2019-01-25 16:20:05 +01:00

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The model

The GNMT v2 model is similar to the one discussed in the Google's Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation paper.

The most important difference between the two models is in the attention mechanism. In our model, the output from the first LSTM layer of the decoder goes into the attention module, then the re-weighted context is concatenated with inputs to all subsequent LSTM layers in the decoder at the current timestep.

The same attention mechanism is also implemented in the default GNMT-like models from TensorFlow Neural Machine Translation Tutorial and NVIDIA OpenSeq2Seq Toolkit.

Default configuration of the GNMT v2 model

  • general:
    • encoder and decoder are using shared embeddings
    • data-parallel multi-gpu training
    • dynamic loss scaling with backoff for Tensor Cores (mixed precision) training
    • trained with label smoothing loss (smoothing factor 0.1)
  • encoder:
    • 4-layer LSTM, hidden size 1024, first layer is bidirectional, the rest are unidirectional
    • with residual connections starting from 3rd layer
    • uses LSTM layer accelerated by cuDNN
  • decoder:
    • 4-layer unidirectional LSTM with hidden size 1024 and fully-connected classifier
    • with residual connections starting from 3rd layer
    • uses LSTM layer accelerated by cuDNN
  • attention:
    • normalized Bahdanau attention
    • output from first LSTM layer of decoder goes into attention, then re-weighted context is concatenated with the input to all subsequent LSTM layers of the decoder at the current timestep
  • inference:
    • beam search with default beam size of 5
    • with coverage penalty and length normalization terms
    • detokenized BLEU computed by SacreBLEU
    • motivation for choosing SacreBLEU

When comparing the BLEU score there are various tokenization approaches and BLEU calculation methodologies, ensure to align similar metrics.

Code from this repository can be used to train a larger, 8-layer GNMT v2 model. Our experiments show that a 4-layer model is significantly faster to train and yields comparable accuracy on the public WMT16 English-German dataset. The number of LSTM layers is controlled by the num_layers parameter in the training script.



This repository contains Dockerfile which extends the PyTorch NGC container and encapsulates all dependencies.

For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning DGX Documentation: Getting Started Using NVIDIA GPU Cloud, Accessing And Pulling From The NGC container registry and Running PyTorch.

Training using mixed precision with Tensor Cores

Before you can train using mixed precision with Tensor Cores, ensure that you have a NVIDIA Volta based GPU. Other platforms might likely work but aren't officially supported. For information about how to train using mixed precision, see the Mixed Precision Training paper and Training With Mixed Precision documentation.

Another option for adding mixed-precision support is available from NVIDIAs APEX, A PyTorch Extension, that contains utility libraries, such as AMP, which require minimal network code changes to leverage Tensor Core performance.

Quick start guide

Perform the following steps to run the training using the default parameters of the GNMT v2 model on the WMT16 English-German dataset.

1. Build and launch the GNMT Docker container

bash scripts/docker/
bash scripts/docker/

2. Download the training dataset

Download and preprocess the WMT16 English-German dataset. Data will be downloaded to the data directory (on the host). The data directory is mounted to the /workspace/gnmt/data location in the Docker container.

bash scripts/

3. Run training

By default, the training script will use all available GPUs. The training script saves only one checkpoint with the lowest value of the loss function on the validation dataset. All results and logs are saved to the results directory (on the host) or to the /workspace/gnmt/results directory (in the container). By default, the script will launch mixed precision training with Tensor Cores. You can change this behaviour by setting the --math fp32 flag for the training script.

Launching training on 1, 4 or 8 GPUs:

python3 -m launch --seed 2 --train-global-batch-size 1024

Launching training on 16 GPUs:

python3 -m launch --seed 2 --train-global-batch-size 2048

By default the training script will launch training with batch size 128 per GPU. If specified --train-global-batch-size is larger than 128 times the number of GPUs available for the training then the training script will accumulate gradients over consecutive iterations and then perform the weight update. For example 1 GPU training with --train-global-batch-size 1024 will accumulate gradients over 8 iterations before doing the weight update with accumulated gradients.

The training script automatically runs the validation and testing after each training epoch. The results from the validation and testing are printed to the standard output (stdout) and saved to log files.

The summary after each training epoch is printed in the following format:

Summary: Epoch: 3	Training Loss: 3.1735	Validation Loss: 3.0511	Test BLEU: 21.89
Performance: Epoch: 3  Training: 300155 Tok/s  Validation: 156066 Tok/s

The training loss is averaged over an entire training epoch, the validation loss is averaged over the validation dataset and the BLEU score is computed by the SacreBLEU package on the test dataset. Performance is reported in total tokens per second. The result is averaged over an entire training epoch and summed over all GPUs participating in the training.


Getting the data

The GNMT v2 model was trained on the WMT16 English-German dataset. Concatenation of the newstest2015 and newstest2016 test sets are used as a validation dataset and the newstest2014 is used as a testing dataset.

This repository contains the scripts/ download script which will automatically download and preprocess the training, validation and test datasets. By default, data will be downloaded to the data directory.

Our download script is very similar to the script from the tensorflow/nmt repository. Our download script contains an extra preprocessing step, which discards all pairs of sentences which can't be decoded by latin-1 encoder. The scripts/ script uses the subword-nmt package to segment text into subword units (BPE). By default, the script builds the shared vocabulary of 32,000 tokens.

In order to test with other datasets, scripts need to be customized accordingly.

Running training

The default training configuration can be launched by running the training script. By default, the training script saves only one checkpoint with the lowest value of the loss function on the validation dataset, an evaluation is performed after each training epoch. Results are stored in the results/gnmt_wmt16 directory.

