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2014-02-19 03:51:22 +01:00
package resonantinduction.mechanical.process.grinder;
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00
2014-03-12 10:04:30 +01:00
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock;
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
2014-03-12 10:04:30 +01:00
import net.minecraft.util.DamageSource;
2014-01-19 13:11:29 +01:00
import net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeDirection;
import resonant.api.IRotatable;
import resonant.api.recipe.MachineRecipes;
import resonant.api.recipe.RecipeResource;
import resonant.lib.prefab.CustomDamageSource;
import resonant.lib.prefab.vector.Cuboid;
2014-01-10 00:40:49 +01:00
import resonantinduction.core.Reference;
import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction;
2014-03-16 06:05:40 +01:00
import resonantinduction.core.ResonantInduction.RecipeType;
import resonantinduction.core.interfaces.IMechanicalNode;
import resonantinduction.core.Timer;
import universalelectricity.api.vector.Vector3;
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00
2014-06-21 02:48:22 +02:00
* @author Calclavia
2014-03-12 10:04:30 +01:00
public class TileGrindingWheel extends TileMechanical implements IRotatable
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00
2014-06-21 02:48:22 +02:00
public static final int PROCESS_TIME = 20 * 20;
* A map of ItemStacks and their remaining grind-time left.
public static final Timer<EntityItem> timer = new Timer();
public EntityItem grindingItem = null;
private final long requiredTorque = 250;
private double counter = 0;
public TileGrindingWheel()
mechanicalNode = new GrinderNode(this).setLoad(2);
bounds = new Cuboid(0.05f, 0.05f, 0.05f, 0.95f, 0.95f, 0.95f);
isOpaqueCube = false;
normalRender = false;
customItemRender = true;
rotationMask = Byte.parseByte("111111", 2);
textureName = "material_steel_dark";
public void updateEntity()
counter = Math.max(counter + Math.abs(mechanicalNode.torque), 0);
public void collide(Entity entity)
if (entity instanceof EntityItem)
((EntityItem) entity).age--;
if (canWork())
if (entity instanceof EntityItem)
if (canGrind(((EntityItem) entity).getEntityItem()))
if (grindingItem == null)
grindingItem = (EntityItem) entity;
if (!TileGrindingWheel.timer.containsKey((EntityItem) entity))
TileGrindingWheel.timer.put((EntityItem) entity, TileGrindingWheel.PROCESS_TIME);
entity.setPosition(entity.posX, entity.posY - 1.2, entity.posZ);
entity.attackEntityFrom(new CustomDamageSource("grinder", this), 2);
if (mechanicalNode.getAngularSpeed() != 0)
// Move entity based on the direction of the block.
ForgeDirection dir = getDirection();
dir = ForgeDirection.getOrientation(!(dir.ordinal() % 2 == 0) ? dir.ordinal() - 1 : dir.ordinal()).getOpposite();
double speed = mechanicalNode.getAngularSpeed() / 20;
double speedX = dir.offsetX * speed;
double speedZ = dir.offsetZ * speed;
double speedY = Math.random() * speed;
if (Math.abs(speedX) > 1)
speedX = speedX > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (Math.abs(speedZ) > 1)
speedZ = speedZ > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if (Math.abs(speedZ) > 1)
speedY = speedY > 0 ? 1 : -1;
entity.addVelocity(speedX, speedY, speedZ);
* Can this machine work this tick?
* @return
public boolean canWork()
return counter >= requiredTorque;
public void doWork()
if (canWork())
boolean didWork = false;
if (grindingItem != null)
if (timer.containsKey(grindingItem) && !grindingItem.isDead && new Vector3(this).add(0.5).distance(grindingItem) < 1)
int timeLeft = timer.decrease(grindingItem);
if (timeLeft <= 0)
if (this.doGrind(grindingItem))
if (--grindingItem.getEntityItem().stackSize <= 0)
grindingItem = null;
// Reset timer
timer.put(grindingItem, PROCESS_TIME);
grindingItem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 20;
if (grindingItem.getEntityItem().getItem() instanceof ItemBlock)
ResonantInduction.proxy.renderBlockParticle(worldObj, new Vector3(grindingItem), new Vector3((Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3), ((ItemBlock) grindingItem.getEntityItem().getItem()).getBlockID(), 1);
worldObj.spawnParticle("crit", grindingItem.posX, grindingItem.posY, grindingItem.posZ, (Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3, (Math.random() - 0.5f) * 3);
didWork = true;
grindingItem = null;
if (didWork)
if (this.ticks % 8 == 0)
worldObj.playSoundEffect(this.xCoord + 0.5, this.yCoord + 0.5, this.zCoord + 0.5, Reference.PREFIX + "grinder", 0.5f, 1);
counter -= requiredTorque;
public boolean canGrind(ItemStack itemStack)
return MachineRecipes.INSTANCE.getOutput(, itemStack).length > 0;
private boolean doGrind(EntityItem entity)
ItemStack itemStack = entity.getEntityItem();
RecipeResource[] results = MachineRecipes.INSTANCE.getOutput(, itemStack);
for (RecipeResource resource : results)
ItemStack outputStack = resource.getItemStack();
if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
EntityItem entityItem = new EntityItem(this.worldObj, entity.posX, entity.posY - 1.2, entity.posZ, outputStack);
entityItem.delayBeforeCanPickup = 20;
entityItem.motionX = 0;
entityItem.motionY = 0;
entityItem.motionZ = 0;
return results.length > 0;
public ForgeDirection getDirection()
if (worldObj != null)
return ForgeDirection.getOrientation(getBlockMetadata());
return ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN;
public void setDirection(ForgeDirection direction)
worldObj.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord, direction.ordinal(), 3);
2014-01-20 16:22:10 +01:00
2014-01-05 08:35:42 +01:00