Darwin 53e6ec6ead install-powershell.sh filter prereleases (when available), params documentation (#6849)
Fixed #6815 by adding -allowprereleases parameter
Fixed #6405 by adding -allowprereleases parameter
Added parameters to documentation
Ready for prerelease repositories if Microsoft starts providing them
Added -skip-sudo-check for all distros
Fixed -interactivetesting should do nothing if -includeide was not used
2018-06-25 11:44:42 -07:00

2.5 KiB


Features of install-powershell.sh

  • can be called directly from git
  • optionally installs vs code and vs powershell extension (aka PowerShell IDE) using optional -includeide switch
  • defaults to completely automated operation (if appropriate permissions are available)
  • automatically looks up latest version via git tags
  • automatic selection of appropriate install sub-script
  • configures software installs for repositories when repositories are in place, otherwise pulls files from git releases. As repository versions are made available, script will be updated to take advantage.
  • user permission checking
  • sub-installers called from local file system if they exist, otherwise pulled from git
  • sub-installers can be called directly if auto-selection is not needed

Minimum Requirements for install-powershell.sh

  • bash shell
  • sed
  • native package manager available
  • curl (auto-installed if missing)


  • -includeide - installs vscode and vscode powershell extension (only relevant to machines with desktop environment)
  • -interactivetesting - do a quick launch test of vscode - only relevant when used with -includeide
  • -skip-sudo-check - use sudo without verifying it's availability (hard to accurately do on some distros)
  • -allowprerelease - includes prereleases of powershell core when selection allows this. Repository based installs take the latest on the repo url regardless of this switch.


Direct from Github

bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/master/tools/install-powershell.sh) <ARGUMENTS>

wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/master/tools/install-powershell.sh | bash -s <ARGUMENTS>

Local Copy

bash install-powershell.sh <ARGUMENTS>


Only Install PowerShell Core

bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/master/tools/install-powershell.sh)

Install PowerShell Core with IDE

bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/master/tools/install-powershell.sh) -includeide

Install PowerShell Core with IDE and do tests that require a human to interact with the installation process

bash <(wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/master/tools/install-powershell.sh) -includeide -interactivetesting

Installation To do list

  • Detect and wait when package manager is busy/locked? - at least Ubuntu (CentOS does this internally)