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John Olheiser bb25f85ce8
Refactor docs (#23752)
This was intended to be a small followup for
https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/23712, but...here we are.

1. Our docs currently use `slug` as the entire URL, which makes
refactoring tricky (see https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea/pull/23712).
Instead, this PR attempts to make future refactoring easier by using
slugs as an extension of the section. (Hugo terminology)
- What the above boils down to is this PR attempts to use directory
organization as URL management. e.g. `usage/comparison.en-us.md` ->
`en-us/usage/comparison/`, `usage/packages/overview.en-us.md` ->
- Technically we could even remove `slug`, as Hugo defaults to using
filename, however at least with this PR it means `slug` only needs to be
the name for the **current file** rather than an entire URL
2. This PR adds appropriate aliases (redirects) for pages, so anything
on the internet that links to our docs should hopefully not break.
3. A minor nit I've had for a while, renaming `seek-help` to `support`.
It's a minor thing, but `seek-help` has a strange connotation to it.
4. The commits are split such that you can review the first which is the
"actual" change, and the second is added redirects so that the first
doesn't break links elsewhere.


Signed-off-by: jolheiser <john.olheiser@gmail.com>
2023-04-28 11:33:41 +08:00

141 lines
6.6 KiB

date: "2019-04-19:44:00+01:00"
title: "OAuth2 提供者"
slug: "oauth2-provider"
weight: 41
toc: false
draft: false
- /zh-cn/oauth2-provider
parent: "development"
name: "OAuth2 提供者"
weight: 41
identifier: "oauth2-provider"
# OAuth2 提供者
{{< toc >}}
Gitea 支持作为 OAuth2 提供者,允许第三方应用程序在用户同意的情况下访问其资源。此功能自 1.8.0 版起可用。
## 端点
| 端点 | URL |
| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------- |
| OpenID Connect Discovery | `/.well-known/openid-configuration` |
| Authorization Endpoint | `/login/oauth/authorize` |
| Access Token Endpoint | `/login/oauth/access_token` |
| OpenID Connect UserInfo | `/login/oauth/userinfo` |
| JSON Web Key Set | `/login/oauth/keys` |
## 支持的 OAuth2 授权
目前 Gitea 仅支持 [**Authorization Code Grant**](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-1.3.1) 标准,并额外支持以下扩展:
- [Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE)](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636)
- [OpenID Connect (OIDC)](https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#CodeFlowAuth)
要将 Authorization Code Grant 作为第三方应用程序,您需要通过在设置中添加一个新的 "应用程序" (`/user/settings/applications`)。
## 范围
Gitea 支持以下令牌范围:
| 名称 | 介绍 |
| ---- | ----------- |
| **(no scope)** | 授予对公共用户配置文件和公共存储库的只读访问权限 |
| **repo** | 完全控制所有存储库 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **repo:status** | 授予对所有存储库中提交状态的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **public_repo** | 仅授予对公共存储库的读/写访问权限 |
| **admin:repo_hook** | 授予对所有存储库的 Hooks 访问权限,该权限已包含在 `repo` 范围中 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:repo_hook** | 授予对存储库 Hooks 的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:repo_hook** | 授予对存储库 Hooks 的只读访问权限 |
| **admin:org** | 授予对组织设置的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:org** | 授予对组织设置的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:org** | 授予对组织设置的只读访问权限 |
| **admin:public_key** | 授予公钥管理的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:public_key** | 授予对公钥的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:public_key** | 授予对公钥的只读访问权限 |
| **admin:org_hook** | 授予对组织级别 Hooks 的完全访问权限 |
| **admin:user_hook** | 授予对用户级别 Hooks 的完全访问权限 |
| **notification** | 授予对通知的完全访问权限 |
| **user** | 授予对用户个人资料信息的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:user** | 授予对用户个人资料的读取权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **user:email** | 授予对用户电子邮件地址的读取权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **user:follow** | 授予访问权限以关注/取消关注用户 |
| **delete_repo** | 授予删除存储库的权限 |
| **package** | 授予对托管包的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:package** | 授予对包的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:package** | 授予对包的读取权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **delete:package** | 授予对包的删除权限 |
| **admin:gpg_key** | 授予 GPG 密钥管理的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:gpg_key** | 授予对 GPG 密钥的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:gpg_key** | 授予对 GPG 密钥的只读访问权限 |
| **admin:application** | 授予应用程序管理的完全访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **write:application** | 授予应用程序管理的读/写访问权限 |
| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; **read:application** | 授予应用程序管理的读取权限 |
| **sudo** | 允许以站点管理员身份执行操作 |
## 客户端类型
Gitea 支持私密和公共客户端类型,[参见 RFC 6749](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-2.1).
对于公共客户端, 允许在本地回环地址的重定向 URI 中使用任意端口,例如 ``。根据 [RFC 8252 的建议](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc8252#section-8.3),请避免使用 `localhost`
## 示例
**注意:** 该示例中尚未使用 PKCE。
1. 将用户重定向到授权端点,以获得他们的访问资源授权:
https://[YOUR-GITEA-URL]/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI& response_type=code&state=STATE
在设置中注册应用程序以获得 `CLIENT_ID`。`STATE` 是一个随机字符串,它将在获得用户授权后发送回您的应用程序。`state` 参数是可选的,但您应该使用它来防止 CSRF 攻击。
![Authorization Page](/authorize.png)
用户将会被询问是否授权给您的应用程序。如果他们同意了授权,用户将会被重定向到 `REDIRECT_URL`,例如:
2. 使用重定向提供的 `code`,您可以请求一个新的应用程序和 Refresh Token。Access Token Endpoint 接受 `application/json``application/x-www-form-urlencoded` 类型的 POST 请求,例如:
POST https://[YOUR-GITEA-URL]/login/oauth/access_token
"client_id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID",
"client_secret": "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET",
"code": "RETURNED_CODE",
"grant_type": "authorization_code",
"redirect_uri": "REDIRECT_URI"
"access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnbnQiOjIsInR0IjowLCJleHAiOjE1NTUxNzk5MTIsImlhdCI6MTU1NTE3NjMxMn0.0-iFsAwBtxuckA0sNZ6QpBQmywVPz129u75vOM7wPJecw5wqGyBkmstfJHAjEOqrAf_V5Z-1QYeCh_Cz4RiKug",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJnbnQiOjIsInR0IjoxLCJjbnQiOjEsImV4cCI6MTU1NzgwNDMxMiwiaWF0IjoxNTU1MTc2MzEyfQ.S_HZQBy4q9r5SEzNGNIoFClT43HPNDbUdHH-GYNYYdkRfft6XptJBkUQscZsGxOW975Yk6RbgtGvq1nkEcklOw"
`CLIENT_SECRET` 是生成给应用程序的唯一密钥。请注意,该密钥只会在您使用 Gitea 创建/注册应用程序后出现一次。如果您丢失了密钥,您必须在应用程序设置中重新生成密钥。
`access_token` 请求中的 `REDIRECT_URI` 必须与 `authorize` 请求中的 `REDIRECT_URI` 相符。
3. 使用 `access_token` 来构造 [API 请求](https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/api-usage#oauth2) 以读写用户的资源。