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// Tensor Construct
// Copyright (C) Matrix Construct Developers, Authors & Contributors
// Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Jason Volk <jason@zemos.net>
// Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
// purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
// copyright notice and this permission notice is present in all copies. The
// full license for this software is available in the LICENSE file.
namespace ircd::gpt::vocab
static u16 find_token(const u8x16);
static u16 find_merge(const u8x16, const u8x16);
static u16 bpe_score(u16 (&)[16], const u8x16 (&)[16][2], const uint);
static uint bpe_merge(u8x16 (&)[16][2], u16 (&)[16], const uint, const u16);
static uint bpe_postpare(u8x16 (&)[16], const u8x16 (&)[16][2], const uint);
static uint bpe_prepare(u8x16 (&)[16][2], const u8x16);
static uint bpe_tokenize(u8x16 (&)[16], const u8x16);
static u64x2 pre_tokenize_split(u8x16 (&)[16], u32x16, u32x16, u32x16);
static u64x2 pre_tokenize(u8x16 (&)[16], const u8x16, const u8x16);
static u64x2 unk_tokenize(u16x16 &, const u8x16, u64);
static u64x2 tokenize_block(u16x16 &, const u8x16, const u8x16) noexcept;
static void init_tokens(), init_merges();
extern const char32_t charset[256];
/// Remapping of single byte characters (Control (C0) and Basic Latin (ASCII)).
U'Ā', U'ā', U'Ă', U'ă', U'Ą', U'ą', U'Ć', U'ć', // [0x07]
U'Ĉ', U'ĉ', U'Ċ', U'ċ', U'Č', U'č', U'Ď', U'ď', // [0x0F]
U'Đ', U'đ', U'Ē', U'ē', U'Ĕ', U'ĕ', U'Ė', U'ė', // [0x17]
U'Ę', U'ę', U'Ě', U'ě', U'Ĝ', U'ĝ', U'Ğ', U'ğ', // [0x1F]
U'Ġ', U'!', U'"', U'#', U'$', U'%', U'&', U'\'', // [0x27]
U'(', U')', U'*', U'+', U',', U'-', U'.', U'/', // [0x2F]
U'0', U'1', U'2', U'3', U'4', U'5', U'6', U'7', // [0x37]
U'8', U'9', U':', U';', U'<', U'=', U'>', U'?', // [0x3F]
U'@', U'A', U'B', U'C', U'D', U'E', U'F', U'G', // [0x47]
U'H', U'I', U'J', U'K', U'L', U'M', U'N', U'O', // [0x4F]
U'P', U'Q', U'R', U'S', U'T', U'U', U'V', U'W', // [0x57]
U'X', U'Y', U'Z', U'[', U'\\', U']', U'^', U'_', // [0x5F]
U'`', U'a', U'b', U'c', U'd', U'e', U'f', U'g', // [0x67]
U'h', U'i', U'j', U'k', U'l', U'm', U'n', U'o', // [0x6F]
U'p', U'q', U'r', U's', U't', U'u', U'v', U'w', // [0x77]
U'x', U'y', U'z', U'{', U'|', U'}', U'~', U'ġ', // [0x7F]
U'Ģ', U'ģ', U'Ĥ', U'ĥ', U'Ħ', U'ħ', U'Ĩ', U'ĩ', // [0x87]
U'Ī', U'ī', U'Ĭ', U'ĭ', U'Į', U'į', U'İ', U'ı', // [0x8F]
U'IJ', U'ij', U'Ĵ', U'ĵ', U'Ķ', U'ķ', U'ĸ', U'Ĺ', // [0x97]
U'ĺ', U'Ļ', U'ļ', U'Ľ', U'ľ', U'Ŀ', U'ŀ', U'Ł', // [0x9F]
U'ł', U'¡', U'¢', U'£', U'¤', U'¥', U'¦', U'§', // [0xA7]
U'¨', U'©', U'ª', U'«', U'¬', U'Ń', U'®', U'¯', // [0xAF]
U'°', U'±', U'²', U'³', U'´', U'µ', U'', U'·', // [0xB7]
U'¸', U'¹', U'º', U'»', U'¼', U'½', U'¾', U'¿', // [0xBF]
U'À', U'Á', U'Â', U'Ã', U'Ä', U'Å', U'Æ', U'Ç', // [0xC7]
U'È', U'É', U'Ê', U'Ë', U'Ì', U'Í', U'Î', U'Ï', // [0xCF]
U'Ð', U'Ñ', U'Ò', U'Ó', U'Ô', U'Õ', U'Ö', U'×', // [0xD7]
U'Ø', U'Ù', U'Ú', U'Û', U'Ü', U'Ý', U'Þ', U'ß', // [0xDF]
