Przemek Strzelczyk 5eaebefcd0 Updating PyTorch models
* New training scripts & results for RN50 PyT
* Documentation updates for Trasformer, SSD and MaskRCNN
2019-05-27 15:24:14 +02:00

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Train a network on multiple GPUs.
import torch
import ctypes
from fairseq import optim, utils
from fairseq.meters import AverageMeter
from fairseq.optim import lr_scheduler
from fairseq.trainer import Trainer
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(None)
lib.THCudaHalfTensor_normall.argtypes=[ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_void_p]#, ctypes.c_float]
lib.THCudaHalfTensor_normall.restype = ctypes.c_float
#function object lib.THCudaHalfTensor_normall can be cached, and fused_norm implemented as a class that has it as one of the attributes, but this will do.
def fused_norm(input):
if input.type() == 'torch.cuda.HalfTensor':
return lib.THCudaHalfTensor_normall(torch.cuda._state_cdata, input._cdata, 16384) #yes, 16384 is half 2 if you stare at it long enough
return input.norm()
class DynamicLossScaler:
def __init__(self, init_scale=2.**15, scale_factor=2., scale_window=2000):
self.loss_scale = init_scale
self.scale_factor = scale_factor
self.scale_window = scale_window
self._iter = 0
self._last_overflow_iter = -1
def update_scale(self, overflow):
if overflow:
self.loss_scale /= self.scale_factor
self._last_overflow_iter = self._iter
elif (self._iter - self._last_overflow_iter) % self.scale_window == 0:
self.loss_scale *= self.scale_factor
self._iter += 1
def has_overflow(grad_norm):
# detect inf and nan
if grad_norm == float('inf') or grad_norm != grad_norm:
return True
return False
class FP16Trainer(Trainer):
"""Modified trainer for FP16.
We maintain two copies of the model's parameters, both in FP16 and FP32.
We do forward/backward with FP16 and compute the loss + optimize with FP32.
def __init__(self, args, task, model, criterion):
super().__init__(args, task, model, criterion)
# convert model to FP16 (but keep criterion FP32)
# dynamically scale loss to reduce overflow
self.scaler = DynamicLossScaler(init_scale=2.**7)
self.meters['loss_scale'] = AverageMeter()
self.grad_denom = 1.0
if self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt:
import numpy as np
self._reduction_stream = torch.cuda.Stream()
self._flat_grads_parallel = torch.tensor([], dtype=torch.float16).cuda()
self._grads_info = []
grads_size = 0
p_offset = 0
for p_i, p in enumerate([p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]):
p_grads_size =
grads_size += p_grads_size
# register hooks
def wrapper(param, param_i, param_grads_size, param_offset):
def allreduce_hook(grad):
self._do_allreduce(param_i, param_grads_size, param_offset, grad)
if param.requires_grad:
# print(p_i, p.size(), p_grads_size, p_offset)
self._grads_info.append({"param_grads_size":p_grads_size, "param_offset":p_offset})
wrapper(p, p_i, p_grads_size, p_offset)
p_offset += p_grads_size
# print(grads_size, len(self._flat_grads_parallel), self._flat_grads_parallel.dtype, self._flat_grads_parallel.get_device())
self._allreduce_flush_min_threshold = self.args.parallel_backward_allred_opt_threshold
print("| parallel all-reduce ENABLED. all-reduce threshold: " + str(self._allreduce_flush_min_threshold))
self._grads_generated = [False]*len(self._grads_info)
self._allreduce_processed_idx = len(self._grads_info)-1
if self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt_correctness_check:
self._num_grads_generated = 0
self._all_grads_generated = False
self._allreduce_schedule = []
def _get_flush_bucket(self):
# print([1 if x else 0 for x in self._grads_generated])
flush_bucket = []
size = 0
allreduce_processed_idx_list = []
allreduce_processed_end_idx = self._allreduce_processed_idx
