Removed Steam piston gui since it had no use, if you need Force output
use the pipe guage. Also fixed a bug where pipes would output 2 per
update from every produce whether or not there it could actual produce
created a simple GUI to allow for turning off slots, and toggling
rejection state. Also fixed a bug with the rejection checker where it
was always false. Though now i have a bug with the packets never making
i to the server.
I removed some commented out areas from the other files.
Also started on autocrafter at the moment nothing is done just creating
init files, methods, and trying to layout the ground work. Let see if i
can code these cleaner than i usually do he he :)
Also looks like some other things are getting uploaded in this. Might be
a slight version diff in the UE and Buildcraft api version i have. As
well i added the textures to the src folder. Not sure how you mod with
them in the resource folder.
I baddly need to clean this mod up but for now it should be fully
updated. The recipes are not tested yet with the ore Directory changes i
made to them but i'll test shortly.
suprised how long it too someone to noticed the major bugs i fixed.
Guess i need to play my own mods more and find the bugs myself ;/.
Fixed pipes again
Fixed boiler & LiquidTank liquid sharing system
Added a way for pipes to pump to tanks up a boiler chain
Fixed Boiler GUI
Fixed most machines in general (packets stopped being sent)
pre implemented use of Liquid tank in place of boiler's internal storage
storage tanks act as pumps on sides, Top for gases, bottom for liquids.
Added crafting for lava, water,steam.fuel,and oil tanks.
Made 4 iron the default tank receipe, and 4 bronze optional will change
out later.
Still have bugs to work out like liquid trading and glass face not
rendering on the model; However, the render looks nice and the corner
look better than the old ones.
its a WIP but in the process of setting it all up i worked on the normal
boiler and improved the MHelper file which contains the liqiud trade
method, corner finder method and surrounding TileEntity finder.
fixed another bug with the pipe, pipe would not lose pressure after
being disconncted from source. Also cleaned up a bit on some of the code
and added code to only send packets if the machine updated. This will
reduce a lot of paceket load being sent to the client.
Well since i'm using UE lite i think it outputs power, I have more
testing to too. Right now my only indication is the generator will place
a stone block above it when its genrate is above 0.
Took some time but i got it too work, the steam piston will generate
mechanical energy and then traslate that energy to a rod which will
translate it to the next and so on. Now too just create the generator
and i'm done.
Mostly just a code upload to move work to my other pc but i did get
steam piston's animation done. I also cleaned up a little moved EU
vampire to dev blocks, removed old steam piston, and corrected GUI.
Current bugs: Mech energy will not trade, Steam piston GUI willl not
display Newtons out putted, and slight lag being cause by packets.
Simi unstable due to how i've been messing around with mechanical
systems, but it looks good enough. It also seems to work fine on UE8.7,
and i added dependence checks to remove some error on load. On top of
that i update version number for both mods to be the same. Will help
track versions better
since i want the steam piston to output a rotational energy rather than
strait electric i started coding the mechanical rod. It has a max range
of 10 blocks, and only transfers energy in one direction. Later i'll add
a gear box to allow for several directions, as well as speed control.
Also right now the system is design to use rpm as power units but later
i'm change it to correct units, since rpm just describes speed and not
should have this done this weekend and it will be a basic valve that
denies connection of pipes when off. Version one will be by hand and
version two by redstone. Both are start in the same block.
fixed textures for some pipe types and pump will pump any liquid with a
block id linked too it. Which is oil,lava,water only ;/
also i moved some package around was getting hard to sort sh** out
Boiler originaly uses this to gain heat to boil water. Due to lack of
use i moved it too direct heat gain from fireBox. Now i've add the heat
api to basic pipes and changes boiler to also accept lava souce as a
heat provider at 10*random*tickRate min 0 max 100 heat gain.
This is a major change in how everything is stored and is only first
step. This change water being ID I to Liquid.WATER. Makes it so much
easier to understand what a liquid is and carries extra info like the
block that is linked to the liquid. The Name of the liquid.
I also started on a way to stored beams by create a class like Clac's
Vectors. It stores a beam as a new beam with intensity, canProduce
light,and direction moving.