2015-05-25 08:55:25 -04:00

349 lines
12 KiB
Executable file

* Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Yancarlo Ramsey and CJ Bowman
* Licensed as open source with restrictions. Please see attached LICENSE.txt.
package com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.containers;
import com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.Info;
import com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.slots.SlotLinkCard;
import com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.tileentities.TEStorageMonitor;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ICrafting;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side;
import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class ContainerStorageMonitor extends Container{
private final int playerInventoryStartSlot = 1;
public TEStorageMonitor te;
public int energyStored;
public int energyCapacity;
public int lowerBoundary;
public int upperBoundary;
public ContainerStorageMonitor(InventoryPlayer player, TEStorageMonitor tile) {
this.te = tile;
this.energyStored = -1;
this.energyCapacity = -1;
this.lowerBoundary = -1;
this.upperBoundary = -1;
final int topOffset = 32; // Got tired of forgetting to manually alter
// ALL of the constants. (This won't affect
// the energy bar!)
int xCol;
int yRow;
// Link Card slot
this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotLinkCard(tile, Info.SM_SLOT_UNIVERSAL, 8, 9));
// Player inventory
for(yRow = 0; yRow < 3; ++yRow){
for(xCol = 0; xCol < 9; ++xCol){
this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(player, xCol + yRow * 9 + 9, 8 + xCol * 18, topOffset + 76 + yRow * 18));
// Player hot bar
for(yRow = 0; yRow < 9; ++yRow){
this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(player, yRow, 8 + yRow * 18, topOffset + 134));
public void detectAndSendChanges(){
// if (ChargingBench.isDebugging)
// System.out.println("ContainerChargingBench.updateCraftingResults");
for(int crafterIndex = 0; crafterIndex < crafters.size(); ++crafterIndex){
ICrafting crafter = (ICrafting) crafters.get(crafterIndex);
if(this.energyStored != te.energyStored){
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 0, te.energyStored & 65535);
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 1, te.energyStored >>> 16);
if(this.energyCapacity != te.energyCapacity){
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 2, te.energyCapacity & 65535);
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 3, te.energyCapacity >>> 16);
if(this.lowerBoundary != te.lowerBoundary){
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 4, te.lowerBoundary);
if(this.upperBoundary != te.upperBoundary){
crafter.sendProgressBarUpdate(this, 5, te.upperBoundary);
this.energyStored = te.energyStored;
this.energyCapacity = te.energyCapacity;
this.lowerBoundary = te.lowerBoundary;
this.upperBoundary = te.upperBoundary;
public void updateProgressBar(int param, int value){
super.updateProgressBar(param, value);
case 0:
te.energyStored = te.energyStored & -65536 | value;
case 1:
te.energyStored = te.energyStored & 65535 | (value << 16);
case 2:
te.energyCapacity = te.energyCapacity & -65536 | value;
case 3:
te.energyCapacity = te.energyCapacity & 65535 | (value << 16);
case 4:
te.lowerBoundary = value;
case 5:
te.upperBoundary = value;
System.out.println("ContainerStorageMonitor.updateProgressBar - Warning: default case!");
* Merges provided ItemStack with the first available one in the
* container/player inventory
protected boolean mergeItemStack(ItemStack stack, int startSlot, int endSlot, boolean reverseOrder){
boolean result = false;
int slotID = startSlot;
slotID = endSlot - 1;
Slot currentSlot;
ItemStack currentStack;
while(stack.stackSize > 0 && (!reverseOrder && slotID < endSlot || reverseOrder && slotID >= startSlot)){
currentSlot = (Slot) inventorySlots.get(slotID);
currentStack = currentSlot.getStack();
if(currentStack != null && Item.getIdFromItem(currentStack.getItem()) == Item.getIdFromItem(stack.getItem())
&& (!stack.getHasSubtypes() || stack.getItemDamage() == currentStack.getItemDamage())
&& ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(stack, currentStack) && currentSlot.isItemValid(stack)){
int limit = Math.min(stack.getMaxStackSize(), currentSlot.getSlotStackLimit());
int sum = currentStack.stackSize + stack.stackSize;
if(sum <= limit){
stack.stackSize = 0;
currentStack.stackSize = sum;
result = true;
}else if(currentStack.stackSize < limit){
int diff = limit - currentStack.stackSize;
stack.stackSize -= diff;
currentStack.stackSize = limit;
result = true;
if(stack.stackSize > 0){
slotID = endSlot - 1;
slotID = startSlot;
while(!reverseOrder && slotID < endSlot || reverseOrder && slotID >= startSlot){
currentSlot = (Slot) inventorySlots.get(slotID);
currentStack = currentSlot.getStack();
if(currentStack == null && currentSlot.isItemValid(stack)){
int limit = currentSlot.getSlotStackLimit();
if(stack.stackSize <= limit){
stack.stackSize = 0;
result = true;
result = true;
return result;
public ItemStack transferStackInSlot(EntityPlayer p, int par1){
ItemStack original = null;
Slot slotclicked = (Slot) inventorySlots.get(par1);
if(slotclicked != null && slotclicked.getHasStack()){
