The /r/place Atlas

Code by . Source on GitHub.
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The /r/place Atlas

This is an Atlas aiming to chart all the artworks created during the /r/place April's fools event on Reddit in 2017.

The code was developed by and is available under the free AGPL license on GitHub.

How to contribute

Everybody is encouraged to collaborate in mapping all of /r/place on the Atlas.

Please read this post on reddit to learn how to submit a new entry.

The /r/placeAtlas subreddit is also the place to submit all bug reports, feature requests or questions.


The Atlas would not have been possible without the help of the following 715 reddit users.

Thank you to everyone who contributed.

-Chowder- -DuckMuffins- -DvD- -generic-username- -Mishmisha- -reid -seik 0011110000110011 10Sly10 11tron 13rin 3Dee8 3juicypeaches 7Jayme 9kz7 _JO3Y _Metro _negachin_ _Peavey _thebronze A_Dubious_Rat accountnumb2 acdenh adirosa Advanderar AdventureFreddy advicefrog ae28 aeqnai aer-o aerasalum Against-The-Tide AGeary agow AhnQiraj AimHere airelivre Ajedi32 ak416 AkkiV alb404 alsoandanswer altitudinous altyr amazingpikachu_38 amoliski Andr3w246 anige animalzhu anothermau5 Aoeui344 AquaWolfGuy ardaozkal ArrowDusk Arsenalisbest AThousandTimesThis Atomfried AustinAuranymph averhan aviole AwayNotAFK Awookie90 az04 BananaArms bananas_foster_paren Banggern BattleFalcon bb010g Ben_R_R Benutzeraccount Bermanator BiBoetzke Bigfoot_727 biggiemac42 Bigmatti bilwis Birdenchops BlackSynder blaiseisgood Blinkle Bloo-jay BobisOnlyBob BobKellyLikes Bombpants Bonecuss BoredPudding br61 BrennanofOrange BRKcan BroderFelix bsa86 Bshow BurrritoPrincess c10701 c499 callosciurini Camuu Capslock2000 captainmagmas CaptainMeme Cardsfan36 Carrotzy Carsmaniac CarVac cawolf_kreo cboland ccarlyon Cdup07 cerealley Ch1mpy ChalkCultPen chaosof99 ChartreuseLotus chaz905 Chipbonk ChopSueyWasTaken Chosenwaffle Chrnan6710 clank201 Clivious cmrx64 Codile CommunistMountain cookiesnshit coolguy2829 Corrufiles CptGato9 Creativation criticalpwnage CriusNyx CuBaN_MiSsIlE_CrISIS cubi1oh Cutiepia CXNoc D4nkPepes D4WNIT daboswinney123 dalmins DamonFibers danilreddit DankeMcMemes DanniPhoenix darkmushu datividon davick DavidGoAway davidjl123 Davuun deckard58 DefinitiveDubs defog88 Deiviux_eu delicious_truffles DeltaCharlieNiner Denmarkdot Derek_Goons DestinyBolty DevilScarlet DF44 Diamond_Otter dienamight DiplomaticMeatball disignore DistraughtStrawberry DJMooray doggoboi Dogmaster707 dojure DokomoS dolphinesque donwilson DoomAngelBlade DorkMage DoubleFried DoYouEvenNep Dr_Spangle draemmli DragoniteTamer DragonPlante dries007 DrKnockOut99 drpepper7557 durron597 duublydoo DynamicPotato11885 EasternMouse echo-flower Ed3IsTheCode Edgar_Allan_Pho EdgelordAllanPoe Edgeofnothing EdulokoX Eggy216 eikons Ekint ElectricCrash elendiastarman