* * Memset: * module_utils and associated documentation. * module to manage DNS zones. * integration tests to run against Memset's API. * * memset.py: * remove import of requests from memset.py in favour of internal Ansible modules. * import necessary Ansible modules for request and response handling. * create a response object in order to retain a stable interface to memset_api_call from existing modules. * rework memset_api_call to remove requests. * memset_zone.py: * improve short description to be more verbose. * ensure all imports directly follow documentation. * remove any reference to requests. * correct keyerror carried over from elsewhere. * remove dependency on requests from documentation string * disable integration tests until we have a cleanup method available
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Appendix: Module Utilities
Ansible provides a number of module utilities that provide helper functions that you can use when developing your own modules. The basic.py module utility provides the main entry point for accessing the Ansible library, and all Ansible modules must, at minimum, import from basic.py:
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
The following is a list of module_utils files and a general description. The module utility source code lives in the ./lib/module_utils directory under your main Ansible path - for more details on any specific module utility, please see the source code.
- api.py - Adds shared support for generic API modules.
- azure_rm_common.py - Definitions and utilities for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager template deployments.
- basic.py - General definitions and helper utilities for Ansible modules.
- cloudstack.py - Utilities for CloudStack modules.
- database.py - Miscellaneous helper functions for PostGRES and MySQL
- docker_common.py - Definitions and helper utilities for modules working with Docker.
- ec2.py - Definitions and utilities for modules working with Amazon EC2
- facts/- Folder containing helper functions for modules that return facts. See https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/23012 for more information.
- gce.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that work with Google Compute Engine resources.
- ismount.py - Contains single helper function that fixes os.path.ismount
- keycloak.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules working with the Keycloak API
- known_hosts.py - utilities for working with known_hosts file
- manageiq.py - Functions and utilities for modules that work with ManageIQ platform and its resources.
- memset.py - Helper functions and utilities for interacting with Memset's API.
- mysql.py - Allows modules to connect to a MySQL instance
- netapp.py - Functions and utilities for modules that work with the NetApp storage platforms.
- network/a10/a10.py - Utilities used by the a10_server module to manage A10 Networks devices.
- network/aci/aci.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Cisco ACI Fabrics.
- network/aireos/aireos.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Cisco WLC devices.
- network/aos/aos.py - Module support utilities for managing Apstra AOS Server.
- network/aruba/aruba.py - Helper functions for modules working with Aruba networking devices.
- network/asa/asa.py - Module support utilities for managing Cisco ASA network devices.
- network/avi/avi.py - Helper functions for modules working with AVI networking devices.
- network/bigswitch/bigswitch_utils.py - Utilities used by the bigswitch module to manage Big Switch Networks devices.
- network/cloudengine/ce.py - Module support utilities for managing Huawei Cloudengine switch.
- network/cnos/cnos.py - Helper functions for modules working on devices running Lenovo CNOS.
- network/common/config.py - Configuration utility functions for use by networking modules
- network/common/netconf.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that use Netconf transport.
- network/common/parsing.py - Definitions and helper functions for Network modules.
- network/common/network.py - Functions for running commands on networking devices
- network/common/utils.py - Defines commands and comparison operators and other utilises for use in networking modules
- network/dellos6/dellos6.py - Module support utilities for managing device running Dell OS6.
- network/dellos9/dellos9.py - Module support utilities for managing device running Dell OS9.
- network/dellos10/dellos10.py - Module support utilities for managing device running Dell OS10.
- network/enos/enos.py - Helper functions for modules working with Lenovo ENOS devices.
- network/eos/eos.py - Helper functions for modules working with EOS networking devices.
- network/fortios/fortios.py - Module support utilities for managing FortiOS devices.
- network/ios/ios.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Cisco IOS networking devices
- network/iosxr/iosxr.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Cisco IOS-XR networking devices.
- network/ironware/ironware.py - Module support utilities for managing Brocade IronWare devices.
- network/junos/junos.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Junos networking devices.
- network/meraki/meraki.py - Utilities specifically for the Meraki network modules.
- network/netscaler/netscaler.py - Utilities specifically for the netscaler network modules.
- network/nso/nso.py - Utilities for modules that work with Cisco NSO.
- network/nxos/nxos.py - Contains definitions and helper functions specific to Cisco NXOS networking devices.
- network/onyx/onyx.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage Mellanox ONYX networking devices.
- network/ordance/ordance.py - Module support utilities for managing Ordnance devices.
- network/sros/sros.py - Helper functions for modules working with Open vSwitch bridges.
- network/vyos/vyos.py - Definitions and functions for working with VyOS networking
- openstack.py - Utilities for modules that work with Openstack instances.
- openswitch.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that manage OpenSwitch devices
- powershell.ps1 - Utilities for working with Microsoft Windows clients
- pure.py - Functions and utilities for modules that work with the Pure Storage storage platforms.
- pycompat24.py - Exception workaround for Python 2.4.
- rax.py - Definitions and helper functions for modules that work with Rackspace resources.
- redhat.py - Functions for modules that manage Red Hat Network registration and subscriptions
- service.py - Contains utilities to enable modules to work with Linux services (placeholder, not in use).
- shell.py - Functions to allow modules to create shells and work with shell commands
- six/__init__.py - Bundled copy of the Six Python library to aid in writing code compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3.
- splitter.py - String splitting and manipulation utilities for working with Jinja2 templates
- urls.py - Utilities for working with http and https requests
- vca.py - Contains utilities for modules that work with VMware vCloud Air
- vmware.py - Contains utilities for modules that work with VMware vSphere VMs