remaining_grads_for_allreduce = self._grads_generated[allreduce_processed_end_idx-len(self._grads_generated)::-1]
# print([1 if x else 0 for x in remaining_grads_for_allreduce])
for s in remaining_grads_for_allreduce:
# print(s,allreduce_processed_end_idx,size)
if s:
size += self._grads_info[allreduce_processed_end_idx]["param_grads_size"]
allreduce_processed_end_idx -= 1
# print(size, allreduce_processed_idx_list)
ignore_threshold = all(self._grads_generated)
if size >= self._allreduce_flush_min_threshold or ignore_threshold:
# for i in allreduce_processed_idx_list:
# print(i, self._grads_info[i]["param_grads_size"], self._grads_info[i]["param_offset"],size)
if allreduce_processed_idx_list:
start = self._grads_info[(allreduce_processed_idx_list[-1])]["param_offset"]
end = start + size
# print("->", start, end)
flush_bucket = [start, end]
self._allreduce_processed_idx = allreduce_processed_end_idx
if self._allreduce_processed_idx < 0:
# reset
self._grads_generated = [False]*len(self._grads_info)
self._allreduce_processed_idx = len(self._grads_info)-1
return flush_bucket
def _do_allreduce(self, param_i, param_grads_size, param_offset, grad):
if self._last_step == False:
# # ----------------------
# # debugging: do all-reduce in the same stream
# print(self._last_step, self._grads_total, len(self._backward_grads_schedule), param_i, param_offset, param_grads_size, grad.size(), grad.numel(), grad.dtype)
# self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size].copy_(grad.view(-1))
# self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size].div_(self.args.distributed_world_size)
# torch.distributed.all_reduce(self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size])
# # ----------------------
# # ----------------------
# # option #1: send per-layer gradients
# torch.div(grad.view(-1), self.args.distributed_world_size, out=self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size])
# orig_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream()
# self._reduction_stream.wait_stream(orig_stream)
# with
# torch.distributed.all_reduce(self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size])
# # ----------------------
# ----------------------
# option #2: bucket all-reduce based on threshold
torch.div(grad.view(-1), self.args.distributed_world_size, out=self._flat_grads_parallel[param_offset:param_offset+param_grads_size])
flush_bucket = self._get_flush_bucket()
if flush_bucket:
start = flush_bucket[0]
end = flush_bucket[1]
# print("->", start, end)
if self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt_correctness_check and not self._all_grads_generated:
orig_stream = torch.cuda.current_stream()
if self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt_correctness_check:
self._num_grads_generated += 1
if self._num_grads_generated == len(self._grads_info):
self._all_grads_generated = True
# ----------------------
def _build_optimizer(self):
# create FP32 copy of parameters and grads
params = [p for p in self.model.parameters() if p.requires_grad]
total_param_size = sum( for p in params)
self.fp32_params = params[0].new(0).float().new(total_param_size)
offset = 0
for p in params:
numel =
offset += numel
self.fp32_params = torch.nn.Parameter(self.fp32_params)
#self.fp32_params.grad =
# create optimizer using the copied FP32 params
self._optimizer = optim.build_optimizer(self.args, [self.fp32_params])
self.lr_scheduler = lr_scheduler.build_lr_scheduler(self.args, self.optimizer)
def save_checkpoint(self, filename, extra_state):
"""Save all training state in a checkpoint file."""
extra_state['loss_scale'] = self.scaler.loss_scale
super().save_checkpoint(filename, extra_state)
def load_checkpoint(self, filename):
"""Load all training state from a checkpoint file."""
