2016-04-05 19:40:59 -07:00

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PowerShell/PowerShell utilizes dotnet cli project model. Source code for a library (executable) is located under src/<library-name>. I.e. System.Management.Automation.dll sources are located under src/System.Management.Automation

In the windows source tree, this files located differently. That's why we have mapping.json in the root of PowerShell/PowerShell repo. This file is a simple json hashtable that describes mapping between files in source depot and GitHub.

Keys are relative file paths from src\monad submodule (that has the same layout as admin sd enlistment). Values are relative file paths in PowerShell/PowerShell GitHub project.

Note: this "src\monad" prefix appears in keys for historical reasons. We used to have a submodule at this path. If you replace this src\monad with path to the admin enlistment, you will get the mapping to source depot.


Our dev module contains a number of functions to work that can be used to work with this mapping file.

  • Copy-SubmoduleFiles -- is used for "sd -> github" integration
  • New-MappingFile -- was used to create the first version on mapping.json
  • Send-GitDiffToSd -- the most interesting function for us: it applies patch from git to admin enslistment with respect to mapping.json. It supports -WhatIf switch.
> Send-GitDiffToSd -diffArg1 45555786714d656bd31cbce67dbccb89c433b9cb -diffArg2 45555786714d656bd31cbce67dbccb89c433b9cb~1 -pathToAdmin d:\e\ps_dev\admin 
> cd d:\e\ps_dev\admin
> sd online ...
> # move files to new change list (i.e. with sdb)
> sd submit -c <n>

Updating mapping.json

If you are bringing new (that are not yet included) files from source-depot, you need to update mapping.json to include them. This way, we can keep track of changes and have ability to integrate changes back to Source Depot. We will use term integrate for that kind of new files.

  • Make a separate commit with update for mapping.json. Separate commit will help to manage this change in other branches.

  • You can use Copy-SubmoduleFiles function to copy files on disk.

  • Make a separate commit for integrated files. Use --author="PowerShell Team <PowerShellTeam@hotmail.com>" switch to indicate that it's a collective work.

git commit --author="PowerShell Team <PowerShellTeam@hotmail.com>"

Use this approach for test files as well. You can add them under test directory and include in CI test run, but keep the notion of integration in mapping.json.