Finds unused Biome IDs if the ones in the config are in use by other
mods. Also saves change to config file.
Changed default Biome Ids to 126 and 127 which are just below a block
used by Minecraft.
Fixes crash when BiomeInitializer runs in WorldTypes with less that three GenLayers. For example a world without river gen only has 2 Layers, the river is the 3rd.
Also remove redundant old code.
By default clicking on any fluid with an empty bucket will fill it with
water. BucketHandler matches the fluid block clicked on with the
matching fluid filled bucket (item)
Blocks can be blacklisted from becoming facades in the config
Added an IMC message for blacklisting facades. send an IMC message with the item stack, and the blacklist-facade command
Register FacadeRecipe with the RecipeSorter
Facades store the block registry block name in place of the ID. Existing facades will be updated automatically.
The add-facade IMC string message implementation now requires block registry name instead of id. (but still works with id, for now)
The FacadeRecipe handler will rotate through the meta of the blocks the facade is made from allowing cycling through variants (such as colors of wool).
Please validate this change doesn't impact other workspaces. I validated 'gradle build' and 'gradle idea'
In the IDEA workspace, the "Source Root" directory was incorrectly directed to common/buildcraft. This had to be changed to common in the IDEA workspace.
Problem: When loading a world that has gates, the server will crash with this exception:
Solution: add @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) to the methods that deal with IIcon, since they are client-side only.
Tested item pipes with gates pulling items from a chest in single player, and in multi-player