Przemek Strzelczyk a644350589 Updating models and adding BERT/PyT
* AMP support
* Data preprocessing for Tacotron 2 training
* Fixed dropouts on LSTMCells

* script and notebook for inference
* AMP support
* README update
* updates to examples/*

* initial release

* Default container updated to NGC PyTorch 19.05-py3
* Mixed precision training implemented using APEX AMP
* Added inference throughput and latency results on NVIDIA Tesla V100 16G
* Added option to run inference on user-provided raw input text from command line

* Updated performance tables.
* Default container changed to PyTorch 19.06-py3.
* Caching validation negatives between runs

* new README
* jit support added

UNet Medical/TF
* inference example scripts added
* inference benchmark measuring latency added
* TRT/TF-TRT support added
* README updated

* Performance improvements

Small updates (mostly README) for other models.
2019-07-16 21:13:08 +02:00

24 KiB
Raw Blame History

Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) for TensorFlow

This repository provides a script and recipe to train Neural Collaborative Filtering to achieve state of the art accuracy, and is tested and maintained by NVIDIA.

Table Of Contents

Model overview

The Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) model is a neural network that provides collaborative filtering based on implicit feedback, specifically, it provides product recommendations based on user and item interactions. The training data for this model should contain a sequence of user ID, item ID pairs indicating that the specified user has interacted with, for example, was given a rating to or clicked on, the specified item. NCF was first described by Xiangnan He, Lizi Liao, Hanwang Zhang, Liqiang Nie, Xia Hu and Tat-Seng Chua in the Neural Collaborative Filtering paper.

The implementation in this repository focuses on the NeuMF instantiation of the NCF architecture. We modified it to use dropout in the FullyConnected layers. This reduces overfitting and increases the final accuracy. Training the other two instantiations of NCF (GMF and MLP) is not supported.

Contrary to the original paper, we benchmark the model on the larger ml-20m dataset instead of using the smaller ml-1m dataset as we think this is more realistic of production type environments. However, using the ml-1m dataset is also supported.

This model takes advantage of the mixed precision tensor cores found on Volta GPUs, demonstrating the reduction in training time possible by leveraging tensor cores. On a single GPU configuration, training times can be improved close to 1.6x through the usage of tensor cores.

This model is tested against each NGC monthly container release to ensure consistent accuracy and performance over time.

Default Configuration

The model takes in a sequence of user ID and item ID pairs as inputs, then feeds them separately into a matrix factorization step (where the embeddings are multiplied) and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) network.

The outputs of the matrix factorization and the MLP network are then combined and fed into a single dense layer which predicts whether the input user is likely to interact with the input item. The architecture of the MLP network is shown below.

Figure 1. The architecture of a Neural Collaborative Filtering model. Taken from the Neural Collaborative Filtering paper.

This implementation is implemented with the following features:

  • model-parallel multi-gpu training with Horovod
  • mixed precision training with TF-AMP (TensorFlow-Automatic Mixed Precision), which enables mixed precision training without any changes to the code-base by performing automatic graph rewrites and loss scaling controlled by an environmental variable
  • fast negative sample generation and data preprocessing with CuPy
    • Before each training epoch, the training data is augmented with randomly generated negatives samples. A “shortcut” is enabled by default where the script does not verify that the randomly generated samples are actually negative samples. We have found that this shortcut has a low impact on model accuracy while considerably improving the speed and memory footprint of the data augmentation stage of training.
    • Note: The negative samples generated for the test set are always verified regardless if the shortcut is enabled or not.

Mixed Precision Training

Mixed Precision training offers significant computational speedup by performing operations in half-precision format, while storing information in single-precision to retain as much information as possible. Mixed precision is enabled in TensorFlow by using a custom variable getter that casts variables to half-precision upon retrieval, while storing variables in single-precision format. Furthermore, to preserve small gradient magnitudes in backpropagation, a loss scaling step must be included when applying gradients. In TensorFlow, loss scaling can be easily applied by using LossScaleOptimizer . The scaling value to be used can be dynamic or fixed

Enabling mixed precision is now easier than ever with support for AMP in TensorFlow. TF-AMP is an extension of TensorFlow that enables mixed precision without any code changes. It accomplishes this by automatically rewriting all computation graphs with the necessary operations to enable mixed precision training and loss scaling. Currently, TF-AMP is only available through NVIDIAs TensorFlow Docker container.