U'à', U'á', U'â', U'ã', U'ä', U'å', U'æ', U'ç', // [0xE7]
U'è', U'é', U'ê', U'ë', U'ì', U'í', U'î', U'ï', // [0xEF]
U'ð', U'ñ', U'ò', U'ó', U'ô', U'õ', U'ö', U'÷', // [0xF7]
U'ø', U'ù', U'ú', U'û', U'ü', U'ý', U'þ', U'ÿ', // [0xFF]
{ "name", "ircd.gpt.vocab.tokens.path" },
{ "default", string_view{} },
{ "name", "ircd.gpt.vocab.merges.path" },
{ "default", string_view{} },
const ircd::fs::fd file
const ircd::fs::map vocab_json
file, ircd::fs::map::opts{}
tokens = 0;
for(const auto &[key, val] : json::object(vocab_json))
assert(tokens == lex_cast<uint16_t>(val));
json::unescape(token[tokens++], key);
const ircd::fs::fd file
const ircd::fs::map merges_txt
file, ircd::fs::map::opts{}
merges = 0;
ircd::tokens(split(merges_txt, '\n').second, '\n', []
(const string_view &line)
const auto &[a, b]
split(line, ' ')
copy(merge[merges][0], a);
copy(merge[merges][1], b);
ircd::gpt::vocab::debug(const mutable_buffer &out,
const u16 idx)
const auto *const token
reinterpret_cast<const u8x16 *>(vocab::token)
thread_local char strbuf[2][512];
return string_view{fmt::sprintf
out, "%5u %s [%32s]",
simd::print_mem(strbuf[0], token[idx]),
simd::print_chr(strbuf[1], token[idx]),
// detokenize
ircd::gpt::vocab::detokenize(const mutable_buffer &out,
const vector_view<const u16> &in)
size_t off(0);
for(const u16 &id : in)
const auto &token
const string_view text
token, strnlen(token, 16)
string_view dest
data(out + off), copy(out + off, text)
dest = replace(out + off, dest, "Ġ"_sv, " "_sv);
dest = replace(out + off, dest, "Ċ"_sv, "\n"_sv);
off += size(dest);
assert(off <= size(out));
return string_view
data(out), off
// tokenize
ircd::gpt::vocab::tokenize(const vector_view<u16> &out,
const string_view &in)
using input_t = u8x16;
using block_t = u16x16;
assert(out.size() >= simd::lanes<block_t>());
const u64x2 max
out.size(), in.size(),
const auto block
reinterpret_cast<block_t *>(out.data())
const auto consumed
simd::tokens<input_t, block_t>(block, in.data(), max, gpt::vocab::tokenize_block)
assert(consumed[0] <= out.size());
assert(consumed[0] <= consumed[1]);
return vector_view<u16>
out.data(), consumed[0]
ircd::gpt::vocab::tokenize_block(u16x16 &token,
const u8x16 in,
const u8x16 in_mask)
u8x16 pre_token[16];
const auto &[pre_tokens, consumed]
pre_tokenize(pre_token, in, in_mask)
u64x2 ret
0, consumed
for(uint i(0); i < pre_tokens && ret[0] < 16; ++i)
// one token in hand is worth two in the bpe
if(likely((token[ret[0]] = find_token(pre_token[i])) != u16(-1)))
u8x16 str[16];
const uint strs
bpe_tokenize(str, pre_token[i])
for(uint j(0); j < strs && ret[0] < 16; ++j)
if(likely((token[ret[0]] = find_token(str[j])) != u16(-1)))
ret += unk_tokenize(token, str[j], ret[0]);
return ret;
// pre-tokenizer
/// Pre-tokenizationis formalized by the regular expression:
/// 's|'t|'re|'ve|'m|'ll|'d| ?\p{L}+| ?\p{N}+| ?[^\s\p{L}\p{N}]+|\s+(?!\S)|\s+
/// The return value in [0] indicates the number of tokens populated in the
/// array; the value in [1] indicates the bytes consumed from the input.
