Removed dungeons from RAM
- Made Schematics load into RAM as byte arrays at the start of game instead of as NBT (saves +- 1GB of RAM) (SH) - Added checks for non-default schematics to make sure they contain valid NBT at game start (SH) - Made sure that invalid templates/schematics aren't even added to the array (SH) - Made sure that PocketTemplate loads Schematic from byte array before it tries to place it (PT) - Made sure that PocketTemplate unloads Schematic after placinf it (PT) - Made sure that TileEntityRift doesn't check its Location while PocketTemplate is replacing placeholders in Schematics (otherwise it will try to use null worlds and shizzle) (TER and PT) - Added functionality when saving a Schematic, this should put the Schematic in memory as a byte array (SH) - Fixed little bug, where Schematics that would be too big, would only be loaded when configured not to (SH) - Added functionality to keep the Schematics that are placed most loaded in RAM as NBT (combination of usageList and usageMap) (SH and PT) - Added config option to set the maximum number of Schematics that will be cached as NBT (MC and SH) - Made sure that Dimdoors.log is consistently used (SH) - Added check for .json file extension for files in the json config folder (SH) - Schematic files in the jar have had the .schem extension for a while now. Generalised a bit. (SH)
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 230 additions and 34 deletions
@ -80,6 +80,10 @@ public final class ModConfig {
public boolean loadAllSchematics = false;
@LangKey("dimdoors.pockets.cachedSchematics") //TODO add lang key to lang file
public int cachedSchematics = 10;
public static class World {
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public final class PocketGenerator {
PocketRegistry registry = PocketRegistry.instance(dim);
Pocket pocket = registry.newPocket();
||||, setup);
if (setup) pocketTemplate.setup(pocket, null, null);
return pocket;
@ -45,8 +45,10 @@ public class PocketTemplate {
@Getter private final String name;
@Getter private final String author;
@Getter @Setter private Schematic schematic;
@Setter private byte[] schematicBytecode;
@Getter private final int size; // number of chunks (16 blocks) on each side - 1
@Getter private final int baseWeight;
@Getter private static boolean isReplacingPlaceholders = false;
public float getWeight(int depth) {
//noinspection IfStatementWithIdenticalBranches
@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ public class PocketTemplate {
public static void replacePlaceholders(Schematic schematic) { // TODO: rift inheritance rather than placeholders
// Replace placeholders (some schematics will contain them)
isReplacingPlaceholders = true;
List<NBTTagCompound> tileEntities = new ArrayList<>();
for (NBTTagCompound tileEntityNBT : schematic.tileEntities) {
if (tileEntityNBT.hasKey("placeholder")) {
@ -149,9 +152,10 @@ public class PocketTemplate {
schematic.entities = entities;
isReplacingPlaceholders = false;
public void place(Pocket pocket) {
public void place(Pocket pocket, boolean setup) {
int gridSize = PocketRegistry.instance(pocket.getDim()).getGridSize();
int dim = pocket.getDim();
@ -159,10 +163,23 @@ public class PocketTemplate {
int xBase = pocket.getX() * gridSize * 16;
int yBase = 0;
int zBase = pocket.getZ() * gridSize * 16;
//Converting the schematic from bytearray if needed
if (schematic == null) {
DimDoors.log.debug("Schematic is null, trying to reload from byteArray.");
schematic = SchematicHandler.INSTANCE.loadSchematicFromByteArray(schematicBytecode);
// Place the schematic
//Place the schematic
||||"Placing new pocket using schematic " + id + " at x = " + xBase + ", z = " + zBase);
||||, xBase, yBase, zBase);
if (!setup && !SchematicHandler.INSTANCE.isUsedOftenEnough(this)) {
//remove schematic from "cache"
schematic = null;
public void setup(Pocket pocket, VirtualTarget linkTo, LinkProperties linkProperties) {
@ -258,5 +275,10 @@ public class PocketTemplate {
if (!SchematicHandler.INSTANCE.isUsedOftenEnough(this)) {
//remove schematic from "cache"
schematic = null;
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ import*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
@ -28,9 +28,22 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
private static final String SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME = "saved_pockets";
public static final SchematicHandler INSTANCE = new SchematicHandler();
public Schematic loadSchematicFromByteArray(byte[] schematicBytecode) {
Schematic schematic = null;
try {
schematic = Schematic.loadFromNBT(CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(new ByteArrayInputStream (schematicBytecode)));
} catch (IOException ex) {
//this would be EXTREMELY unlikely, since this should have been checked earlier.
