Andrew Schwartzmeyer 4960e6e39c Refactor submodule documentation
Moved notes on submodules out of contributing guidelines and into
`docs/git/submodules.md` as most developers will touch them infrequently
2016-04-07 13:56:20 -07:00

44 lines
1.6 KiB

While most developers will not have to deal with submodules on a
regular basis, those who do should read this information. The
submodules currently in this project are:
- `src/Modules/Pester`: The Pester testing framework for PowerShell
- `src/libpsl-native/test/googletest`: The GoogleTest framework for
Linux native code
- `src/windows-build`: Collection of pre-generated artifacts required
until .NET CLI deprecates them (C# resource bindings) and NuGet
packages that will soon be moved to a MyGet feed
- `src/omi`: The Open Management Infrastructure project for PSRP on
Linux (to be removed)
- `src/omi-provider`: The OMI provider for PSRP on Linux (to be
[submodules]: https://www.git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules
Rebase and Fast-Forward Merge Pull Requests in Submodules
*This is not necessary in the superproject, only submodules!*
**DO NOT** commit updates unless absolutely necessary. When submodules
must be updated, a separate Pull Request must be submitted, reviewed,
and merged before updating the superproject.
Because GitHub's "Merge Pull Request" button merges with `--no-ff`, an
extra merge commit will always be created. This is especially annoying
when trying to commit updates to submodules. Therefore our policy is
to merge using the Git CLI after approval, with a rebase onto master
to enable a fast-forward merge.
When committing submodule updates, ensure no other changes are in the
same commit. Submodule bumps may be included in feature branches for
ease of work, but the update must be independently approved before
merging into master.