Mark Kraus f41461825a Replace httpbin.org/get tests With WebListener (#4738)
* Adds the /Get/ functionality to Weblistener
* Replaces the tests that rely on httpbin.org/get with WebListener

* [Feature] Move HttpBin/Get Tests to WebListener

* [Feature] update .spelling

* [Feature] Address PR Feedback

* [Feature] Add and document Home & /

* Readme Update

* [Feature] Should Match -> Should Be

Rerun CI

* [Feature] Rebase and Rerun CI
2017-09-08 07:53:04 +04:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

# WebListener App
ASP.NET Core 2.0 app for testing HTTP and HTTPS Requests.
# Run with `dotnet`
dotnet restore
dotnet publish --output bin --configuration Release
cd bin
dotnet WebListener.dll ServerCert.pfx password 8083 8084
The test site can then be accessed via `http://localhost:8083/` or `https://localhost:8084/`.
The `WebListener.dll` takes 4 arguments:
* The path to the Server Certificate
* The Server Certificate Password
* The TCP Port to bind on for HTTP
* The TCP Port to bind on for HTTPS
# Run With WebListener Module
Import-Module .\build.psm1
$Listener = Start-WebListener -HttpPort 8083 -HttpsPort 8084
# Tests
## / or /Home/
Returns a static HTML page containing links and descriptions of the available tests in WebListener. This can be used as a default or general test where no specific test functionality or return data is required.
## /Cert/
Returns a JSON object containing the details of the Client Certificate if one is provided in the request.
Response when certificate is provided in request:
"Status": "OK",
"IssuerName": "E=randd@adatum.com, CN=adatum.com, OU=R&D, O=A. Datum Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US",
"SubjectName": "E=randd@adatum.com, CN=adatum.com, OU=R&D, O=A. Datum Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US",
"NotAfter": "2044-12-26T12:16:46-06:00",
"Issuer": "E=randd@adatum.com, CN=adatum.com, OU=R&D, O=A. Datum Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US",
"Subject": "E=randd@adatum.com, CN=adatum.com, OU=R&D, O=A. Datum Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US",
"NotBefore": "2017-08-10T13:16:46-05:00",
"Thumbprint": "2DECF1348FF21B780F45D316A039B5EB4C6312F7"
Response when certificate is not provided in request:
"Status": "FAILED"
## /Get/
Returns a JSON object containing the Request URL, Request Headers, GET Query Fields and Values, and Origin IP. This emulates the functionality of [HttpBin's get test](https://httpbin.org/get).
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri 'http://localhost:8083/Get/' -Body @{TestField = 'TestValue'}
"url": "http://localhost:8083/Get/?TestField=TestValue",
"args": {
"TestField": "TestValue"
"headers": {
"Connection": "Keep-Alive",
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT; Microsoft Windows 10.0.15063 ; en-US) WindowsPowerShell/6.0.0",
"Host": "localhost:8083"
"origin": ""