TF-AMP is controlled by the TF_ENABLE_AUTO_MIXED_PRECISION=1 environment variable; when set, TensorFlow will rewrite all graphs to perform computations in half-precision format and loss scaling will automatically be applied.

To enable mixed precision training using TF-AMP, the environment variable can be set prior to running Alternatively, can be run with the --fp16 flag.

Note: The --fp16 flag sets the environment variable to the correct value for mixed precision training inside the script, for example:

# Note that the --fp16 flag maps to the amp variable in code
if args.amp:
    os.environ["TF_ENABLE_AUTO_MIXED_PRECISION"] = "1" 

For more information about:


The following section lists the requirements in order to start training the NCF model.


This repository contains a Dockerfile which extends the TensorFlow NGC container and encapsulates some dependencies. Aside from these dependencies, ensure you have the following components:

For more information about how to get started with NGC containers, see the following sections from the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Documentation and the Deep Learning Documentation:

Quick Start Guide

To train your model using mixed precision with tensor cores or using FP32, perform the following steps using the default parameters of the NCF model on the ml-20m dataset.

Clone this repository

git clone
cd DeepLearningExamples/TensorFlow/Recommendation/NCF

Build the NCF TensorFlow NGC container.

After Docker is correctly set up, you can build the NCF image with:

docker build . -t nvidia_ncf

Launch the NCF TensorFlow Docker container.

mkdir data
docker run --runtime=nvidia -it --rm --ipc=host -v ${PWD}/data:/data nvidia_ncf bash

This will launch the container and mount the ./data directory as a volume to the /data directory inside the container. Any datasets and experiment results (logs, checkpoints etc.) saved to /data will be accessible in the ./data directory on the host.

Download and preprocess the dataset.


Preprocessing consists of downloading the data, filtering out users that have less than 20 ratings (by default), sorting the data and dropping the duplicates. No data augmentation techniques are used in the preprocessing stage.

To download and preprocess the ml-20m dataset, run:



To download and preprocess the ml-1m dataset, run:

./ ml-1m

This will store the preprocessed training and evaluation data in the /data directory, so that it can be later used to train the model (by passing the appropriate --data argument to the script).

Start training.

After the Docker container is launched, the training with the default hyper-parameters can be started with:

mpirun -np $numgpu \
    --allow-run-as-root \
    python --data $datadir

After the training is complete, the model parameters that provide the best evaluation accuracy are saved to the directory passed to the --checkpoint-dir argument. By default, this will be in the /data/checkpoints/ directory.

Start validation/evaluation.

To run evaluation on a specific checkpoint, simply run the following command:

python --data /data/cache/ml-20m --mode test --checkpoint-dir $checkpoint

Note: TensorFlow checkpoints consist of 3 files each with a *.ckpt prefix.


The following sections provide greater details of the dataset, running training and inference, and the training results.

Command Line Arguments

To see the full list of available options and their descriptions, use the -h or --help command line option, for example:

python --help

Aside from options to set hyperparameters, the relevant options to control the behaviour of the script are:

--data DATA           path to test and training data files
-e EPOCHS, --epochs EPOCHS
                      number of epochs to train for
-b BATCH_SIZE, --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                      number of examples for each iteration
--valid-users-per-batch VALID_USERS_PER_BATCH
                      Number of users tested in each evaluation batch
                      number of negative examples per interaction
-k TOPK, --topk TOPK  rank for test examples to be considered a hit
--fp16                enable half-precision computations using automatic
                      mixed precision (only available in supported
--xla                 enable TensorFlow XLA (Accelerated Linear Algebra)
--valid-negative VALID_NEGATIVE
                      Number of negative samples for each positive test
--loss-scale LOSS_SCALE
                      Loss scale value to use when manually enabling mixed precision training
--checkpoint-dir CHECKPOINT_DIR
                      Path to store the result checkpoint file for training, or to read from for evaluation
--mode {train,test}   Passing "test" will only run a single evaluation,
                      otherwise full training will be performed
--no-neg-trick        do not use negative sample generation shortcut to
                      speed up preprocessing (will increase GPU memory
--eval-after EVAL_AFTER
                      Perform evaluations only after this many epochs
--verbose             Log the performance and accuracy after every epoch

Getting the Data

For each user, the test dataset is generated by removing one movie the user has interacted with. For each removed movie, the data is augmented with a large number of movies (corresponding to the --valid-negative option) that the user has not interacted with.