DimDoors.log.error("Schematic file for this dungeon could not be read from byte array.", ex);
return schematic;
private List<PocketTemplate> templates;
private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> nameMap; // group -> name -> index in templates
private List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> usageList = new ArrayList(); //template and nr of usages
private Map<PocketTemplate, Integer> usageMap = new HashMap(); //template -> index in usageList
public void loadSchematics() {
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
@ -47,7 +60,7 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
// Load config jsons
// Init json config folder
File jsonFolder = new File(DimDoors.getConfigurationFolder(), "/jsons");
if (!jsonFolder.exists()) {
@ -58,7 +71,9 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
// Load config jsons and referenced schematics
for (File file : jsonFolder.listFiles()) {
if (file.isDirectory() || !file.getName().endsWith(".json")) continue;
try {
String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(file.toURI(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
@ -73,9 +88,9 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
for (File file : saveFolder.listFiles()) {
if (file.isDirectory() || !file.getName().endsWith(".schem")) continue;
try {
Schematic schematic = Schematic.loadFromNBT(CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(new FileInputStream(file)));
PocketTemplate template = new PocketTemplate(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME, file.getName(), null, null, null, schematic, -1, 0);
byte[] schematicBytecode = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(file));
Schematic.loadFromNBT(CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(new ByteArrayInputStream (schematicBytecode)));
PocketTemplate template = new PocketTemplate(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME, file.getName(), null, null, null, null, schematicBytecode, -1, 0);
} catch (IOException e) {
DimDoors.log.error("Error reading schematic " + file.getName() + ": " + e);
@ -97,24 +112,28 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
JsonObject jsonTemplate = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
//Generate and get templates (without a schematic) of all variations that are valid for the current "maxPocketSize"
List<PocketTemplate> validTemplates = getAllValidVariations(jsonTemplate);
List<PocketTemplate> candidateTemplates = getAllValidVariations(jsonTemplate);
String subDirectory = jsonTemplate.get("group").getAsString(); //get the subfolder in which the schematics are stored
for (PocketTemplate template : validTemplates) { //it's okay to "tap" this for-loop, even if validTemplates is empty.
String extendedTemplatelocation = subDirectory.equals("") ? template.getId() : subDirectory + "/" + template.getId(); //transform the filename accordingly
List<PocketTemplate> validTemplates = new ArrayList<>();
for (PocketTemplate template : candidateTemplates) { //it's okay to "tap" this for-loop, even if validTemplates is empty.
String extendedTemplatelocation = subDirectory.equals("") ? template.getId() : subDirectory + "/" + template.getId() + ".schem"; //transform the filename accordingly
//Initialising the possible locations/formats for the schematic file
InputStream schematicStream = DimDoors.class.getResourceAsStream(schematicJarDirectory + extendedTemplatelocation + ".schem");
File schematicFile = new File(schematicFolder, "/" + extendedTemplatelocation + ".schem");
InputStream schematicStream = DimDoors.class.getResourceAsStream(schematicJarDirectory + extendedTemplatelocation);
File schematicFile = new File(schematicFolder, "/" + extendedTemplatelocation);
//determine which location to load the schematic file from (and what format)
DataInputStream schematicDataStream = null;
boolean streamOpened = false;
boolean isCustomFile = false;
boolean isValidFormat = true;
if (schematicStream != null) {
schematicDataStream = new DataInputStream(schematicStream);
streamOpened = true;
} else if (schematicFile.exists()) {
isCustomFile = true;
try {
schematicDataStream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(schematicFile));
streamOpened = true;
@ -125,32 +144,44 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
DimDoors.log.error("Schematic \"" + template.getId() + ".schem\" was not found in the jar or config directory.");
NBTTagCompound schematicNBT;
Schematic schematic = null;
byte[] schematicBytecode = null;
if (streamOpened) {
try {
schematicNBT = CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(schematicDataStream);
schematic = Schematic.loadFromNBT(schematicNBT);
schematicBytecode = IOUtils.toByteArray(schematicDataStream);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SchematicHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Schematic file for " + template.getId() + " could not be read as a valid schematic NBT file.", ex); // TODO: consistently use one type of logger for this.