ItemStack sourceStack = slotclicked.getStack();
original = sourceStack.copy();
if(par1 < playerInventoryStartSlot){
if(!this.mergeItemStack(sourceStack, playerInventoryStartSlot, inventorySlots.size(), true)){
return null;
}else if(!this.mergeItemStack(sourceStack, 0, playerInventoryStartSlot, false)){
return null;
if(sourceStack.stackSize == 0){
slotclicked.putStack((ItemStack) null);
return original;
* @Override public ItemStack slotClick(int slotID, int button, int
* shiftclick, EntityPlayer par4EntityPlayer) { ItemStack result = null;
* if (Info.isDebugging && AdvancedPowerManagement.proxy.isServer())
* System.out.println("ContainerChargingBench.slotClick(slotID=" + slotID +
* ", button=" + button + ", shift=" + shiftclick + ");");
* if (button > 1) { return null; } else { if (button == 0 || button == 1) {
* InventoryPlayer invPlayer = par4EntityPlayer.inventory;
* if (slotID == -999) // Dropping items outside GUI, identical to vanilla
* behavior { if (invPlayer.getItemStack() != null && slotID == -999) { if
* (button == 0) {
* par4EntityPlayer.dropPlayerItem(invPlayer.getItemStack());
* invPlayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); }
* if (button == 1) {
* par4EntityPlayer.dropPlayerItem(invPlayer.getItemStack().splitStack(1));
* if (invPlayer.getItemStack().stackSize == 0) {
* invPlayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null); } } } } else if (shiftclick ==
* 1) { ItemStack original = this.transferStackInSlot(par4EntityPlayer,
* slotID);
* // For crafting and other situations where a new stack could appear in
* the slot after each click; may be useful for output slot if (original !=
* null) { int originalID = original.itemID; result = original.copy(); Slot
* slot = (Slot)inventorySlots.get(slotID);
* if (slot != null && slot.getStack() != null && slot.getStack().itemID ==
* originalID) { this.retrySlotClick(slotID, button, true,
* par4EntityPlayer); } } } else { if (slotID < 0) { return null; }
* Slot slot = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(slotID);
* if (slot != null) { ItemStack clickedStack = slot.getStack(); ItemStack
* mouseStack = invPlayer.getItemStack();
* if (clickedStack != null) { if (Info.isDebugging)
* System.out.println("Clicked stack tag: " + clickedStack.stackTagCompound
* + " / Item ID: " + clickedStack.itemID); result = clickedStack.copy(); }
* int quantity;
* if (clickedStack == null) { // There's nothing in the slot, place the
* held item there if possible if (mouseStack != null &&
* slot.isItemValid(mouseStack)) { quantity = button == 0 ?
* mouseStack.stackSize : 1; if (quantity > slot.getSlotStackLimit())
* quantity = slot.getSlotStackLimit();
* ItemStack temp = mouseStack.splitStack(quantity); slot.putStack(temp);
* if (mouseStack.stackSize == 0) { invPlayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null);
* } } } else if (mouseStack == null) { // Pick up what's in the slot
* quantity = button == 0 ? clickedStack.stackSize : (clickedStack.stackSize
* + 1) / 2; ItemStack remainder = slot.decrStackSize(quantity);
* invPlayer.setItemStack(remainder);
* if (clickedStack.stackSize == 0) { slot.putStack((ItemStack)null); }
* slot.onPickupFromSlot(par4EntityPlayer, invPlayer.getItemStack()); } else
* if (slot.isItemValid(mouseStack)) { // Both the mouse and the slot
* contain items, run this code if the item can be placed here if
* (clickedStack.itemID == mouseStack.itemID &&
* (!clickedStack.getHasSubtypes() || clickedStack.getItemDamage() ==
* mouseStack.getItemDamage()) &&
* ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(clickedStack, mouseStack)) { quantity =
* button == 0 ? mouseStack.stackSize : 1;
* if (quantity > slot.getSlotStackLimit() - clickedStack.stackSize) {
* quantity = slot.getSlotStackLimit() - clickedStack.stackSize; }
* if (quantity > mouseStack.getMaxStackSize() - clickedStack.stackSize) {
* quantity = mouseStack.getMaxStackSize() - clickedStack.stackSize; }
* mouseStack.splitStack(quantity);
* if (mouseStack.stackSize == 0) { invPlayer.setItemStack((ItemStack)null);
* }
* clickedStack.stackSize += quantity; } else if (mouseStack.stackSize <=
* slot.getSlotStackLimit()) { // Exchange the items since they don't match
* slot.putStack(mouseStack); invPlayer.setItemStack(clickedStack); } } else
* if (clickedStack.itemID == mouseStack.itemID &&
* mouseStack.getMaxStackSize() > 1 && (!clickedStack.getHasSubtypes() ||
* clickedStack.getItemDamage() == mouseStack.getItemDamage()) &&
* ItemStack.areItemStackTagsEqual(clickedStack, mouseStack)) { // Both the
* mouse and the slot contain items, run this code if they match quantity =
* clickedStack.stackSize;
* if (quantity > 0 && quantity + mouseStack.stackSize <=
* mouseStack.getMaxStackSize()) { mouseStack.stackSize += quantity;
* clickedStack = slot.decrStackSize(quantity);
* if (clickedStack.stackSize == 0) { slot.putStack((ItemStack)null); }
* slot.onPickupFromSlot(par4EntityPlayer, invPlayer.getItemStack()); } }
* slot.onSlotChanged(); } } } return result; } }
public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer var1){
// if (ChargingBench.isDebugging)
// System.out.println("ContainerChargingBench.canInteractWith");
return this.te.isUseableByPlayer(var1);