2019-03-05 12:45:46 -08:00

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Code coverage analysis for commit de5f69c

Code coverage runs are enabled on daily Windows builds for PowerShell Core 6. The results of the latest build are available at codecov.io

The goal of this analysis is to find the hot spots of missing coverage. The metrics used for selection of these hot spots were: # missing lines and likelihood of code path usage.

Coverage Status

The following table shows the status for the above commit, dated 2018-11-28

Assembly Hit %
Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimCmdlets 48.18%
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics 47.58%
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management 61.06%
Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility 70.76%
Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost 46.39%
Microsoft.PowerShell.CoreCLR.Eventing 37.84%
Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender 70.68%
Microsoft.PowerShell.Security 49.36%
Microsoft.WSMan.Management 62.36%
System.Management.Automation 63.35%
Microsoft.WSMan.Runtime/WSManSessionOption.cs 100.00%
powershell/Program.cs 100.00%

Hot Spots with missing coverage


  • Add tests for *-Item cmdlets. Especially for literal paths and error cases. #4148
  • Lots of resource strings not covered. Will probably get covered when coverage is added for error cases. #4148


  • Add tests for Debug-Runspace #4153


  • Various options, DebugHandler and hosting modes like server, namedpipe etc. #4155


  • Add tests for ETW events. #4156


  • Add tests for *-Acl cmdlets. #4157
  • Add tests for *-AuthenticodeSignature cmdlets. #4157
  • Add coverage to various utility methods under src/Microsoft.PowerShell.Security/security/Utils.cs #4157


  • Add tests for WSMan provider #4158
  • Add tests for WSMan cmdlets #4158
  • Add tests for CredSSP #4158



  • Lots of non-windows code can be ifdef'ed out. #3565


  • Add tests for Tab Completion of various types of input. #4160
  • Add tests for debugging PS Jobs. #4153
  • Remove Snapin code from CommandDiscovery. #4118
  • Add tests SessionStateItem, SessionStateContainer error cases, dynamic parameters. Coverage possibly added by *-Item, *-ChildItem error case tests. #4148
  • Add more tests using PSCredential #4165


  • Can PSProxyJobs be removed as it is for Workflows?
  • Add more tests for PS Jobs. #4166
  • Add more tests using -ThrottleLimit #4166
  • Add tests for Register-PSSessionConfiguration #4166
  • Add tests for Connect/Disconnect session #4166
  • Add more tests for Start-Job's various options #4166


  • Add more tests under various ExecutionPolicy modes. #4168


  • Add more error case test to improve coverage of src/System.Management.Automation/utils #4169


  • Add tests for Mapped Network Drive #4148
  • Add tests for *-Item alternate stream #4148
  • Add tests for Get-ChildItem -path "file" #4148
  • Add tests for Rename-Item for a directory #4148
  • Add tests for Copy-Item over remote session #4148
  • Add tests for various error conditions #4148
  • Add tests for *-Item #4148
  • Add tests for *-Acl #4157
  • Add tests for error conditions #4148