Updating chunkloader block
Addind decorative block
Updated registries to static (?)
Reverted interfaces back in main mod
Updated formating in TileEntityParticleBooster
Renamed BlockBeacon to BlockTransportBeacon for consistency
Added proper worldborder & transition planes configuration
Warning: only first transition plane is taken into account for now
Fixed reactor explosion radius asymetry
Improved reactor laser/explosion formulas & logs readability
Fixed air generator breathing shifted one block below
Fixed world border checking only positive coordinates
Updated reactor recipe for TDK packs
Reimplemented energyHandling from CoFH & IC2 reference designs
Added IC2 energy output support
Merged p1rx shipscanner energy handling
Merged DarlholmeTenk BlockContainer & new interfaces
Bumped WarpCore version
Updated monitor to only work with an empty hand
Removed useless calls to invalidate (Forge already do it)
Fixed Camera & LaserCamera not always removed from registry
Improved server & network load when updating Camera & LaserCamera
Updated debug logs to state client/server side
Fixed camera registry reloading unloaded chunks
Fixed camera registry adding existing cameras
Refactored camera registry update
Fixed camera registry dead lock in debug environment
Nerfed block deletion around reactor explosion
Added TnTs to reactor explosion for a more (minecraft) natural feeling
Updated reactor laser explosion resistance
Updated reactor to remain active after chunk (un)loading
Fixed reactor energy output too low at high instability
Reduced reactor initial production
Adjusted number of laser packets per cycle
Improved reactor robustness (protection for negative energy, etc.)
Fixed reactor API so computer gets current parameters
Fixed reactor API returning output rate per cycle instead of per tick
Refactored reactor mekanism (mode encoding, random number, energy
generation & side textures refresh)
Fixed AtomicScience support following its integration into
Extended Deuterium support when silk-touch mining (untested)
Added reactor recipes for IC2/TDK
Updated reactor to increase power with instabilities so players want to
take the risk
Updated reactor offline state to remain unstable and loose its inerty
Fixed reactor texture glitches when exceeding limits (too unstable,
Added reactor effective energy output for easier monitoring
Removed reactor usage as a battery (wip)
Minor fixes