SenseiKiwi a081419855 Progress on Vertical Dungeon Clipping (broken)
Changed SchematicLoader to use new dimHelper functions to move links
around. This should have allowed us to shift dungeons safely.
Unfortunately, Minecraft still crashes, so the link functions aren't
working as advertised. Please figure out what's going on. >_< The code
is done, it's just link issues that prevent it from working.
2013-08-01 13:37:33 -04:00

149 lines
4.6 KiB

package StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import net.minecraft.world.World;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.dungeon.DungeonSchematic;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.DungeonHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.helpers.dimHelper;
import StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.schematic.InvalidSchematicException;
public class SchematicLoader
private SchematicLoader() { }
public static boolean generateDungeonPocket(LinkData link, DDProperties properties)
//TODO: Phase this function out in the next update. ~SenseiKiwi
if (link == null || properties == null)
return false;
String schematicPath;
int originDimID = link.locDimID;
int destDimID = link.destDimID;
HashMap<Integer, DimData> dimList = dimHelper.dimList;
if (dimList.containsKey(destDimID))
if (dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator == null)
schematicPath = dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator.schematicPath;
return false;
DungeonSchematic dungeon = checkSourceAndLoad(schematicPath);
boolean valid;
//Validate the dungeon's dimensions
if (hasValidDimensions(dungeon))
//Check that the dungeon has an entrance or we'll have a crash
if (dungeon.getEntranceDoorLocation() != null)
valid = true;
System.err.println("The following schematic file does not have an entrance: " + schematicPath);
valid = false;
System.err.println("The following schematic file has dimensions that exceed the maximum permitted dimensions for dungeons: " + schematicPath);
valid = false;
if (!valid)
//TODO: In the future, remove this dungeon from the generation lists altogether.
//That will have to wait until our code is updated to support that more easily.
System.err.println("The dungeon will not be loaded.");
DungeonGenerator defaultError = DungeonHelper.instance().getDefaultErrorDungeon();
dimList.get(destDimID).dungeonGenerator = defaultError;
dungeon = checkSourceAndLoad(defaultError.schematicPath);
dimList.get(destDimID).hasBeenFilled = true;
if (dimHelper.getWorld(destDimID) == null)
World world = dimHelper.getWorld(destDimID);
//Adjust the height at which the dungeon is placed to prevent vertical clipping
int fixedY = adjustDestinationY(world, link.destYCoord, dungeon);
if (fixedY != link.destYCoord)
dimHelper helperInstance = dimHelper.instance;
LinkData reverseLink = helperInstance.getLinkDataAtDestination(link);
helperInstance.moveLinkDataLocation(reverseLink, reverseLink.locXCoord, fixedY, reverseLink.locZCoord, reverseLink.locDimID, true);
dungeon.copyToWorld(world, new Point3D(link.destXCoord, link.destYCoord, link.destZCoord), link.linkOrientation, originDimID, destDimID);
return true;
catch (Exception e)
return false;
private static int adjustDestinationY(World world, int y, DungeonSchematic dungeon)
//The goal here is to guarantee that the dungeon fits within the vertical bounds
//of the world while shifting it as little as possible.
int destY = y;
//Is the top of the dungeon going to be at Y < worldHeight?
int entranceY = dungeon.getEntranceDoorLocation().getY();
int pocketTop = (dungeon.getHeight() - 1) + destY - entranceY;
int worldHeight = world.getHeight();
if (pocketTop >= worldHeight)
destY = (worldHeight - 1) - (dungeon.getHeight() - 1) + entranceY;
//Is the bottom of the dungeon at Y >= 0?
if (destY < entranceY)
destY = entranceY;
return destY;
private static boolean hasValidDimensions(DungeonSchematic dungeon)
return (dungeon.getWidth() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_WIDTH &&
dungeon.getHeight() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_HEIGHT &&
dungeon.getLength() <= DungeonHelper.MAX_DUNGEON_LENGTH);
private static DungeonSchematic checkSourceAndLoad(String schematicPath) throws FileNotFoundException, InvalidSchematicException
//TODO: Change this code once we introduce an isInternal flag in dungeon data
DungeonSchematic dungeon;
if ((new File(schematicPath)).exists())
dungeon = DungeonSchematic.readFromFile(schematicPath);
dungeon = DungeonSchematic.readFromResource(schematicPath);
return dungeon;