2016-03-30 21:33:57 -07:00

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Build Status

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Ubuntu 14.04 Build Status
Windows Build status

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Obtain the source code

Setup Git

Install Git, the version control system.

See the Contributing Guidelines for more Git information, such as our installation instructions, contributing rules, and Git best practices.

Download source code

Clone this repository. It is a "superproject" and has a number of other repositories embedded within it as submodules. Please see the contributing guidelines and learn about submodules.

git clone https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell.git
cd PowerShell


The command dotnet restore must be done at least once from the top directory to obtain all the necessary .NET packages.

Start-PSBuild from module ./PowerShellGitHubDev.psm1 on Windows and Linux / OS X, if you are self-hosting PowerShell.

Tip: use Start-PSBuild -Verbose switch to see more information about build process.

If you encounter any problems, see the known issues, otherwise open a new issue on GitHub.


To enable debugging on Linux, follow the installation instructions for Experimental .NET Core Debugging in VS Code. You will also want to review their detailed instructions.

VS Code will place a .vscode directory in the PowerShell folder. This contains the launch.json file, which you will customize using the instructions below. You will also be prompted to create a tasks.json file.

Currently, debugging supports attaching to a currently running powershell process. Assuming you've created a launch.json file correctly, within the "configuration" section, use the below settings:

"configurations": [
        "name": "powershell",
        "type": "coreclr",
        "request": "attach",
        "processName": "powershell"

VS Code will now attach to a running powershell process. Start powershell, then (in VS Code) press F5 to begin the debugger.

PowerShell Remoting Protocol

PSRP communication is tunneled through OMI using the omi-provider.

PSRP has been observed working on OS X, but the changes made to OMI to accomplish this are not even beta-ready and need to be done correctly. They exist on the andschwa-osx branch of the OMI repository.

PSRP support is not built automatically. See the detailed notes on how to enable it.


Some initial setup on Windows is required. Open an administrative command prompt and execute the following:

winrm set winrm/config/Client @{AllowUnencrypted="true"}
winrm set winrm/config/Client @{TrustedHosts="*"}

You can also set the TrustedHosts to include the target's IP address.

Then on Linux, launch omiserver in the debugger (after building with the instructions above):


The run command is executed inside of LLDB (the debugger) to start the omiserver process.

Now in a PowerShell prompt on Windows (opened after setting the WinRM client configurations):

Enter-PSSession -ComputerName <IP address of Linux machine> -Credential $cred -Authentication basic

The $cred variable can be empty; a credentials prompt will appear, enter any fake credentials you wish as authentication is not yet implemented.

The IP address of the Linux machine can be obtained with:

ip -f inet addr show dev eth0

Detailed Build Script Notes

This sections explains the build scripts.

The variable $BIN is the output directory, bin.



PSRP support is not built by ./build.sh

To develop on the PowerShell Remoting Protocol (PSRP) for Linux, you'll need to be able to compile OMI, which additionally requires:

sudo apt-get install libpam0g-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-filesystem-dev

Note that the OMI build steps can be done with ./omibuild.sh.

Build OMI from source in developer mode:

cd src/omi/Unix
./configure --dev
make -j


The provider uses CMake to build, link, and register with OMI.

cd src/omi-provider
cmake .
make -j

The provider also maintains its own native host library to initialize the CLR, but there are plans to refactor .NET's packaged host as a shared library.

FullCLR PowerShell

Running from CI server

We publish an archive with FullCLR bits on every CI build with AppVeyor.

  • Download zip package from artifacts tab of the particular build.
  • Unblock zip file: right-click in file explorer -> properties -> check 'Unblock' checkbox -> apply
  • Extract zip file to $bin directory
  • Start-DevPSGithub -binDir $bin