DimDoors.log.error("Schematic file for " + template.getId() + " could not be read into byte array.", ex);
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SchematicHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Error occured while closing schematicDataStream", ex);
DimDoors.log.error("Error occured while closing schematicDataStream.", ex);
if (isCustomFile) {
Schematic schematic = null;
try {
schematic = Schematic.loadFromNBT(CompressedStreamTools.readCompressed(new ByteArrayInputStream (schematicBytecode)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
DimDoors.log.error("Schematic file for " + template.getId() + " could not be read as a valid schematic NBT file.", ex);
isValidFormat = false;
if (schematic != null
&& (schematic.width > (template.getSize() + 1) * 16 || schematic.length > (template.getSize() + 1) * 16)) {
schematic = null;
DimDoors.log.warn("Schematic " + template.getId() + " was bigger than specified in its json file and therefore wasn't loaded");
if (schematic != null
&& (schematic.width > (template.getSize() + 1) * 16 || schematic.length > (template.getSize() + 1) * 16)) {
DimDoors.log.warn("Schematic " + template.getId() + " was bigger than specified in its json file and therefore wasn't loaded");
isValidFormat = false;
if (streamOpened && isValidFormat) {
return validTemplates;
@ -164,12 +195,12 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
//convert the variations arraylist to a list of pocket templates
for (JsonElement pocketElement : pockets) {
JsonObject pocket = pocketElement.getAsJsonObject();
int size = pocket.get("size").getAsInt();
if (!ModConfig.pockets.loadAllSchematics && size > ModConfig.pockets.maxPocketSize) continue;
String id = pocket.get("id").getAsString();
String type = pocket.has("type") ? pocket.get("type").getAsString() : null;
String name = pocket.has("name") ? pocket.get("name").getAsString() : null;
String author = pocket.has("author") ? pocket.get("author").getAsString() : null;
int size = pocket.get("size").getAsInt();
if (ModConfig.pockets.loadAllSchematics && size > ModConfig.pockets.maxPocketSize) continue;
int baseWeight = pocket.has("baseWeight") ? pocket.get("baseWeight").getAsInt() : 100;
pocketTemplates.add(new PocketTemplate(group, id, type, name, author, size, baseWeight));
@ -286,7 +317,7 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(SchematicHandler.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Something went wrong while saving " + saveFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to disk.", ex);
DimDoors.log.error("Something went wrong while saving " + saveFile.getAbsolutePath() + " to disk.", ex);
@ -301,8 +332,144 @@ public class SchematicHandler { // TODO: parts of this should be moved to the or
if (savedDungeons.containsKey(id)) {
templates.remove((int) savedDungeons.remove(id));
templates.add(new PocketTemplate(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME, id, null, null, null, schematic, -1, 0));
nameMap.get(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME).put(id, templates.size() - 1);
//create byte array
ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] schematicBytecode = null;
try {
CompressedStreamTools.writeCompressed(schematic.saveToNBT(), byteStream);
schematicBytecode = byteStream.toByteArray();
} catch (IOException ex) {
DimDoors.log.error("Something went wrong while converting schematic " + id + " to bytecode.", ex);
if (schematicBytecode != null) {
templates.add(new PocketTemplate(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME, id, null, null, null, schematic, schematicBytecode, -1, 0));
nameMap.get(SAVED_POCKETS_GROUP_NAME).put(id, templates.size() - 1);
private int getUsage(PocketTemplate template) {
if (!usageMap.containsKey(template)) return -1;
int index = usageMap.get(template);
if (usageList.size() <= index) return -1;
PocketTemplate listTemplate = usageList.get(index).getKey();
if (listTemplate == template) {
int usage = usageList.get(index).getValue();
return usage;
} else {//should never happen, but you never really know.