The repository contains the download script which will automatically call to download the desired dataset, and then preprocess the training and test datasets. By default, data will be downloaded to the /data directory.

Other Datasets

This implementation is tuned for the ml-20m and ml-1m datasets. Using other datasets might require tuning some hyperparameters (for example, learning rate, beta1, beta2).

If you'd like to use your custom dataset, you can do so by adding support for it in the and scripts. The required format of the data is a CSV file which should follow the pattern outlined below:

userId, movieId

The CSV file may contain additional columns with extra features such as ratings and timestamps, but only the userId and movieId columns are required.

The performance of the model depends on the dataset size. Generally, the model should scale better for datasets containing more data points. For a smaller dataset, you might experience slower performance as fixed cost operations that do not scale with input size will have a larger impact. Furthermore, it will be difficult for the model to converge.

Training Process

The training can be launched with the script. This script will train the NCF model for a number of epochs specified by the --epochs argument, which has a default value of 40.

During training, the script will begin logging after the number of epochs specified by the --eval-after option. Once a new accuracy record has been set, the script will output a line like the one below:

New Best Epoch: 09, Train Time: 11.4197, Eval Time: 0.7425, HR: 0.9518, NDCG: 0.7341

If the --verbose option is set, then a line like the one below will be output at the end of each epoch:

Epoch: 08, Train Time: 2.6491, Eval Time: 0.1602, HR: 0.9566, NDCG: 0.7406

The evaluation metrics are HR (hit rate), and NDCG (normalized discounted cumulative gain). In the evaluation set, each user will be assigned one item that they have actually interacted with, and a number (by default 99) of items that they have not interacted with. For each user, the evaluation process will rank each of the items assigned to that user based on the users likeliness to interact with the items. The hit rate measures the percentage of users for which the item that they have interacted with is ranked within the top k items, where k is a number (by default 10) specified by the -k option. NDCG has a similar meaning, except the rank of the positive item is taken into account. Typically, HR is used as the primary evaluation metric.

At the end of training, output similar to the following provides statistics regarding the training and evaluation throughputs, as well as the model accuracies:

Minimum Train Time per Epoch: 2.0085
Average Train Time per Epoch: 2.0847
Average Train Throughput:     47654877.9464
Minimum Eval Time per Epoch:  0.1199
Average Eval Time per Epoch:  0.1372
Average Eval Throughput:      1030575.0538
First Epoch to hit:           9
Time to Train:                26.1703
Best HR:                      0.9594
Best Epoch:                   13

Additionally, the model parameters that give the best accuracy in validation will be stored at the directory pointed to by the --checkpoint-dir argument.

Multiple GPUs can be used for training through Horovod. The number of GPUs can be controlled by the -np parameter passed to mpirun.

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process can be run by the script as well. By passing the --mode=test argument, the script will run evaluation once using the TensorFlow checkpoint specified by the --checkpoint-dir file.

The script will then output a line like the one below which describes the model accuracy:

Eval Time = 1.1829, HR@10 = 0.9574, NDCG@10 = 0.7420



The following section shows how to run benchmarks measuring the model performance in training and inference modes.

Performance Benchmark

To benchmark the training and inference performance, run:

mpirun -np $numgpu \
    --allow-run-as-root \
    python --data $datadir

By default, the script outputs metrics describing the following:

  • Training speed and throughput
  • Evaluation speed and throughput


The following sections provide details on how we achieved our performance and accuracy in training and inference.

Training Accuracy Results

Our results were obtained by running the training script in the TensorFlow 19.03-py3 NGC container on a NVIDIA DGX-1 with 8x V100 16G GPUs. Results for mixed precision were obtained using the --fp16 flag.

For each configuration, the script was run 5 times each with different initial random seeds. The maximum hit rate achieved among all 5 runs is recorded to demonstrate the maximum accuracy the model can achieve.

