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import logging
import torch
from import Sampler
from seq2seq.utils import get_rank
from seq2seq.utils import get_world_size
class DistributedSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, seeds, world_size=None, rank=None):
Constructor for the DistributedSampler.
:param dataset: dataset
:param batch_size: local batch size
:param seeds: list of seeds, one seed for each training epoch
:param world_size: number of distributed workers
:param rank: rank of the current process
if world_size is None:
world_size = get_world_size()
if rank is None:
rank = get_rank()
self.dataset = dataset
self.world_size = world_size
self.rank = rank
self.epoch = 0
self.seeds = seeds
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.global_batch_size = batch_size * world_size
self.data_len = len(self.dataset)
self.num_samples = self.data_len // self.global_batch_size \
* self.global_batch_size
def init_rng(self):
Creates new RNG, seed depends on current epoch idx.
rng = torch.Generator()
seed = self.seeds[self.epoch]'Sampler for epoch {self.epoch} uses seed {seed}')
return rng
def distribute_batches(self, indices):
Assigns batches to workers.
Consecutive ranks are getting consecutive batches.
:param indices: torch.tensor with batch indices
assert len(indices) == self.num_samples
indices = indices.view(-1, self.batch_size)
indices = indices[self.rank::self.world_size].contiguous()
indices = indices.view(-1)
indices = indices.tolist()
assert len(indices) == self.num_samples // self.world_size
return indices
def reshuffle_batches(self, indices, rng):
Permutes global batches
:param indices: torch.tensor with batch indices
:param rng: instance of torch.Generator
indices = indices.view(-1, self.global_batch_size)
num_batches = indices.shape[0]
order = torch.randperm(num_batches, generator=rng)
indices = indices[order, :]
indices = indices.view(-1)
return indices
def __iter__(self):
rng = self.init_rng()
# generate permutation
indices = torch.randperm(self.data_len, generator=rng)
# make indices evenly divisible by (batch_size * world_size)
indices = indices[:self.num_samples]
# assign batches to workers
indices = self.distribute_batches(indices)
return iter(indices)
def set_epoch(self, epoch):
Sets current epoch index.
Epoch index is used to seed RNG in __iter__() function.
:param epoch: index of current epoch
self.epoch = epoch
def __len__(self):
return self.num_samples // self.world_size
class ShardingSampler(DistributedSampler):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, seeds, shard_size,
world_size=None, rank=None):
Constructor for the ShardingSampler.
:param dataset: dataset
:param batch_size: local batch size
:param seeds: list of seeds, one seed for each training epoch
:param shard_size: number of global batches within one shard
:param world_size: number of distributed workers
:param rank: rank of the current process
super().__init__(dataset, batch_size, seeds, world_size, rank)
self.shard_size = shard_size
self.num_samples = self.data_len // self.global_batch_size \
* self.global_batch_size
def __iter__(self):
rng = self.init_rng()
# generate permutation
indices = torch.randperm(self.data_len, generator=rng)
# make indices evenly divisible by (batch_size * world_size)
indices = indices[:self.num_samples]
# splits the dataset into chunks of 'self.shard_size' global batches
# each, sorts by (src + tgt) sequence length within each chunk,
# reshuffles all global batches
shard_size = self.global_batch_size * self.shard_size
nshards = (self.num_samples + shard_size - 1) // shard_size
lengths = self.dataset.lengths[indices]
shards = [indices[i * shard_size:(i+1) * shard_size] for i in range(nshards)]
len_shards = [lengths[i * shard_size:(i+1) * shard_size] for i in range(nshards)]
# sort by (src + tgt) sequence length within each shard
indices = []
for len_shard in len_shards:
_, ind = len_shard.sort()
output = tuple(shard[idx] for shard, idx in zip(shards, indices))
# build batches
indices =
# perform global reshuffle of all global batches
indices = self.reshuffle_batches(indices, rng)
# distribute batches to individual workers
indices = self.distribute_batches(indices)
return iter(indices)
class BucketingSampler(DistributedSampler):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, seeds, num_buckets,
world_size=None, rank=None):
Constructor for the BucketingSampler.
:param dataset: dataset
:param batch_size: local batch size
:param seeds: list of seeds, one seed for each training epoch
:param num_buckets: number of buckets
:param world_size: number of distributed workers
:param rank: rank of the current process
super().__init__(dataset, batch_size, seeds, world_size, rank)
self.num_buckets = num_buckets
bucket_width = (dataset.max_len + num_buckets - 1) // num_buckets
# assign sentences to buckets based on src and tgt sequence lengths
bucket_ids = torch.max(dataset.src_lengths // bucket_width,
dataset.tgt_lengths // bucket_width)
bucket_ids.clamp_(0, num_buckets - 1)
# build buckets
all_indices = torch.tensor(range(self.data_len))
self.buckets = []
self.num_samples = 0
global_bs = self.global_batch_size
for bid in range(num_buckets):
# gather indices for current bucket
indices = all_indices[bucket_ids == bid]
# count number of samples in current bucket
samples = len(indices) // global_bs * global_bs
self.num_samples += samples
def __iter__(self):
rng = self.init_rng()
global_bs = self.global_batch_size
indices = []
for bid in range(self.num_buckets):
# random shuffle within current bucket
perm = torch.randperm(len(self.buckets[bid]), generator=rng)
bucket_indices = self.buckets[bid][perm]
# make bucket_indices evenly divisible by global batch size
length = len(bucket_indices) // global_bs * global_bs
bucket_indices = bucket_indices[:length]
assert len(bucket_indices) % self.global_batch_size == 0
# add samples from current bucket to indices for current epoch
indices =
assert len(indices) % self.global_batch_size == 0
# perform global reshuffle of all global batches
indices = self.reshuffle_batches(indices, rng)
# distribute batches to individual workers
indices = self.distribute_batches(indices)
return iter(indices)
class StaticDistributedSampler(Sampler):
def __init__(self, dataset, batch_size, pad, world_size=None, rank=None):
Constructor for the StaticDistributedSampler.
:param dataset: dataset
:param batch_size: local batch size
:param pad: if True: pads dataset to a multiple of global_batch_size
:param world_size: number of distributed workers
:param rank: rank of the current process
if world_size is None:
world_size = get_world_size()
if rank is None:
rank = get_rank()
self.world_size = world_size
global_batch_size = batch_size * world_size
data_len = len(dataset)
num_samples = (data_len + global_batch_size - 1) \
// global_batch_size * global_batch_size
self.num_samples = num_samples
indices = list(range(data_len))
if pad:
# pad dataset to a multiple of global_batch_size samples, uses
# sample with idx 0 as pad
indices += [0] * (num_samples - len(indices))
# temporary pad to a multiple of global batch size, pads with "-1"
# which is later removed from the list of indices
indices += [-1] * (num_samples - len(indices))
indices = torch.tensor(indices)
indices = indices.view(-1, batch_size)
indices = indices[rank::world_size].contiguous()
indices = indices.view(-1)
# remove temporary pad
indices = indices[indices != -1]
indices = indices.tolist()
self.indices = indices
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.indices)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.indices)