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## Micro Benchmarks
This folder contains micro benchmarks that test the performance of PowerShell Engine.
### Requirement
1. A good suite of benchmarks
Something that measures only the thing that we are interested in and _produces accurate, stable and repeatable results_.
2. A set of machine with the same configurations.
3. Automation for regression detection.
### Design Decision
1. This project is internal visible to `System.Management.Automation`.
We want to be able to target some internal APIs to get measurements on specific scoped scenarios,
such as measuring the time to compile AST to a delegate by the compiler.
2. This project makes `ProjectReference` to other PowerShell assemblies.
This makes it easy to run benchmarks with the changes made in the codebase.
To run benchmarks with a specific version of PowerShell,
just replace the `ProjectReference` with a `PackageReference` to the `Microsoft.PowerShell.SDK` NuGet package of the corresponding version.
### Quick Start
You can run the benchmarks directly using `dotnet run` in this directory:
1. To run the benchmarks in Interactive Mode, where you will be asked which benchmark(s) to run:
dotnet run -c release
2. To list all available benchmarks ([read more](https://github.com/dotnet/performance/blob/main/docs/benchmarkdotnet.md#Listing-the-Benchmarks)):
dotnet run -c release --list [flat/tree]
3. To filter the benchmarks using a glob pattern applied to `namespace.typeName.methodName` ([read more](https://github.com/dotnet/performance/blob/main/docs/benchmarkdotnet.md#Filtering-the-Benchmarks)]):
dotnet run -c Release -f net6.0 --filter *script* --list flat
4. To profile the benchmarked code and produce an ETW Trace file ([read more](https://github.com/dotnet/performance/blob/main/docs/benchmarkdotnet.md#Profiling))
dotnet run -c Release -f net6.0 --filter *script* --profiler ETW
You can also use the function `Start-Benchmarking` from the module [`perf.psm1`](../perf.psm1) to run the benchmarks:
Start-Benchmarking [[-TargetPSVersion] <string>] [[-List] <string>] [[-Filter] <string[]>] [[-Artifacts] <string>] [-KeepFiles] [<CommonParameters>]
Run `Get-Help Start-Benchmarking -Full` to see the description of each parameter.
### Regression Detection
We use the tool [`ResultsComparer`](../dotnet-tools/ResultsComparer) to compare the provided benchmark results.
See the [README.md](../dotnet-tools/ResultsComparer/README.md) for `ResultsComparer` for more details.
The module `perf.psm1` also provides `Compare-BenchmarkResult` that wraps `ResultsComparer`.
Here is an example of using it:
## Run benchmarks targeting the current code base
PS:1> Start-Benchmarking -Filter *script* -Artifacts C:\arena\tmp\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\current\
## Run benchmarks targeting the 7.1.3 version of PS package
PS:2> Start-Benchmarking -Filter *script* -Artifacts C:\arena\tmp\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\7.1.3 -TargetPSVersion 7.1.3
## Compare the results using 5% threshold
PS:3> Compare-BenchmarkResult -BaseResultPath C:\arena\tmp\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\7.1.3\ -DiffResultPath C:\arena\tmp\BenchmarkDotNet.Artifacts\current\ -Threshold 1%
better: 4, geomean: 1.057
total diff: 4
No Slower results for the provided threshold = 1% and noise filter = 0.3ns.
| Faster | base/diff | Base Median (ns) | Diff Median (ns) | Modality|
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------:| ----------------:| ----------------:| --------:|
| Engine.Scripting.InvokeMethod(Script: "$fs=New-Object -ComObject scripting.files | 1.07 | 50635.77 | 47116.42 | |
| Engine.Scripting.InvokeMethod(Script: "$sh=New-Object -ComObject Shell.Applicati | 1.07 | 1063085.23 | 991602.08 | |
| Engine.Scripting.InvokeMethod(Script: "'String'.GetType()") | 1.06 | 1329.93 | 1252.51 | |
| Engine.Scripting.InvokeMethod(Script: "[System.IO.Path]::HasExtension('')") | 1.02 | 1322.04 | 1297.72 | |
No file given
## References
- [Getting started with BenchmarkDotNet](https://benchmarkdotnet.org/articles/guides/getting-started.html)
- [Micro-benchmark Design Guidelines](https://github.com/dotnet/performance/blob/main/docs/microbenchmark-design-guidelines.md)
- [Adam SITNIK: Powerful benchmarking in .NET](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdcrSG4tOLI&t=351s)