DimDoors.log.warn("Pocket Template usage list is desynched from the usage map, re-sorting and synching now.");
return getUsage(template);
public boolean isUsedOftenEnough(PocketTemplate template) {
int maxNrOfCachedSchematics = ModConfig.pockets.cachedSchematics;
int usageRank = usageMap.get(template);
return usageRank < maxNrOfCachedSchematics;
public void incrementUsage(PocketTemplate template) {
int startIndex;
int newUsage;
if (!usageMap.containsKey(template)) {
usageList.add(new SimpleEntry(null, 0)); //add a dummy entry at the end
startIndex = usageList.size()-1;
newUsage = 1;
} else {
startIndex = usageMap.get(template);
newUsage = usageList.get(startIndex).getValue() + 1;
int insertionIndex = findFirstEqualOrLessUsage(newUsage, 0, startIndex);
//shift all entries inbetween the insertionIndex and the currentIndex to the right
PocketTemplate currentTemplate;
for (int i = startIndex; i > insertionIndex; i--) {
usageList.set(i, usageList.get(i-1));
currentTemplate = usageList.get(i).getKey();
usageMap.put(currentTemplate, i);
//insert the incremented entry at the correct place
usageList.set(insertionIndex, new SimpleEntry(template, newUsage));
usageMap.put(template, insertionIndex);
if (insertionIndex < ModConfig.pockets.cachedSchematics) { //if the schematic of this template is supposed to get cached
if (usageList.size() > ModConfig.pockets.cachedSchematics) { //if there are more used templates than there are schematics allowed to be cached
usageList.get(ModConfig.pockets.cachedSchematics).getKey().setSchematic(null); //make sure that the number of cached schematics is limited
//uses binary search
private int findFirstEqualOrLessUsage(int usage, int indexMin, int indexMax) {
if (usageList.get(indexMin).getValue() <= usage) {
return indexMin;
int halfwayIndex = (indexMin + indexMax) / 2;
if (usageList.get(halfwayIndex).getValue() > usage) {
return findFirstEqualOrLessUsage(usage, halfwayIndex + 1, indexMax);
} else {
return findFirstEqualOrLessUsage(usage, indexMin, halfwayIndex);
private void reSortUsages() {
//sort the usageList
usageList = mergeSortPairArrayByPairValue(usageList);
//make sure that everything in the usageList is actually in the usageMap
for (Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer> pair: usageList) {
usageMap.put(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue());
//make sure that everything in the usageMap is actually in the usageList
for (Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer> entry: usageMap.entrySet()) {
PocketTemplate template = entry.getKey();
int index = entry.getValue();
PocketTemplate template2 = usageList.get(index).getKey();
if (index >= usageList.size() || template != template2) {
usageList.add(new SimpleEntry(template, 1));
//TODO make these a more common implementation for which PocketTemplate could be anything.
private List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> mergeSortPairArrayByPairValue(List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> input) {
if (input.size() < 2) {
return input;
} else {
List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> a = mergeSortPairArrayByPairValue(input.subList(0, input.size()/2));
List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> b = mergeSortPairArrayByPairValue(input.subList(input.size()/2, input.size()));
return mergePairArraysByPairValue(a, b);
private List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> mergePairArraysByPairValue(List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> a, List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> b) {
List<Entry<PocketTemplate, Integer>> output = new ArrayList<>();
int aPointer = 0;
int bPointer = 0;
while (aPointer < a.size() || bPointer < b.size()) {
if (aPointer >= a.size()) {
output.addAll(b.subList(bPointer, b.size()));
if (bPointer >= b.size()) {
output.addAll(a.subList(aPointer, a.size()));
int aValue = a.get(aPointer).getValue();
int bValue = b.get(bPointer).getValue();
if (aValue >= bValue) {
} else {
return output;
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.rifts.targets.*;
import org.dimdev.pocketlib.VirtualLocation;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import org.dimdev.dimdoors.shared.pockets.PocketTemplate;
@NBTSerializable public abstract class TileEntityRift extends TileEntity implements ITarget, IEntityTarget {
@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
public boolean isRegistered() {
// The DimensionManager.getWorld(0) != null check is to be able to run this without having to start minecraft
// (for GeneratePocketSchematics, for example)
return DimensionManager.getWorld(0) != null && RiftRegistry.instance().isRiftAt(new Location(world, pos));
return DimensionManager.getWorld(0) != null && !PocketTemplate.isReplacingPlaceholders() && RiftRegistry.instance().isRiftAt(new Location(world, pos));
public void register() {
@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ dimdoors.pockets.publicPocketSize=Public Pocket Size
dimdoors.pockets.publicPocketSize.tooltip=Sets the minimum size of a newly created Public Pocket. If this is set to any value bigger than privatePocketSize, the value of privatePocketSize will be used instead.
dimdoors.pockets.loadAllSchematics=Load All Schematics
dimdoors.pockets.loadAllSchematics.tooltip= When true, all available Pocket Schematics will be loaded on game-start, even if the gridSize and pocketSize configuration fields would exclude these schematics from being used in 'naturally generated' pockets. The /pocket command can be used to force-generate these pockets for dungeon building or testing purposes.
dimdoors.pockets.cachedSchematics=Maximum number of cached schematics
dimdoors.pockets.cachedSchematics.tooltip= The maximum number of schematics cached as NBT instead of bytes. If a schematic is cached, it will be faster to place, but takes up more RAM. Schematics that are used more are more likely to be cached. The cache resets on restart.
|||| Generation Settings
|||| that determine where dimensional gateways and rift clusters can be generated and at what frequency
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