModBlockFilter(MAX_VANILLA_BLOCK_ID, MOD_BLOCK_FILTER_EXCEPTIONS,
(short) properties.FabricBlockID, (byte) 0));
//Also convert standard DD block IDs to local versions
Map<Short, Short> mapping = getAssignedToStandardIDMapping(properties);
for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : mapping.entrySet())
if (entry.getKey() != entry.getValue())
standardizer.addFilter(new ReplacementFilter(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()));
public void applyExportFilters(DDProperties properties)
//Check if some block IDs assigned by Forge differ from our standard IDs
//If so, change the IDs to standard values
CompoundFilter standardizer = new CompoundFilter();
Map<Short, Short> mapping = getAssignedToStandardIDMapping(properties);
for (Entry<Short, Short> entry : mapping.entrySet())
if (entry.getKey() != entry.getValue())
standardizer.addFilter(new ReplacementFilter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
//Filter out mod blocks except some of our own
//This comes after ID standardization because the mod block filter relies on standardized IDs
standardizer.addFilter(new ModBlockFilter(MAX_VANILLA_BLOCK_ID, MOD_BLOCK_FILTER_EXCEPTIONS,
private Map<Short, Short> getAssignedToStandardIDMapping(DDProperties properties)
//If we ever need this broadly or support other mods, this should be moved to a separate class
TreeMap<Short, Short> mapping = new TreeMap<Short, Short>();
mapping.put((short) properties.FabricBlockID, STANDARD_FABRIC_OF_REALITY_ID);
mapping.put((short) properties.PermaFabricBlockID, STANDARD_ETERNAL_FABRIC_ID);
mapping.put((short) properties.WarpDoorID, STANDARD_WARP_DOOR_ID);
mapping.put((short) properties.DimensionalDoorID, STANDARD_DIMENSIONAL_DOOR_ID);
return mapping;
public static DungeonSchematic copyFromWorld(World world, int x, int y, int z, short width, short height, short length, boolean doCompactBounds)
return new DungeonSchematic(Schematic.copyFromWorld(world, x, y, z, width, height, length, doCompactBounds));
public void copyToWorld(World world, Point3D pocketCenter, int dungeonOrientation, int originDimID, int destDimID)
//TODO: This function is an improvised solution so we can get the release moving. In the future,
//we should generalize block tranformations and implement support for them at the level of Schematic,
//then just use that support from DungeonSchematic instead of making this local fix.
//It might be easiest to support transformations using a WorldOperation
final int turnAngle = dungeonOrientation - orientation;
int index;
int count;
int blockID;
int blockMeta;
int dx, dy, dz;
Point3D pocketPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
//Copy blocks and metadata into the world
index = 0;
for (dy = 0; dy < height; dy++)
for (dz = 0; dz < length; dz++)
for (dx = 0; dx < width; dx++)
blockID = blocks[index];
BlockRotator.transformPoint(pocketPoint, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
blockMeta = BlockRotator.transformMetadata(metadata[index], turnAngle, blockID);
//In the future, we might want to make this more efficient by building whole chunks at a time
setBlockDirectly(world, pocketPoint.getX(), pocketPoint.getY(), pocketPoint.getZ(), blockID, blockMeta);
//Copy tile entities into the world
count = tileEntities.tagCount();
for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
NBTTagCompound tileTag = (NBTTagCompound) tileEntities.tagAt(index);
//Rewrite its location to be in world coordinates
BlockRotator.transformPoint(pocketPoint, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
tileTag.setInteger("x", pocketPoint.getX());
tileTag.setInteger("y", pocketPoint.getY());
tileTag.setInteger("z", pocketPoint.getZ());
//Load the tile entity and put it in the world
world.setBlockTileEntity(pocketPoint.getX(), pocketPoint.getY(), pocketPoint.getZ(), TileEntity.createAndLoadEntity(tileTag));
setUpDungeon(world, pocketCenter, turnAngle, originDimID, destDimID);
private void setUpDungeon(World world, Point3D pocketCenter, int turnAngle, int originDimID, int destDimID)
//The following Random initialization code is based on code from ChunkProviderGenerate.
//It makes our generation depend on the world seed.
