Refactored a bunch of block logic to move block initialisation from the
WarpDrive class to the block's own class.
Nuclear reactor component which draws a tonne of heat from components
and the reactor Very quickly.
Nuclear monitor which uses lasers (of course) to remove the heat from
laser focuses VERY VERY quickly at the cost of energy.
Added a creative tab just for warpdrive, because
CreativeTabs.tabRedstone isn't the best place for lasers.
Made WarpDriveConfig completely static; there can only ever be one
instance of it (hence WarpDriveConfig.i) and there should never be
multiple copies of the options.
Made a bunch of config stuff static
Changed things to access static config values
Removed unused imports
Added basic workings of transporter
Changed a few more TEs to use WarpDrive.debugPrint
Made TileEntityShipScanner an extension of TileEntityAbstractLaser
Removed some unused variables
Switched from @PostInit and similar to @EventHandler
Changed some Vector3.add to Vector3.translate
Moved the sendLaserPacket function into its own abstract class (had to
extend WarpChunkTE for mining laser and things)
Made beamFX debug messages much more concise.
Tidied up cloaking field callMethods to use new toInt functions.
Made laser lift try to move stuff every 8 ticks rather than every 40 to
eliminate the slow feeling.
Made a custom laser calling function in laserLift since source and dest
are the same in nearly every call.
Made BeamFX only use the grey texture since it can just colorise it.
Changed a few System.out.printlns to WarpDrive.debugPrints.
Added config option to turn debug mode on or off
Added base TE class to be lazy with some functions (e.g. for computer
input and Math.min(Math.max(a,b),c) replacement