extra_state = super().load_checkpoint(filename)
if extra_state is not None and 'loss_scale' in extra_state:
self.scaler.loss_scale = extra_state['loss_scale']
return extra_state
def zero_grad(self):
# zero both the FP16 and FP32 grads
# self.model.zero_grad() # FP16
# self.optimizer.zero_grad() # FP32
# r"""Clears the gradients of all optimized :class:`torch.Tensor` s."""
for p in self.model.parameters():
p.grad = None
def _backward(self, loss):
if loss is not None:
# dynamically rescale loss to stay in FP16 range
loss = loss * self.scaler.loss_scale
return super()._backward(loss)
def _all_reduce_and_rescale(self, grad_denom, has_grad = True, ooms = 0):
# undo effect of dynamic loss scaling on gradients
self.grad_denom = grad_denom * self.scaler.loss_scale
if self.args.distributed_world_size > 1:
self.grad_denom /= self.args.distributed_world_size - ooms
if not self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt or self._last_step:
# flatten grads into a single buffer
self._flat_grads = self._get_flat_grads(out=None, has_grad = has_grad)
# scale gradients to avoid overflow in all-reduce
# all-reduce flat grads
self._flat_grads = self._flat_grads_parallel
if self.args.enable_parallel_backward_allred_opt_correctness_check:
# # ----------------------
# # option #1: send per-layer gradients
# grads = self._get_grads()
# offset = 0
# for g in grads:
# numel = g.numel()
# out = grads[0].new(numel).zero_()
# out.copy_(g.view(-1))
# out.div_(self.args.distributed_world_size)
# torch.distributed.all_reduce(out)
# is_parallel_grads_finite = torch.all(torch.isfinite(self._flat_grads_parallel[offset:offset+numel]))
# is_out_finite = torch.all(torch.isfinite(out))
# assert(is_out_finite == is_parallel_grads_finite)
# if not is_out_finite:
# print("| OVERLAP-CHECK: check inf/nan detected. this batch should be skipped")
# else:
# if not torch.all(torch.eq(out, self._flat_grads_parallel[offset:offset+numel])):
# print(out[0:10], self._flat_grads_parallel[offset:offset+10])
# # for i,_ in enumerate(out):
# # if out[i] != self._flat_grads_parallel[i]:
# # print(i,out[i],self._flat_grads_parallel[i])
# raise RuntimeError('w-gradients received in parallel vs. end differ')
# offset += numel
# # ----------------------
# ----------------------
# option #2: bucket all-reduce based on threshold
# print(self._allreduce_schedule)
out = self._get_flat_grads()
grads_size = 0
for s in self._allreduce_schedule:
start = s[0]
end = s[1]
assert(end > start)
grads_size += (end - start)
is_parallel_grads_finite = torch.all(torch.isfinite(self._flat_grads_parallel[start:end]))
is_out_finite = torch.all(torch.isfinite(out[start:end]))
assert(is_out_finite == is_parallel_grads_finite)
if not is_out_finite:
print("| OVERLAP-CHECK: check inf/nan detected. this batch should be skipped")
if not torch.all(torch.eq(out[start:end], self._flat_grads_parallel[start:end])):
print(start, end, out[start:end], self._flat_grads_parallel[start:end])
raise RuntimeError('w-gradients received in parallel vs. end differ')
assert(grads_size == len(self._flat_grads_parallel))
# ----------------------
# flatten grads into a single buffer
self._flat_grads = self._get_flat_grads(out=None, has_grad = has_grad)
# rescale and clip grads
grad_norm = fused_norm(self._flat_grads)
# detect overflow and adjust loss scale
overflow = DynamicLossScaler.has_overflow(grad_norm)
if overflow:
if self.scaler.loss_scale <= self.args.min_loss_scale:
raise Exception((
'Minimum loss scale reached ({}). Your loss is probably exploding. '
'Try lowering the learning rate, using gradient clipping or '
'increasing the batch size.'
raise OverflowError('setting loss scale to: ' + str(self.scaler.loss_scale))
return grad_norm
def _opt(self):
# take an optimization step using the FP32 params and grads
new_params = self._flat_grads.new_empty(self._flat_grads.size())
self.optimizer.optimizer.step(closure=None, grads=[self._flat_grads], output_params=[new_params], scale=self.grad_denom)
self._num_updates += 1
# update learning rate
# copy FP32 params back into FP16 model
offset = 0
for p in self.model.parameters():
if not p.requires_grad:
numel =[offset:offset+numel].view_as(
offset += numel