2018-01-17 07:01:36 +04:00

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Breaking Changes for PowerShell 6.0

Features no longer available in PowerShell Core

PowerShell Workflow

PowerShell Workflow is a feature in Windows PowerShell that builds on top of Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) that enables the creation of robust runbooks for long-running or parallelized tasks.

Due to the lack of support for Windows Workflow Foundation in .NET Core, we will not continue to support PowerShell Workflow in PowerShell Core.

In the future, we would like to enable native parallelism/concurrency in the PowerShell language without the need for PowerShell Workflow.

Custom snap-ins

PowerShell snap-ins are a predecessor to PowerShell modules that do not have widespread adoption in the PowerShell community.

Due to the complexity of supporting snap-ins and their lack of usage in the community, we no longer support custom snap-ins in PowerShell Core.

Today, this breaks the ActiveDirectory and DnsClient modules in Windows and Windows Server.

WMI v1 cmdlets

Due to the complexity of supporting two sets of WMI-based modules, we removed the WMI v1 cmdlets from PowerShell Core:

  • Get-WmiObject
  • Invoke-WmiMethod
  • Register-WmiEvent
  • Set-WmiInstance

Instead, we recommend that you the use the CIM (aka WMI v2) cmdlets which provide the same functionality with new functionality and a redesigned syntax:

  • Get-CimAssociatedInstance
  • Get-CimClass
  • Get-CimInstance
  • Get-CimSession
  • Invoke-CimMethod
  • New-CimInstance
  • New-CimSession
  • New-CimSessionOption
  • Register-CimIndicationEvent
  • Remove-CimInstance
  • Remove-CimSession
  • Set-CimInstance


Due to the use of unsupported APIs, Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts has been removed from PowerShell Core until a better solution is found.

*-Counter cmdlets

Due to the use of unsupported APIs, the *-Counter has been removed from PowerShell Core until a better solution is found.

Engine/language changes

Rename powershell.exe to pwsh.exe #5101

In order to give users a deterministic way to call PowerShell Core on Windows (as opposed to Windows PowerShell), the PowerShell Core binary was changed to pwsh.exe on Windows and pwsh on non-Windows platforms.

The shortened name is also consistent with naming of shells on non-Windows platforms.

Don't insert line breaks to output (except for tables) #5193

Previously, output was aligned to the width of the console and line breaks were added at the end width of the console, meaning the output didn't get reformatted as expected if the terminal was resized. This change was not applied to tables, as the line breaks are necessary to keep the columns aligned.

Skip null-element check for collections with a value-type element type #5432

For the Mandatory parameter and ValidateNotNull and ValidateNotNullOrEmpty attributes, skip the null-element check if the collection's element type is value type.

Change $OutputEncoding to use UTF-8 NoBOM encoding rather than ASCII #5369

The previous encoding, ASCII (7-bit), would result in incorrect alteration of the output in some cases. This change is to make UTF-8 NoBOM default, which preserves Unicode output with an encoding supported by most tools and operating systems.

Remove AllScope from most default aliases #5268

To speed up scope creation, AllScope was removed from most default aliases. AllScope was left for a few frequently used aliases where the lookup was faster.

-Verbose and -Debug no longer overrides $ErrorActionPreference #5113

Previously, if -Verbose or -Debug were specified, it overrode the behavior of $ErrorActionPreference. With this change, -Verbose and -Debug no longer affect the behavior of $ErrorActionPreference.

Cmdlet changes

Invoke-RestMethod doesn't return useful info when no data is returned. #5320

When an API returns just null, Invoke-RestMethod was serializing this as the string "null" instead of $null. This change fixes the logic in Invoke-RestMethod to properly serialize a valid single value JSON null literal as $null.

Remove -ComputerName from *-Computer cmdlets #5277

Due to issues with RPC remoting in CoreFX (particularly on non-Windows platforms) and ensuring a consistent remoting experience in PowerShell, the -ComputerName parameter was removed from the \*-Computer cmdlets. Use Invoke-Command instead as the way to execute cmdlets remotely.

Remove -ComputerName from *-Service cmdlets #5090

In order to encourage the consistent use of PSRP, the -ComputerName parameter was removed from *-Service cmdlets.

