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2015-01-13 00:47:03 +01:00
package thaumcraft.api.research;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog;
public class ResearchCategories {
public static LinkedHashMap <String, ResearchCategoryList> researchCategories = new LinkedHashMap <String,ResearchCategoryList>();
* @param key
* @return the research item linked to this key
public static ResearchCategoryList getResearchList(String key) {
return researchCategories.get(key);
* @param key
* @return the name of the research category linked to this key.
* Must be stored as localization information in the LanguageRegistry.
public static String getCategoryName(String key) {
return StatCollector.translateToLocal("tc.research_category."+key);
* @param key the research key
* @return the ResearchItem object.
public static ResearchItem getResearch(String key) {
Collection rc = researchCategories.values();
for (Object cat:rc) {
Collection rl = ((ResearchCategoryList)cat).research.values();
for (Object ri:rl) {
if ((((ResearchItem)ri).key).equals(key)) return (ResearchItem)ri;
return null;
* This should only be done at the PostInit stage
* @param key the key used for this category
* @param icon the icon to be used for the research category tab
* @param background the resource location of the background image to use for this category
* @return the name of the research linked to this key
public static void registerCategory(String key, ResourceLocation icon, ResourceLocation background) {
if (getResearchList(key)==null) {
ResearchCategoryList rl = new ResearchCategoryList(icon, background);
researchCategories.put(key, rl);
public static void addResearch(ResearchItem ri) {
ResearchCategoryList rl = getResearchList(ri.category);
if (rl!=null && !rl.research.containsKey(ri.key)) {
if (!ri.isVirtual()) {
for (ResearchItem rr:rl.research.values()) {
if (rr.displayColumn == ri.displayColumn && rr.displayRow == ri.displayRow) {
FMLLog.log(Level.FATAL, "[Thaumcraft] Research ["+ri.getName()+"] not added as it overlaps with existing research ["+rr.getName()+"]");
rl.research.put(ri.key, ri);
if (ri.displayColumn < rl.minDisplayColumn)
rl.minDisplayColumn = ri.displayColumn;
if (ri.displayRow < rl.minDisplayRow)
rl.minDisplayRow = ri.displayRow;
if (ri.displayColumn > rl.maxDisplayColumn)
rl.maxDisplayColumn = ri.displayColumn;
if (ri.displayRow > rl.maxDisplayRow)
rl.maxDisplayRow = ri.displayRow;