REJack 6ebedadced
updated plugins
- updated fontawesome-free to 5.11.1
- updated flag-icon-css to 3.4.0
- updated sweetalert2 to 8.17.6
2019-09-20 12:13:00 +02:00

7 lines
609 B

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" id="flag-icon-css-bb" viewBox="0 0 640 480">
<path fill="#00267f" d="M0 0h640v480H0z"/>
<path fill="#ffc726" d="M213.3 0h213.4v480H213.3z"/>
<path id="a" d="M319.8 135.5c-7 19-14 38.6-29.2 53.7 4.7-1.6 13-3 18.2-2.8v79.5l-22.4 3.3c-.8 0-1-1.3-1-3-2.2-24.7-8-45.5-14.8-67-.5-2.9-9-14-2.4-12 .8 0 9.5 3.6 8.2 1.9a85 85 0 00-46.4-24c-1.5-.3-2.4.5-1 2.2 22.4 34.6 41.3 75.5 41.1 124 8.8 0 30-5.2 38.7-5.2v56.1H320l2.5-156.7z"/>
<use width="100%" height="100%" transform="matrix(-1 0 0 1 639.5 0)" xlink:href="#a"/>