ircd::gpt::vocab::pre_tokenize(u8x16 (&token)[16],
const u8x16 in,
const u8x16 in_mask)
const u8x16 is_ascii_ctrl
in < 0x20
const u8x16 is_ascii_space
in == ' '
const u8x16 is_ascii_number
in >= '0' && in <= '9'
const u8x16 is_ascii_letter
(in >= 'a' && in <= 'z') || (in >= 'A' && in <= 'Z')
const u8x16 ascii_identified
is_ascii_ctrl | is_ascii_space | is_ascii_number | is_ascii_letter
const u8x16 maybe_notascii
~ascii_identified & in_mask
const u32x16 ch
const u32x16 uc_cat
icu::category(ch & (lane_cast<u32x16>(maybe_notascii) != 0))
const u32x16 is_L
| ((uc_cat & 0x0000003eU) != 0)
| (lane_cast<u32x16>(is_ascii_letter) != 0)
const u32x16 is_N
| ((uc_cat & 0x00000e00U) != 0)
| (lane_cast<u32x16>(is_ascii_number) != 0)
const u32x16 is_Z
| ((uc_cat & 0x00007000U) != 0)
| (lane_cast<u32x16>(is_ascii_space) != 0)
const u32x16 is_C0
| (lane_cast<u32x16>(is_ascii_ctrl) != 0)
const u32x16 is_trail
| (is_L & shl<32>(is_L))
| (is_N & shl<32>(is_N))
| (is_Z & shl<32>(is_Z))
const u32x16 fat_mask
lane_cast<u32x16>(in_mask) != 0
const u32x16 is_head
(~is_trail | is_C0) & fat_mask
// mask if token is preceded by a space
const u32x16 leading_space
is_head & shl<32>(is_Z)
// zero or one preceding space becomes prefixed to the next token
const u32x16 tok_head
| (is_head & ~leading_space)
| shr<32>(leading_space)
const u32x16 tok_trail
const u32x16 tok_mask
const auto ret
pre_tokenize_split(token, ch, fat_mask, tok_mask)
return ret;
/// Split single vector of UTF-32 codepoints into vectors of UTF-8 strings for
/// each token determined by the input masks. Returns the number of tokens in
/// [0] and the number of codepoints consumed in [1].
ircd::gpt::vocab::pre_tokenize_split(u8x16 (&token)[16],
u32x16 ch,
u32x16 ch_mask,
u32x16 tok_mask)
// Replace single-byte codepoints from the LUT.
u32x16 rch;
for(uint i(0); i < 16; ++i)
rch[i] = ch[i] > 0xFF?
ch[i]: charset[ch[i]];
u64x2 ret {0, 0};
for(uint i(0); ret[0] >= i && ret[1] < 16; ++i)
static const u32x16 lane0_mask
// Create a mask from all non-leading characters of input tokens with
// a mask of just the leading character of the first token. To be sure
// extra characters are not included we rinse it with the ch_mask.
const u32x16 cover_mask
(lane0_mask | tok_mask) & ch_mask
// Get the number of codepoints of the first token from the cover.
const auto cp_num
std::min(simd::lzcnt(~cover_mask) / 32UL, 16UL)
// Input codepoint lengths
const u32x16 cp_len
utf8::length(ch & cover_mask)
// Output codepoint lengths
const u32x16 rcp_len
utf8::length(rch & cover_mask)
// Generate utf-8 codepoints
const u8x64 rch8
utf8::encode(rch & cover_mask)
u32x16 idx;
uint off(0); // result bytes of utf-8
for(uint j(0); j < cp_num; off += rcp_len[j++])
idx[j] = off;
uint len(0); // input bytes of utf-8
for(uint j(0); j < cp_num; ++j)
len += cp_len[j];
// When the first token is too large, we truncate that token here and
// return, effectively splitting the token into multiple. If the token
// after the first is too large (input potentially spans into the next
// block), we kick it to the next iteration entirely.
assert(ret[1] <= 16);
const auto skip
boolmask<u64>(ret[1] + off >= 16 && i > 0)
// We have to return the proper number of bytes for what was truncated
// from the input, but the truncation is determined after a transform
// which may have a different size; this has to be offset back now.
if(!skip && ret[1] + off > 16)
assert(off >= len);
len -= (off - len);
// Pack the utf-8 codepoints into the result token
token[i] = {0};
for(uint j(0); j < cp_num; ++j)
for(uint k(0); k < rcp_len[j] && idx[j] + k < 16; ++k)
token[i][idx[j] + k] = rch8[j * 4 + k];
// Shift the token off the input to consume the next.
