2023-04-08 14:38:52 +02:00

115 lines
5.5 KiB

# Configuration file
alchemy {
I:"FE generated from 1J. Set to 0 to effectively disable the dynamo. (Default 20)"=20
# 0: No negative effects. 1: Allow lightning strikes. 2: Allow creeper charging. 3: Allow lightning strikes & creeper charging.
I:"Level of effects from overcharging the atmosphere (Default 3)"=3
D:"Voltus used to produce 1000FE of charge in the atmosphere (Default 0.1)"=0.1
B:"Whether to allow crafting Ignis Infernum. (Default true)"=true
internal {
S:"Blocks that Crossroads shouldn't be able to destroy or replace. Should be in the format 'modid:blockregistryname', ex. 'minecraft:obsidian' or 'crossroads:block_salt'." <
# Interval in ticks between gear network checks. (Range 100-2400, Default 300)
I:"Gear Reset Time"=300
B:"If you are crashing from StackOverflow errors and you either have a tiny amount of RAM or built an insanely large & complicated rotary setup, then set this to true, destroy the setup, and set this to false. Also maybe send me a picture of the setup."=false
# The documentation will appear in the misc section of Technician's Manual, NOT the Mysterious Journal. Pack makers: Turn this off before releasing the pack!
B:"Show CraftTweaker integration documentation in the guide book? (Default false)"=false
# Lower value means smoother gear rotation and less clipping, but more packets sent AKA lag. (Range 0.0-1.0, Default .02)
D:"Speed Precision"=0.019999999552965164
# Only use this if needed, as the mappings between players and technomancy workspace dimensions will be lost. If doing this, delete the files for those dimensions. Also, make a backup of the world file before setting this to true.
B:"Wipe internal per player dimension mappings on failure? (Default false)"=false
misc {
# Disabling these recipes will NOT change the documentation at all. Responsibility for warning users of disabled recipes is left to pack makers.
B:"Add recipes for bobo items? (Default true)"=true
S:"Blocks that time beams shouldn't affect. Should be in the format 'modid:blockregistryname', ex. 'minecraft:obsidian' or 'crossroads:block_salt'." <
# If false, all heat cable overheating effects are replaced with burning (Default true)
B:"Cable Overheat Effects"=true
B:"Can time beams accelerate time? (Default true)."=true
B:"Enable rain idol? (Default true)"=true
S:"Plant types that can not be grown by a potential beam. Should be in format 'modid:blockregistryname', ex. minecraft:wheat" <
# Should magic beams rotate? (Default true)
B:"Rotate Beams"=true
ores {
B:"Generate Copper Ore?"=false
B:"Generate Native Copper Ore?"=false
B:"Generate Ruby Ore?"=false
B:"Generate Tin Ore?"=false
# Disabling this will make Crossroads copper/tin/bronze completely useless. The recipes will need copper/tin/bronze from other mods. Don't ask me why you'd want this.
B:"Register OreDictionary for copper/tin/bronze? (Default true)"=false
# Changing this value will cause retrogen. Leaving it blank disables retrogen. TURN THIS OFF WHEN YOU ARE DONE!
S:"Retrogen Key"=
specializations {
B:"Allow Multiple specializations per player in MultiPlayer? (Default false)"=false
B:"Allow Multiple specializations per player in SinglePlayer? (Default true)"=true
B:"Enable Alchemy? (Default true)"=true
B:"Enable Technomancy? (Default true)"=true
B:"Enable Witchcraft? (Default true)"=true
technomancy {
B:"Allow Chunk Magic-ifying disaster from Technomancy? (Default true)"=true
B:"Allow Chunk Reset disaster from Technomancy? (Default true)"=true
B:"Allow Chunk Voiding disaster from Technomancy? (Default true)"=true
B:"Allow Explosion disaster from Technomancy? (Default true)"=true
# Use to prevent exploits, bugs, travel to the prototype dimension, griefing, and other naughty things. Also, most modded multiblocks should be blocked to prevent bugs.
S:"Blocks disallowed to be used in prototypes. Should be in the format 'modid:blockregistryname', ex. 'minecraft:obsidian' or 'crossroads:block_salt'." <
B:"Draw potential fields with lines (True: lines, False: planes)? (Default false)"=false
# An invalid liquid will disable the crafting
S:"Liquid type for the Copshowium Creation Chamber with fields (Default distilledwater)."=distilledwater
# An invalid liquid will disable the crafting
S:"Liquid type for the Copshowium Creation Chamber without fields (Default copper)."=copper
I:"Maximum pistol damage per shot, -1 for no cap. (Default -1)"=-1
# -1: Prototyping is disabled. May block large amounts of the mod. 0: Default value. 1: Prototyping destroys the template structure the prototype was made from instead of copying the template. (prevents unintended dupe exploits). 2: Prototyping works as normal, except prototype blocks themselves cannot be placed, only used within other compatible devices (such as the watch).
I:"Restrictions on prototyping. (Default 0)"=0