The training script launches data-parallel training with batch size 128 per GPU on all available GPUs. We have tested reliance on up to 16 GPUs on a single node. After each training epoch, the script runs an evaluation on the validation dataset and outputs a BLEU score on the test dataset (newstest2014). BLEU is computed by the SacreBLEU package. Logs from the training and evaluation are saved to the results directory.

Even though the training script uses all available GPUs, you can change this behavior by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES variable in your environment or by setting the NV_GPU variable at the Docker container launch (see section "GPU isolation").

By default, the script will launch mixed precision training with Tensor Cores. You can change this behaviour by setting the --math fp32 flag for the script.

To view all available options for training, run python3 --help.

Running inference

Inference can be run by launching the inference script, although, it requires a pre-trained model checkpoint and tokenized input.

The inference script,, supports batched inference. By default, it launches beam search with beam size of 5, coverage penalty term and length normalization term. Greedy decoding can be enabled by setting the beam size to 1.

To view all available options for inference, run python3 --help.

Training Accuracy Results

Results were obtained by running the script with the default batch size = 128 per GPU in the pytorch-18.11-py3 Docker container.

NVIDIA DGX-1 (8x Tesla V100 16G)

Command used to launch the training:

python3 -m launch --seed 2 --train-global-batch-size 1024
number of GPUs batch size/GPU mixed precision BLEU fp32 BLEU mixed precision training time fp32 training time
1 128 22.97 23.03 281.7 minutes 880.6 minutes
4 128 23.32 23.34 92.2 minutes 260.8 minutes
8 128 23.25 23.00 48.7 minutes 129.2 minutes

NVIDIA DGX-2 (16x Tesla V100 32G)

Commands used to launch the training:

for 1,4,8 GPUs:
python3 -m launch --seed 2 --train-global-batch-size 1024
for 16 GPUs:
python3 -m launch --seed 2 --train-global-batch-size 2048
number of GPUs batch size/GPU mixed precision BLEU fp32 BLEU mixed precision training time fp32 training time
1 128 22.97 23.03 277.1 minutes 834.8 minutes
4 128 23.08 23.42 91.7 minutes 247.0 minutes
8 128 22.99 23.25 52.1 minutes 130.2 minutes
16 128 23.37 23.19 27.2 minutes 65.6 minutes


Training Stability Test

The GNMT v2 model was trained for 6 epochs, starting from 50 different initial random seeds. After each training epoch the model was evaluated on the test dataset and the BLEU score was recorded. The training was performed in the pytorch-18.11-py3 Docker container on NVIDIA DGX-1 with 8 Tesla V100 16G GPUs. The following table summarizes results of the stability test.


BLEU scores after each training epoch for different initial random seeds

epoch average stdev minimum maximum median
1 19.066 0.260 18.170 19.670 19.055
2 20.799 0.314 19.560 21.390 20.840
3 21.520 0.199 20.970 21.830 21.565
4 21.901 0.234 21.120 22.260 21.925
5 23.081 0.144 22.740 23.360 23.105
6 23.235 0.135 22.930 23.480 23.225

Training Performance Results

All results were obtained by running the training script in the pytorch-18.11-py3 Docker container. Performance numbers (in tokens per second) were averaged over an entire training epoch.

NVIDIA DGX-1 (8x Tesla V100 16G)

number of GPUs batch size/GPU mixed precision tokens/s fp32 tokens/s mixed precision speedup mixed precision multi-gpu strong scaling fp32 multi-gpu strong scaling
1 128 62305 20076 3.103 1.000 1.000
4 128 192918 67715 2.849 3.096 3.373
8 128 371795 137727 2.700 5.967 6.860

NVIDIA DGX-2 (16x Tesla V100 32G)

number of GPUs batch size/GPU mixed precision tokens/s fp32 tokens/s mixed precision speedup mixed precision multi-gpu strong scaling fp32 multi-gpu strong scaling
1 128 63538 21115 3.009 1.000 1.000
4 128 192112 71251 2.696 3.024 3.374
8 128 344795 135949 2.536 5.427 6.439
16 128 719137 280924 2.560 11.318 13.304

Inference Performance Results

All results were obtained by running the script in the pytorch-18.11-py3 Docker container on NVIDIA DGX-1. Inference benchmark was run on a single Tesla V100 16G GPU. The benchmark requires a checkpoint from a fully trained model.

Command to launch the inference benchmark:

python3 --input data/wmt16_de_en/newstest2014.tok.bpe.32000.en \
  --reference data/wmt16_de_en/ --output /tmp/output \
  --model results/gnmt/model_best.pth --batch-size 32 128 512 \
  --beam-size 1 2 5 10 --math fp16 fp32
batch size beam size mixed precision BLEU fp32 BLEU mixed precision tokens/s fp32 tokens/s
32 1 21.90 21.87 17394 14820
32 2 22.83 22.88 7649 6834
32 5 23.40 23.47 6956 5199
32 10 23.32 23.40 6277 4057
128 1 21.91 21.87 56101 37177
128 2 22.83 22.88 23785 16453
128 5 23.41 23.47 19160 10430
128 10 23.34 23.40 14009 6260
512 1 21.90 21.87 119005 48205
512 2 22.83 22.88 52099 24540
512 5 23.43 23.47 31793 11879
512 10 23.29 23.41 18813 6420


  1. Aug 7, 2018
  • Initial release
  1. Dec 4, 2018
  • Added exponential warm-up and step learning rate decay
  • Multi-GPU (distributed) inference and validation
  • Default container updated to PyTorch 18.11-py3
  • General performance improvements

Known issues