Number of GPUs Maximum HR achieved, FP16 Maximum HR achieved, FP32
1 0.9585 0.9592
4 0.9589 0.9591
8 0.9597 0.9598

Training Performance Results

NVIDIA DGX-1 (8x V100 16G)

Our results were obtained by running the training script in the TensorFlow 19.03-py3 NGC container on a NVIDIA DGX-1 with 8x V100 16GB GPUs with a consistent global batch size of 1048576 samples. Additionally, for multiple GPU configurations, a strong scaling strategy is used where the global batch size remains constant, as opposed to the more traditional weak scaling strategy where the local batch size is kept constant and the global batch size increases. Strong scaling is required due to the models inability to converge at larger batch sizes. Results for mixed precision were obtained using the --fp16 flag.

For each configuration, the script was run 5 times each with different initial random seeds. The average training throughput among all 5 runs is recorded to demonstrate the expected training performance the model can achieve.

Number of GPUs FP16 items/sec FP32 items/sec FP16/FP32 speedup
1 14,913,842 9,255,160 1.61x
4 39,507,815 29,632,703 1.33x
8 59,462,515 49,636,357 1.20x

To achieve these same results, follow the Quick Start Guide outlined above.

The performance was measured by the wall clock time over one training epoch. The number of samples in the epoch (roughly 100 million samples), was then divided by the average training duration to obtain the items per second metric.

Those results can be improved when XLA is used in conjunction with mixed precision, delivering up to 2.6x speedup over FP32 on a single GPU (~24.3M items/sec). However XLA is still considered experimental.

NVIDIA DGX-1 (8x V100 32G)

Our results were obtained by running the training script in the TensorFlow 19.03-py3 NGC container on a NVIDIA DGX-1 with 8x V100 32G GPUs with a consistent global batch size of 1048576 samples. Strong scaling is required due to the models inability to converge at larger batch sizes.

For each configuration, the script was run 5 times each with different initial random seeds. The average training throughput among all 5 runs is recorded to demonstrate the expected training performance the model can achieve.

Number of GPUs FP16 items/sec FP32 items/sec FP16/FP32 speedup
1 14,150,737 8,936,983 1.58x
4 37,770,501 28,848,636 1.31x
8 55,563,205 47,057,615 1.18x

To achieve these same results, follow the Quick Start Guide outlined above.

The performance was measured by the wall clock time over one training epoch. The number of samples in the epoch (roughly 100 million samples), was then divided by the average training duration to obtain the items per second metric.

Inference Performance Results

Our results were obtained by running the training script in the TensorFlow 19.03-py3 NGC container on a NVIDIA DGX-1 with 1x V100 16G GPUs.

For each configuration, the script was run 5 times each with different initial random seeds. The average inference throughput among all 5 runs is recorded to demonstrate the expected inference performance the model can achieve.

Number of GPUs FP16 items/sec FP32 items/sec FP16/FP32 speedup
1 29,248,168 19,718,807 1.48x
4 88,255,971 66,625,422 1.32x
8 119,159,304 100,117,608 1.19x

Release Notes


March 2019

  • Initial Release

Known Issues

Multi-GPU Scaling Efficiency

Currently, this model does not exhibit good scaling efficiency when scaling to 4 and 8 GPUs. Since we could not find hyper-parameters that could hit the target accuracy for batch size of over 1 million samples, we elected to use a strong scaling strategy which generally has worse scaling efficiency compared to a more common weak scaling strategy. Additionally, we believe that the small dataset size does not facilitate great scaling. However, the training scripts allow the use of custom datasets provided they are in the correct format.

Scaling beyond 8 GPUs

Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) is a relatively lightweight model that trains quickly with this relatively smaller dataset, ml-20m. Because of the smaller dataset, the high ratio of communication to computation makes it difficult to efficiently use more than 8 GPUs. Typically, this is not an issue because when using 8 GPUs with FP16 precision the training is sufficiently fast. However, if you would like to scale the training to 16 GPUs and beyond, you might try modifying the model so that the communication to computation ratio facilitates better scaling. This could be done, for example, by finding hyper-parameters that enable using a larger global batch size.

Preprocessing Out-of-Memory with 16GB GPUs

When running on GPUs with 16GB of memory, ensure the --no-neg-trick flag is not set. Otherwise, the data augmentation stage of training will consume too much GPU memory, causing TensorFlow to raise an out-of-memory error.

This flag, when it is not set, reduces memory consumption in the negative samples generation phase of training by telling the script not to verify that the randomly generated samples are actually negative samples (verification still occurs for negative samples generated for the test set). Therefore, there is no need to keep the data structures used to verify negative samples in memory during training.