Fix Get-Item -LiteralPath a*b if a*b doesn't actually exist to return error #5197

Previously, -LiteralPath given a wildcard would treat it the same as -Path and if the wildcard found no files, it would silently exit. Correct behavior should be that -LiteralPath is literal so if the file doesn't exist, it should error. Change is to treat wildcards used with -Literal as literal.

Import-Csv should apply PSTypeNames upon import when type information is present in the CSV #5134

Previously, objects exported using Export-CSV with TypeInformation imported with ConvertFrom-Csv were not retaining the type information. This change adds the type information to PSTypeNames member if available from the CSV file.

-NoTypeInformation should be default on Export-Csv #5131

This change was made to address customer feedback on the default behavior of Export-CSV to include type information.

Previously, the cmdlet would output a comment as the first line containing the type name of the object. The change is to suppress this by default as it's not understood by most tools. Use -IncludeTypeInformation to retain the previous behavior.

Web Cmdlets should warn when -Credential is sent over unencrypted connections #5112

When using HTTP, content including passwords are sent as clear-text. This change is to not allow this by default and return an error if credentials are being passed in an insecure manner. Users can bypass this by using the -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication switch.

API changes

Remove AddTypeCommandBase class #5407

The AddTypeCommandBase class was removed from Add-Type to improve performance. This class is only used by the Add-Type cmdlet and should not impact users.

Unify cmdlets with parameter -Encoding to be of type System.Text.Encoding #5080

The -Encoding value Byte has been removed from the filesystem provider cmdlets. A new parameter, -AsByteStream, is now used to specify that a byte stream is required as input or that the output is a stream of bytes.

Add better error message for empty and null -UFormat parameter #5055

Previously, when passing an empty format string to -UFormat, an unhelpful error message would appear. A more descriptive error has been added.

Clean up console code #4995

The following features were removed as they are not supported in PowerShell Core, and there are no plans to add support as they exist for legacy reasons for Windows PowerShell: -psconsolefile switch and code, -importsystemmodules switch and code, and font changing code.

Removed RunspaceConfiguration support #4942

Previously, when creating a PowerShell runspace programmatically using the API you could use the legacy RunspaceConfiguration or the newer InitialSessionState. This change removed support for RunspaceConfiguration and only supports InitialSessionState.

CommandInvocationIntrinsics.InvokeScript bind arguments to $input instead of $args #4923

An incorrect position of a parameter resulted in the args passed as input instead of as args.

Remove unsupported -showwindow switch from Get-Help #4903

-showwindow relies on WPF, which is not supported on CoreCLR.

Allow * to be used in registry path for Remove-Item #4866

Previously, -LiteralPath given a wildcard would treat it the same as -Path and if the wildcard found no files, it would silently exit. Correct behavior should be that -LiteralPath is literal so if the file doesn't exist, it should error. Change is to treat wildcards used with -Literal as literal.

Fix Set-Service failing test #4802

Previously, if New-Service -StartupType foo was used, foo was ignored and the service was created with some default startup type. This change is to explicitly throw an error for an invalid startup type.

Rename $IsOSX to $IsMacOS #4700

The naming in PowerShell should be consistent with our naming and conform to Apple's use of macOS instead of OSX. However, for readability and consistently we are staying with Pascal casing.

Make error message consistent when invalid script is passed to -File, better error when passed ambiguous argument #4573

Change the exit codes of pwsh.exe to align with Unix conventions

Removal of LocalAccount and cmdlets from Diagnostics modules. #4302 #4303

Due to unsupported APIs, the LocalAccounts module and the Counter cmdlets in the Diagnostics module were removed until a better solution is found.

Executing powershell script with bool parameter does not work #4036

Previously, using powershell.exe (now pwsh.exe) to execute a PowerShell script using -File provided no way to pass $true/$false as parameter values. Support for $true/$false as parsed values to parameters was added. Switch values are also supported as currently documented syntax doesn't work.

Remove ClrVersion property from $PSVersionTable #4027

The ClrVersion property of $PSVersionTable is not useful with CoreCLR, end users should not be using that value to determine compatibility.

Change positional parameter for powershell.exe from -Command to -File #4019

Enable shebang use of PowerShell on non-Windows platforms. This means on Unix based systems, you can make a script executable that would invoke PowerShell automatically rather than explicitly invoking pwsh. This also means that you can now do things like powershell foo.ps1 or powershell fooScript without specifying -File. However, this change now requires that you explicitly specify -c or -Command when trying to do things like powershell.exe Get-Command.

