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Creed Haymond f3c482b078
Adding the e2ekey database to the create_db script and docs (#1206)
Signed-off-by: Creed Haymond <creedasaurus@gmail.com>
2020-07-20 09:18:48 +01:00

8.7 KiB

Installing Dendrite

Dendrite can be run in one of two configurations:

  • Polylith mode: A cluster of individual components, dealing with different aspects of the Matrix protocol (see WIRING.md). Components communicate with each other using internal HTTP APIs and Apache Kafka. This will almost certainly be the preferred model for large-scale deployments.

  • Monolith mode: All components run in the same process. In this mode, Kafka is completely optional and can instead be replaced with an in-process lightweight implementation called Naffka. This will usually be the preferred model for low-volume, low-user or experimental deployments.

Regardless of whether you are running in polylith or monolith mode, each Dendrite component that requires storage has its own database. Both Postgres and SQLite are supported and can be mixed-and-matched across components as needed in the configuration file.

Be advised that Dendrite is still in development and it's not recommended for use in production environments just yet!


Dendrite requires:

  • Go 1.13 or higher
  • Postgres 9.5 or higher (if using Postgres databases, not needed for SQLite)

If you want to run a polylith deployment, you also need:

  • Apache Kafka 0.10.2+

Building up a monolith deploment

Start by cloning the code:

git clone https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite
cd dendrite

Then build it:

go build -o bin/dendrite-monolith-server ./cmd/dendrite-monolith-server
go build -o bin/generate-keys ./cmd/generate-keys

Building up a polylith deployment

Start by cloning the code:

git clone https://github.com/matrix-org/dendrite
cd dendrite

Then build it:


Install and start Kafka (c.f. scripts/install-local-kafka.sh):


# Only download the kafka if it isn't already downloaded.
test -f kafka.tgz || wget $KAFKA_URL -O kafka.tgz
# Unpack the kafka over the top of any existing installation
mkdir -p kafka && tar xzf kafka.tgz -C kafka --strip-components 1

# Start the zookeeper running in the background.
# By default the zookeeper listens on localhost:2181
kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start.sh -daemon kafka/config/zookeeper.properties

# Start the kafka server running in the background.
# By default the kafka listens on localhost:9092
kafka/bin/kafka-server-start.sh -daemon kafka/config/server.properties

On macOS, you can use Homebrew for easier setup of Kafka:

brew install kafka
brew services start zookeeper
brew services start kafka


SQLite database setup

Dendrite can use the built-in SQLite database engine for small setups. The SQLite databases do not need to be preconfigured - Dendrite will create them automatically at startup.

Postgres database setup

Assuming that Postgres 9.5 (or later) is installed:

  • Create role, choosing a new password when prompted:

    sudo -u postgres createuser -P dendrite
  • Create the component databases:

    for i in account device mediaapi syncapi roomserver serverkey federationsender currentstate appservice e2ekey naffka; do
        sudo -u postgres createdb -O dendrite dendrite_$i

(On macOS, omit sudo -u postgres from the above commands.)

Server key generation

Each Dendrite server requires unique server keys.

Generate the self-signed SSL certificate for federation and the server signing key:

./bin/generate-keys --private-key matrix_key.pem --tls-cert server.crt --tls-key server.key

Configuration file

Create config file, based on dendrite-config.yaml. Call it dendrite.yaml. Things that will need editing include at least:

  • The server_name entry to reflect the hostname of your Dendrite server
  • The database lines with an updated connection string based on your desired setup, e.g. replacing component with the name of the component:
    • For Postgres: postgres://dendrite:password@localhost/component
    • For SQLite on disk: file:component.db or file:///path/to/component.db
    • Postgres and SQLite can be mixed and matched.
  • The use_naffka option if using Naffka in a monolith deployment

There are other options which may be useful so review them all. In particular, if you are trying to federate from your Dendrite instance into public rooms then configuring key_perspectives (like matrix.org in the sample) can help to improve reliability considerably by allowing your homeserver to fetch public keys for dead homeservers from somewhere else.

Starting a monolith server

It is possible to use Naffka as an in-process replacement to Kafka when using the monolith server. To do this, set use_naffka: true in your dendrite.yaml configuration and uncomment the relevant Naffka line in the database section. Be sure to update the database username and password if needed.

The monolith server can be started as shown below. By default it listens for HTTP connections on port 8008, so you can configure your Matrix client to use http://localhost:8008 as the server. If you set --tls-cert and --tls-key as shown below, it will also listen for HTTPS connections on port 8448.

./bin/dendrite-monolith-server --tls-cert=server.crt --tls-key=server.key

Starting a polylith deployment

The following contains scripts which will run all the required processes in order to point a Matrix client at Dendrite.

Client proxy

This is what Matrix clients will talk to. If you use the script below, point your client at http://localhost:8008.

./bin/client-api-proxy \
--bind-address ":8008" \
--client-api-server-url "http://localhost:7771" \
--sync-api-server-url "http://localhost:7773" \
--media-api-server-url "http://localhost:7774" \

Federation proxy

This is what Matrix servers will talk to. This is only required if you want to support federation.

./bin/federation-api-proxy \
--bind-address ":8448" \
--federation-api-url "http://localhost:7772" \
--media-api-server-url "http://localhost:7774" \

Client API server

This is what implements CS API endpoints. Clients talk to this via the proxy in order to send messages, create and join rooms, etc.

./bin/dendrite-client-api-server --config=dendrite.yaml

Sync server

This is what implements /sync requests. Clients talk to this via the proxy in order to receive messages.

./bin/dendrite-sync-api-server --config dendrite.yaml

Media server

This implements /media requests. Clients talk to this via the proxy in order to upload and retrieve media.

./bin/dendrite-media-api-server --config dendrite.yaml

Federation API server

This implements the federation API. Servers talk to this via the proxy in order to send transactions. This is only required if you want to support federation.

./bin/dendrite-federation-api-server --config dendrite.yaml

Internal components

This refers to components that are not directly spoken to by clients. They are only contacted by other components. This includes the following components.

Room server

This is what implements the room DAG. Clients do not talk to this.

./bin/dendrite-room-server --config=dendrite.yaml

Current state server

This tracks the current state of rooms which various components need to know. For example, /publicRooms implemented by client API asks this server for the room names, joined member counts, etc.

./bin/dendrite-current-state-server --config=dendrite.yaml

Federation sender

This sends events from our users to other servers. This is only required if you want to support federation.

./bin/dendrite-federation-sender-server --config dendrite.yaml

Appservice server

This sends events from the network to application services running locally. This is only required if you want to support running application services on your homeserver.

./bin/dendrite-appservice-server --config dendrite.yaml

Key server

This manages end-to-end encryption keys for users.

./bin/dendrite-key-server --config dendrite.yaml

Server Key server

This manages signing keys for servers.

./bin/dendrite-server-key-api-server --config dendrite.yaml

EDU server

This manages processing EDUs such as typing, send-to-device events and presence. Clients do not talk to

./bin/dendrite-edu-server --config dendrite.yaml

User server

This manages user accounts, device access tokens and user account data, amongst other things.

./bin/dendrite-user-api-server --config dendrite.yaml