elfy_grim Ellardy ElliottB1 Emily006 Emiwater Empty_Engie ente3000 engelk epicbualls EpicRive escapeepacse eutral F33N1X faerfderfe Faertlocks FagioliSoup famousnovel fantasyMLShelper fcnm FelixLive44 Fennexin ffmad finder787 fingertipslip Firebrass11 FishInferno Flametris flops031 Flopster0 Forny008 francineismyname Frederic94500 Frky- frthplnt Fruit_Loopita fuckyou_m8 Funcolours FuzzyCatPotato G_sten Galapagon Galaruss GammaGames gaumut GeneralHar GigaArchiv gigazelle Ginephobie giraffeking glyblblbl Gnome_of_Nome goldenretrieverz GoldMoat Gon11 Goofair GRANDMA_FISTER Grapengeter Greybol3 GrygrFlzr GryptpypeThynne h313 hack_of_ya HacksawUnit Hacodaro hairyliberal Halefall Hazzat Helen___Keller HellBanana HeyGNC HitMonChon Hizaia Hologuardian Hoodiebashoo Horsefur Hubzee huezinator hum4n4 I_am_Maslak i_am_vd40 i_was_actually_phone IamLoafMan IDoNt_CaR3 IG-64 Ihopenoonetookmyname IllJustPutThisIGuess ILoveMeSomeChocolate ImNotHimBut INFEKTEK Infernette Infinite901 insert_funny_here insuperabilis Irockz Itonoma iveroi j_sunrise J-Nastee J7ang Jackflash01 Jaffixan jakej1097 Jako3334074 Jakobs_Biscuit jankystats Jaxooon jazzacakes jesrivera95 jlim201 Joe4422 JoeWIthTheGlasses jojo6311 jonahc18043 jonnys62 jopetiner JorWat josersrc joshram_ JuanAy Jumpyboy juririm Just_A_Mainer justpeep k_awah kage_yas Kapostel Karasuni Karpfador Kazoology Kdog0073 kebabtent Kelsew Ketcchup khbre Kidney05 Killburndeluxe Kiloku kimilil kingcole436 Kiptus KittensAnStuff klarcola1 kodykid168 Koftek Krysara KRZ_759 kspehik Kulpas kumochisonan Kunfuxu kyclef LacsiraxAriscal ladala99 laikamonkey laserengine67 Lateasusual_ Leash_Me_Blue Legendosh legoclone09 leofar Leostereo letransient letsthrowawayit lifesneverhumdrum lightstridr lillod LilVinny linschn LoboChefe LogicalDrinks Lombric lorddane Lukkiebe Lunnes Lyricalyrics M4RV1N_ MachaHack MadMikeStar madokamadokamadoka madoxster magaruis Magmorphic MagWhiz makzk malicious-monkey MalinwaFan94 manawesome326 MansplainingSweden mardulak Marein mateusmachado Matlox Matt111098 Matti-Koopa mattr555 mattsich MauGx3 Mdibble Mechanoman1 mediumKl MehKnight meitsionrappari MenacingBanjo Metalbird2014 MetalusVerne Meteowritten MetternichMarck MewTheConqueror MichaelS10 Mightymushroom1 MigthyPanCake Miitomud mikusingularity mimis123 Minecraft_Redstoning MissLauralot mithhunter55 MizGunner mobiledove ModJon MoonShinez mossyymossyy mount2010 mpo9 mrbirtakim MrBrickBreak MrDrWombat MrEaters MrPlem MrRandom999 MrRumdum Murk1e mwr247 mybham MyCommentingAcccount Myers747 mylittleplaceholder n1c4o7a5 nasheedsaleensawarim needarb needefsfolder neomyotragus NFB42 Niautanor NinjaWarriorFMIA NIPPLE_POOP No_Eight Noammac NomNomNomNation Noobkiller1821 Noostale nopathfollowed Not-the-batman NPH_wouldnt_do_that ns_dev Nyrbee Nytoria Oceanstuck ogkushslayer OgreGaben Omega_Haxors orodruinx orokro oseday p00bix