2021-01-04 14:15:51 -08:00

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Bug Create a report to help us improve TypeScript

Bug Report

🔎 Search Terms

🕗 Version & Regression Information

  • This is a crash
  • This changed between versions ______ and _______
  • This is the behavior in every version I tried, and I reviewed the FAQ for entries about _________
  • I was unable to test this on prior versions because _______

Playground link with relevant code

💻 Code

// We can quickly address your report if:
//  - The code sample is short. Nearly all TypeScript bugs can be demonstrated in 20-30 lines of code!
//  - It doesn't use external libraries. These are often issues with the type definitions rather than TypeScript bugs.
//  - The incorrectness of the behavior is readily apparent from reading the sample.
// Reports are slower to investigate if:
//  - We have to pare too much extraneous code.
//  - We have to clone a large repo and validate that the problem isn't elsewhere.
//  - The sample is confusing or doesn't clearly demonstrate what's wrong.

🙁 Actual behavior

🙂 Expected behavior