yuyoyuppe f385e46927
Devdocs reorganisation (#913)
* docs: split usage and dev docs

* # This is a combination of 2 commits.
# This is the 1st commit message:

docs: split usage and dev docs

# The commit message #2 will be skipped:

# fixup add docs

* docs: add runner documentation and move hooks documentation to devdocs

* docs: add stubs for modules technical description

* docs: add paragraph about event thread-safety

* docs: add 'Current modules' section header
2019-12-12 12:25:19 +03:00

933 B
Raw Blame History


Contains DLL boilerplate code.


Contains the module interface code. It initializes the settings values and the keyboard event listener.


Contains the code for loading the SVGs, creating and rendering of the overlay window.


Contains helper methods for checking the current state of the keyboard.


State machine that handles the keyboard events. Its responsible for deciding when to show the overlay, when to suppress the Start menu (if the overlay is displayed long enough), etc.


Contains code for telemetry.