Implement Unicode escape parsing #3958

`u#### or `u{####} is converted to the corresponding Unicode character. To output a literal `u, escape the backtick: ``u.

Change New-ModuleManifest encoding to UTF8NoBOM on non-Windows platforms #3940

Previously, New-ModuleManifest creates psd1 manifests in UTF-16 with BOM, creating a problem for Linux tools. This breaking change changes the encoding of New-ModuleManifest to be UTF (no BOM) in non-Windows platforms.

This change brings Get-ChildItem more in line with the Unix ls -r and the Windows dir /s native commands. Like the mentioned commands, the cmdlet displays symbolic links to directories found during recursion, but does not recurse into them.

Fix Get-Content -Delimiter to not include the delimiter in the returned lines #3706

Previously, the output while using Get-Content -Delimiter was inconsistent and inconvenient as it required further processing of the data to remove the delimiter. This change removes the delimiter in returned lines.

Implement Format-Hex in C# #3320

The -Raw parameter is now a "no-op" (in that it does nothing). Going forward all of the output will be displayed with a true representation of numbers that includes all of the bytes for its type (what the -Raw parameter was formally doing prior to this change).

PowerShell as a default shell doesn't work with script command #3319

On Unix, it is a convention for shells to accept -i for an interactive shell and many tools expect this behavior (script for example, and when setting PowerShell as the default shell) and calls the shell with the -i switch. This change is breaking in that -i previously could be used as short hand to match -inputformat, which now needs to be -in.

Typo fix in Get-ComputerInfo property name #3167

BiosSerialNumber was misspelled as BiosSeralNumber and has been changed to the correct spelling.

Add Get-StringHash and Get-FileHash cmdlets #3024

This change is that some hash algorithms are not supported by CoreFX, therefore they are no longer available:

  • MACTripleDES
  • RIPEMD160

Add validation on Get-* cmdlets where passing $null returns all objects instead of error #2672

Passing $null to any of the following now throws an error:

  • Get-Credential -UserName
  • Get-Event -SourceIdentifier
  • Get-EventSubscriber -SourceIdentifier
  • Get-Help -Name
  • Get-PSBreakpoint -Script
  • Get-PSProvider -PSProvider
  • Get-PSSessionConfiguration -Name
  • Get-PSSnapin -Name
  • Get-Runspace -Name
  • Get-RunspaceDebug -RunspaceName
  • Get-Service -Name
  • Get-TraceSource -Name
  • Get-Variable -Name
  • Get-WmiObject -Class
  • Get-WmiObject -Property

Add support W3C Extended Log File Format in Import-Csv #2482

Previously, the Import-Csv cmdlet cannot be used to directly import the log files in W3C extended log format and additional action would be required. With this change, W3C extended log format is supported.

Parameter binding problem with ValueFromRemainingArguments in PS functions #2035

ValueFromRemainingArguments now returns the values as an array instead of a single value which itself is an array.

BuildVersion is removed from $PSVersionTable #1415

Remove the BuildVersion property from $PSVersionTable. This property was tied to the Windows build version. Instead, we recommend that you use GitCommitId to retrieve the exact build version of PowerShell Core.

Changes to Web Cmdlets

The underlying .NET API of the Web Cmdlets has been changed to System.Net.Http.HttpClient. This change provides many benefits. However, this change along with a lack of interoperability with Internet Explorer have resulted in several breaking changes within Invoke-WebRequest and Invoke-RestMethod.

  • Invoke-WebRequest now supports basic HTML Parsing only. Invoke-WebRequest always returns a BasicHtmlWebResponseObject object. The ParsedHtml and Forms properties have been removed.
  • BasicHtmlWebResponseObject.Headers values are now String[] instead of String.
  • BasicHtmlWebResponseObject.BaseResponse is now a System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage object.
  • The Response property on Web Cmdlet exceptions is now a System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage object.
  • Strict RFC header parsing is now default for the -Headers and -UserAgent parameter. This can be bypassed with -SkipHeaderValidation.
  • file:// and ftp:// URI schemes are no longer supported.
  • System.Net.ServicePointManager settings are no longer honored.
  • There is currently no certificate based authentication available on macOS.
  • Use of -Credential over an http:// URI will result in an error. Use an https:// URI or supply the -AllowUnencryptedAuthentication parameter to suppress the error.