-Prepared code accessibility for placement of Pockets
-Added method to save schematic nbt to a GZip file on disk.
-Discovered that Schematics don't get the correct names for their blocks
upon writing themselves to NBT.
-Made the PocketRegistry use the toString() values of the
EnumPocketTypes, to save its maps in an NBTTagCompound instead of using
the indexes of those Enums to store the maps in NBTTagLists
-Implemented Pockets' UID being determined by their EnumPocketType and
an integer ID
-Fixed some double and triple registering of Pockets
-Fixed a minor major typo in SchematicHandler that prevented
old-format-schematics from being loaded from disk
-Fixed an "index-out-of-bounds-like" typo and a [ character being read
as a special character in the Schematic class
-Restructured and moved dimension files (again)
-Edited the defaultPublic- and -Personal.json files to a final-ish form
-Added another dummy schematic, but now in the new schematic format
-Added the old dungeon pocket schematics to the assets
-Tested loading of .schem and .schematic files from disk as well as from
the mod jar (successful, btw)
-Added a boolean to the config class, that shows the player a message
upon joining the world, if it is false and the mod version is not alpha.
Meant to assure that config defaults are set correctly (in code) upon
beta- or release- distribution of the mod.
# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/DDProxyCommon.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/PocketPlacer.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/SchematicHandler.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/TeleportHelper.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/shared/world/PocketProvider.java
-Resolved all merge conflicts.
-Removed a few unused imports
-Refractored (moved) new classes from the Worlds branch to the new
package structure that came from the Pockets branch
-Changed variant size values of the default empty pocket jsons, because
otherwise they would crash the game on default config pers/pub pocket
-BlockRift doesn't cause suffocation damage anymore
-Added config option for Dimension ID's
-Added correct method for opening schematic files from File
-Finished "dictionary" for converting dimdoors blocks from the old
schematics to new schematics.
-Added a special "translation-case" for Ancient Fabric, because I am not
going to write a complete method just because one block deviates.
-Added "null-checks" for each non-required field in schematics (new
format) while reading them from NBT and set some corresponding default
values for the fields that can be "null"
-Added a few default pocket jsons
-Errors on world-load were because the above were missing.
-Added a testing schematic (old schematic format)
-Made everything work somehow
-Implemented a way to write a schematic to NBT
-Implemented a way to read an old DD schematic from NBT
-Complete the lists of old DD block names and map them to new ones.
-Implement a method to read schematics and jsons from jar as well as
from config directory
-Made sure that a BlockRift is not replacable and that you can walk
through them. (It hurts though, but we can say that that's a feature)
-Player now gets teleported on the ground in front of the rift, instead
of 1 block in the air.
-Implemented methods to register unpaired rifts at their pockets'
respective depth
-Added ItemDimDoorTrancient to make the riftblade's functionality
consistent with the placement of dimdoors on rifts
# Conflicts:
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/items/ItemDoorBase.java
# src/main/java/com/zixiken/dimdoors/tileentities/DDTileEntityBase.java
Conflicts were small and are resolved
-Implemented a way to load these schematics
-Implemented a way to place these schematics
-Removed "ye olde ways" (Pillar-ways)
-Finding out how and where TileEntities are being created wrongly.
-Make pocket-generation a lot less "coupled". Just store the RiftIDs in
the Pocket and afterwards ask the pocket for a random RiftID
-Do some code cleanup in the SchematicHandler class
-Config Dim ID def: 684
-Added dependency on Vazkii's Pillar mod for "schematic" loading
-Added config directory for DimDoors
-Fixed entrance door placement coords
-Refractored some methods
-Added json-reader functionality
-Code compiles now
-Make code added in SchematicHandler more modular
-Game gets stuck on world-load. Probably because the default json file
for "defaultPersonal" is not available yet at the saves directory.
-Changed some method names
-Fixed a mistake in registering a new pocket upon generation
-Added some get functions for privates
-Implemented functionality for randomising what dungeon pocket may be
generated upon entering an unlinked DimDoor.
-Still the same
-Valid Pocket schematics will be loaded on world-load
-Created an EnumPocketType instead of the integer to avoid confusion and
make expansion to more types easier.
-Renamed PocketPlacer to PocketTemplate
-Implemented Pocket-Template's placement of the default walls, floor,
roof and door
-Updated Forge to latest
-Actually reading the schematic into memory
-Placing the schematic
-Added some crafting recipes
-Made some things render correctly
-Cooler texture for the Transdimensional Trapdoor
-Made some things show their name correctly
-Added a configs class to handle the configs
-Rewrote some of the save handling of the RiftRegistry
Still needed:
-Some dimensions to place pockets in
-Actual loading of json and schematic files into memory
-Actual placement of the pockets (+ door placement and stuff)
Repo does not compile right now!¡!
Made teleporting check whether door is opened and close it again on
Added some more debug logging.
Made the teleportation methods one "string" of boolean methods,
returning false if anything would go amiss.
Implemented 150 ticks waiting time inbetween teleports
finetuned getTeleportTargetLocation method, but it somehow gets reset on
server restart.
Removed "custom" code for DimDoors' Placement and rewrote it
When right-clicking rifts with any Dimensional Door, the game will try to place the Dimensional Door onto the rift.
Rifts will now enherit their properties from broken DimDoors and Dimdoors will enherit their properties from rifts they are placed over.
Made the DimDoors logger a bit more powerful.
Made RiftRegistry reset on server-load
Created a setup for the RiftConnectionTool Item.
Fixed TileEntityRift.java's indentation
Changed some variable names
Authored by Robijnvogel and squashed by Waterpicker.