for(uint j(0); j < cp_num; ++j)
ch = shr<32>(ch);
rch = shr<32>(rch);
ch_mask = shr<32>(ch_mask);
tok_mask = shr<32>(tok_mask);
ret[0] += !skip && len;
ret[1] += ~skip & len;
return ret;
ircd::gpt::vocab::unk_tokenize(u16x16 &token,
const u8x16 str,
const u64 num)
u64 tokens(0), consumed(0);
const auto len(simd::strlen(str));
while(consumed < len && num + tokens < 16)
for(uint i(0); i < len; ++i)
u8x16 s(str);
for(uint j(0); j < consumed; ++j)
s = shr<8>(s);
for(uint j(len - i); j < 16; ++j)
s[j] = 0;
if((token[num + tokens] = find_token(s)) != u16(-1))
consumed += len - i;
assert(len >= consumed);
assert(num + tokens <= 16);
const auto overflow{len - consumed};
assert(overflow == 0 || num + tokens == 16);
return u64x2
tokens, 0
// byte-pair encoding
ircd::gpt::vocab::bpe_tokenize(u8x16 (&str)[16],
const u8x16 pre_token)
if(simd::strlen(pre_token) < 2)
str[0] = pre_token;
return 1;
u8x16 pair[16][2];
auto pairs
bpe_prepare(pair, pre_token)
u16 score[16] {0};
for(uint j(0); j < 16 && pairs > 1; ++j)
const auto best_score
bpe_score(score, pair, pairs)
const auto merges
bpe_merge(pair, score, pairs, best_score)
pairs -= merges;
const uint strs
bpe_postpare(str, pair, pairs)
return strs;
ircd::gpt::vocab::bpe_prepare(u8x16 (&out)[16][2],
const u8x16 in)
const auto len
const u32x16 cplen
u32x16 idx;
for(uint i(0), off(0); i < 16; off += cplen[i++])
idx[i] = off;
uint ret(0);
for(uint phase(0); phase < 2; ++phase)
for(uint i(phase); i < 16; i += 2, ++ret)
if(idx[i] >= 16 || !in[idx[i]])
out[i][0] = {0};
out[i][1] = {0};
for(uint k(0); k < 2; ++k)
for(uint j(0); j < cplen[i + k] && idx[i + k] + j < 16; ++j)
out[i][k][j] = in[idx[i + k] + j];
return ret;
ircd::gpt::vocab::bpe_postpare(u8x16 (&out)[16],
const u8x16 (&in)[16][2],
const uint num)
uint ret(0);
for(uint j(0); j < num; ++j)
out[ret++] = in[j][0];
if(simd::strlen(in[num - 1][1]))
out[ret++] = in[num - 1][1];
return ret;
ircd::gpt::vocab::bpe_merge(u8x16 (&pair)[16][2],
u16 (&score)[16],
const uint num,
const u16 best_score)
uint ret(0);
for(uint i(0); i < num - ret; ++i)
if(score[i] != best_score)
pair[i][0] = simd::strcat(pair[i][0], pair[i][1]);
score[i] = 0;
if(i > 0)
pair[i - 1][1] = simd::strcat(pair[i - 1][1], pair[i][1]);
score[i - 1] = 0;
if(i < 15)
pair[i][1] = pair[i + 1][1];
for(uint j(i + 1); j + 1 < num; ++j)
pair[j][0] = pair[j + 1][0];
pair[j][1] = pair[j + 1][1];
score[j] = score[j + 1];
return ret;
ircd::gpt::vocab::bpe_score(u16 (&score)[16],
const u8x16 (&pair)[16][2],
const uint num)
uint best(-1U), is_min;
for(uint i(0); i < num; i++)
// Only find the merge if the score is set to zero.
score[i] = find_merge(pair[i][0], pair[i][1]);
// If the score is set to -1 this index is inactive or wasn't a
// valid pair.
is_min = boolmask<uint>(score[i] != u16(-1));
is_min &= boolmask<uint>(score[i] < best);
best = (is_min & score[i]) | (~is_min & best);
return best;
// queries
ircd::gpt::vocab::find_token(const u8x16 string)
const auto *const __restrict__ token
reinterpret_cast<const u8x16 *>(vocab::token)
for(uint i(0); i < tokens; ++i)
if(simd::streq(string, token[i]))
return i;
return u16(-1U);
ircd::gpt::vocab::find_merge(const u8x16 a,
const u8x16 b)
const auto &__restrict__ merge
reinterpret_cast<const u8x16 (&)[65536][2]>(vocab::merge)
for(uint i(0); i < merges; ++i)
if(likely(!simd::streq(a, merge[i][0])))
if(likely(!simd::streq(b, merge[i][1])))
return i;
return u16(-1U);