pablohoney102 pagh1 Pandango-r PandaPundus Pantomchap Pantyer2 panzer33249811 pchaski PenguinPaladin Pepperyena pepsisong2 Persona_Alio pezkuvi piergaming Pikawil PizzaItch placemeup2 PlanarFreak Plink333 PM_ME_YER_TENTACLES PM_Your_Writing Pobblebonke pomaranc PootnScoot popa_nowel PortalSnivy PossessedPuppetArt Pragmat1kerN PreponderateTheSmall PresMarkle PrinceSloth profist ProxyNorr Psybulon pvt13krebs pvtdbjackson PvtMuffin qatest2 Qiqz quajter quaxay quinntan2222 Qweiop_123 Qwertdd Ramipro raseksa Red-Panda- Red_Khalmer reddeadluigi RedEarth21 redis213 reoll rex480 Rhamuk RhoOphiuchi riajuung RichManSCTV RimePendragon Risiki RobBMSG Rograden Roguay rolsebert Rorybot181 Roshe_Nek Rotsuda Rubikcuit Rufnok Ryonne s9meNiNE sackboylion Sahasrahla saikado SamsungGalaxyPlayer samuelnico sapperdeboere Sarculus SassyGary sciencegey scifiguy95 Scinauta Scuzzfest seanos1998 Seminal_Sound sentenseifrel SertyDK shahbaz_man Shovel_Ship Sigma1977 sigmaeni Silan28 silkmoth_ sinvis Sire_Narffol SkulblakaCH SkyRider123 Slash_DK slimjourney sneezy103 Snitchen snowslip soccamaniac147 Soggyit SomeGuyWithAProfile somethinbetter soonerguy11 souvlaki-station SpaceOfAids Spanospy splitframe SPOOKYSCARYGHOSTS SquidIsAGreatName Stanislav_P Startle_Stars StayClassyAmigo Steel_Neuron stevego188 Stibi StudentRadical Stykki Subvs suihcta sunnyotakuu SuperFreakonomics SuperKickClyde Susto SwagettiYolognesse sweater_slalom Swordficsh synbiostael taintegral tbpimp69 tears-of-soy TeeMee123 Tegoto Tekar terriblestperson thanhvd1403 that_dragon_ that_guy_with_a_duck That_IT-Guy The_Big_ID The_CodedOne The_InternetExplorer The_Kisho the_marxman The_New_Caretaker the_real_azags TheAdamena TheBlackParrot TheChosenJohn Thedmatch TheDoctorCat1 theDumb12 TheEnderNerd TheEvilKetchup TheFrozenSlime TheGuywithTehHat TheLemon_UBC TheLorenzo TheMaximusjk TheMysticalBard TheNecrons TheOnesReddit theonlytruemathnerd ThePizzaDeliveryBoy theshortestyaboi thesteam TheSupaScoot TheThrawn theunstoppable_ TheWobbuffetKnight theys96 thinlyslicednuts thisisborin9 ThisIsntTheWay ThisUsernamePassword ThreeMuskets ThriceNightly ThugPepe ThumbWarVeteran TinysocksB tixieej Tobibobi TommyAllen tomuk19 tonny890 torcado194 Toriel420 TPsquirrely transam617 trenmost triftcity tritratrulala TroubleBake ttaywyatt Turil tusminal twenty_characters_su up_too_early uziyo V900 Valandir ValErk valleyfall Vekter VelvetCake101 Verpous vgf89 VIDCAs17 Vikinggiraffe vman81 Vocalite voliol VoltStar vorin vortexis Vupwol WampaCow Waneupe WarmerClimates Warthog455 WeAreMili WeeDemBoys wijagain WildTurtroll William27528 WThieves Wunderwaffe_ Wuzh writeyourownsong xDUDSSx XHyp3rX Xisuthrus Xkeeper xRead xSty864 XXLuigiMario YamiGigaPhil yangok yo_99 yowambo Yunuss58 yupswing YuzToChihiro Zacoftheaxes Zamiul zang227 zaptoshicoolpikachu zenon_0 Zequez Zindu Zirr Zonisic zurbayuluk52