  • Joined on 2022-07-11
Lobin123K commented on issue tilera/infinity-craft#35 2022-07-13 02:29:42 +02:00
When I use the infinity gauntlet in survival it does not work?

You don't have the Infinity Craft mod installed but some other mod called "InfinityStonesMod", which seems to be incompatible with the lucraft version you are using.

Thank you very much, I…

Lobin123K commented on issue tilera/infinity-craft#35 2022-07-11 05:31:12 +02:00
When I use the infinity gauntlet in survival it does not work?

Hello, I have the same problem... The gauntlet works normally in gamemode1, but when I go to gamemode0 my game crashes!

---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a…