it builds

This commit is contained in:
bombcar 2021-12-03 23:39:23 -06:00
parent 4b21a46b49
commit f2e71ce87e
1 changed files with 0 additions and 61 deletions

View File

@ -118,67 +118,6 @@ artifacts {
archives devJar archives devJar
} }
import net.minecraftforge.gradle.delayed.*
task createChangelog(type: ChangelogTask) {
if (("${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}" != null) && project.hasProperty("jenkins_server") && project.hasProperty("jenkins_password")) {
def jobName = "${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}"
def buildNumber = "${System.getenv().BUILD_NUMBER}"
setServerRoot(new DelayedString(project, project.jenkins_server))
setJobName(new DelayedString(project, jobName.toString()))
setAuthName(new DelayedString(project, project.jenkins_user))
setAuthPassword(new DelayedString(project, project.jenkins_password))
setTargetBuild({ buildNumber.toString() });
setOutput(new DelayedFile(project, 'build/libs/' + project.archivesBaseName + '-' + project.version + '-changelog.txt'));
onlyIf {
return (("${System.getenv().JOB_NAME}" != null) && project.hasProperty("jenkins_server") && project.hasProperty("jenkins_password"))
if (!project.hasProperty("keystore_location")) // keystore stuff
ext.keystore_location = "."
if (!project.hasProperty("keystore_password")) // keystore stuff
ext.keystore_password = ""
if (!project.hasProperty("ee3_keystore_alias")) // keystore stuff
ext.ee3_keystore_alias = ""
task signJar(dependsOn: ["reobf", "devJar"]) {
inputs.dir jar.destinationDir
inputs.file keystore_location "ee3_keystore_alias", ee3_keystore_alias "keystore_password", keystore_password
outputs.dir devJar.destinationDir
// only sign if the keystore exists
onlyIf {
return keystore_location != "." && keystore_password != ""
// the actual action.. sign the jar.
doLast {
jar.destinationDir.eachFile { file ->
if (!file.getPath().endsWith(".jar"))
return; // skip non-jars
logger.lifecycle "signing $file"
destDir: file.getParentFile(), // same place it came from
jar: file,
keystore: keystore_location,
alias: ee3_keystore_alias,
storepass: keystore_password
uploadArchives { uploadArchives {
repositories { repositories {
mavenDeployer { mavenDeployer {