Random random = new Random(world.getSeed());
long factorA = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
long factorB = random.nextLong() / 2L * 2L + 1L;
random.setSeed((pocketCenter.getX() >> 4) * factorA + (pocketCenter.getZ() >> 4) * factorB ^ world.getSeed());
//Transform dungeon corners
Point3D minCorner = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
Point3D maxCorner = new Point3D(width - 1, height - 1, length - 1);
transformCorners(entranceDoorLocation, pocketCenter, turnAngle, minCorner, maxCorner);
//Fill empty chests and dispensers
FillContainersOperation filler = new FillContainersOperation(random);
filler.apply(world, minCorner, maxCorner);
//Set up entrance door rift
setUpEntranceDoorLink(world, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
//Set up link data for dimensional doors
for (Point3D location : dimensionalDoorLocations)
setUpDimensionalDoorLink(world, location, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter, originDimID, destDimID, random);
//Set up link data for exit door
for (Point3D location : exitDoorLocations)
setUpExitDoorLink(world, location, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter, originDimID, destDimID, random);
//Remove end portal frames and spawn Monoliths
for (Point3D location : monolithSpawnLocations)
spawnMonolith(world, location, entranceDoorLocation, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
private static void transformCorners(Point3D schematicEntrance, Point3D pocketCenter, int turnAngle, Point3D minCorner, Point3D maxCorner)
int temp;
BlockRotator.transformPoint(minCorner, schematicEntrance, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
BlockRotator.transformPoint(maxCorner, schematicEntrance, turnAngle, pocketCenter);
if (minCorner.getX() > maxCorner.getX())
temp = minCorner.getX();
if (minCorner.getY() > maxCorner.getY())
temp = minCorner.getY();
if (minCorner.getZ() > maxCorner.getZ())
temp = minCorner.getZ();
private static void setUpEntranceDoorLink(World world, Point3D entrance, int rotation, Point3D pocketCenter)
//Set the orientation of the rift exit
Point3D entranceRiftLocation = entrance.clone();
BlockRotator.transformPoint(entranceRiftLocation, entrance, rotation, pocketCenter);
LinkData sideLink = dimHelper.instance.getLinkDataFromCoords(
sideLink.linkOrientation = world.getBlockMetadata(
entranceRiftLocation.getY() - 1,
private static void setUpExitDoorLink(World world, Point3D point, Point3D entrance, int rotation, Point3D pocketCenter, int originDimID, int destDimID, Random random)
//TODO: Hax, remove this later
DDProperties properties = DDProperties.instance();
//Transform doorLocation to the pocket coordinate system.
Point3D location = point.clone();
BlockRotator.transformPoint(location, entrance, rotation, pocketCenter);
int blockDirection = world.getBlockMetadata(location.getX(), location.getY() - 1, location.getZ());
Point3D linkDestination = location.clone();
LinkData randomLink = dimHelper.instance.getRandomLinkData(false);
LinkData sideLink = new LinkData(destDimID,
linkDestination.getY() + 1,
true, blockDirection);
if (sideLink.destDimID == properties.LimboDimensionID)
sideLink.destDimID = 0;
else if ((random.nextBoolean() && randomLink != null))
sideLink.destDimID = randomLink.locDimID;
sideLink.destYCoord = yCoordHelper.getFirstUncovered(sideLink.destDimID, linkDestination.getX(), 10, linkDestination.getZ());
if (sideLink.destYCoord < 5)
sideLink.destYCoord = 70;
sideLink.linkOrientation = world.getBlockMetadata(linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 1, linkDestination.getZ());
dimHelper.instance.createLink(sideLink.destDimID ,
BlockRotator.transformMetadata(sideLink.linkOrientation, 2, Block.doorWood.blockID));
if (world.getBlockId(linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 3, linkDestination.getZ()) == properties.FabricBlockID)
setBlockDirectly(world, linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 2, linkDestination.getZ(), Block.stoneBrick.blockID, 0);
setBlockDirectly(world,linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 2, linkDestination.getZ(),
world.getBlockId(linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 3, linkDestination.getZ()),
world.getBlockMetadata(linkDestination.getX(), linkDestination.getY() - 3, linkDestination.getZ()));
catch (Exception e)
private static void setUpDimensionalDoorLink(World world, Point3D point, Point3D entrance, int rotation, Point3D pocketCenter, int originDimID, int destDimID, Random random)
int depth = dimHelper.instance.getDimDepth(originDimID) + 1;
int forwardNoise = MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(random, -50 * depth, 150 * depth);
int sidewaysNoise = MathHelper.getRandomIntegerInRange(random, -10 * depth, 10 * depth);
//Transform doorLocation to the pocket coordinate system
Point3D location = point.clone();
BlockRotator.transformPoint(location, entrance, rotation, pocketCenter);
int blockDirection = world.getBlockMetadata(location.getX(), location.getY() - 1, location.getZ());
//Rotate the link destination noise to point in the same direction as the door exit
//and add it to the door's location. Use EAST as the reference orientation since linkDestination
//is constructed as if pointing East.
Point3D linkDestination = new Point3D(forwardNoise, 0, sidewaysNoise);
Point3D zeroPoint = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
BlockRotator.transformPoint(linkDestination, zeroPoint, blockDirection - BlockRotator.EAST_DOOR_METADATA, location);
//Create the link between our current door and its intended exit in destination pocket
LinkData sideLink = new LinkData(destDimID, 0,
linkDestination.getY() + 1,
true, blockDirection);
dimHelper.instance.createPocket(sideLink, true, true);
private static void spawnMonolith(World world, Point3D point, Point3D entrance, int rotation, Point3D pocketCenter)
//Transform the frame block's location to the pocket coordinate system
Point3D location = point.clone();
BlockRotator.transformPoint(location, entrance, rotation, pocketCenter);
//Remove frame block
setBlockDirectly(world, location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), 0, 0);
//Spawn Monolith
Entity mob = new MobMonolith(world);
mob.setLocationAndAngles(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), 1, 1);